Russians everywhere

I’m in Scotland, it plays fine for me if I disable damage meters and slightly reduce spell detail. Usually I get about 28fps. The servers are based in the Netherlands so if anything, the Russians by your theory, should have more lag than you…

M8, I don’t tell about fps, I tell about laggs. I try to cast something - it starts after 5 sec after button press. It is happen yesterday exactly vs Russian premade.

I have no idea why it is happen - maybe problem in synchronization mechanics or just Russian premade use some cheats for this (Yes, it was premade with 30 players from the same guild).

But sometimes it happen and vs random Russian teams.

While I don’t support all this rage against Russian here, I wouldn’t claim that I know where physical servers are.

While I don’t support all this rage against Russian here, I wouldn’t claim that I know where physical servers are.

  1. Blizzard support team for russian forums and russian servers working at their main office (and not in Russia).
  2. Blizzard doesn’t represented in Russia.
    So how do you think russian physical servers can be placed in russia? It sounds like nonsense.

Interesting. I’m curious. What is your latency?

I also experience lag when I join a EU vs EU epic clash. But it usually disappears after 1-2 mins (syncing issues?) or if you go away.

What is worse is the random lag in the chat box while I experience no lag in fights. Here I have tried up to 6 mins lag. I felt dumb the first time when I typed “gates down in next round” (from gunship) in IoC and that msg appeared in /i 6 min later after the gates was melted.

So you really think that you know the technical details about servers? Also, I’ve never said they are placed in Russia! And still, I wouldn’t claim I know where they are, at all!

Dunno how updated this list is. But scroll down to the bottom and you see the location of the russian servers. It says Amsterdam, Netherlands. :slight_smile:

If you play against Russians and if it lags, Russians experience the same and they hit you or heal other players with a delay. This happens because servers can’t handle a lot of players in a small area that casts all their spells and AOE at once.

Russians tend to stick together. They don’t go on their own in order to try 1 vs 10 PVP. And they listen to what other people write in the chat and they do what people say. If they don’t listen and they don’t do what people say they lose. And when you think that it’s a premade actually it’s not.

About lags. So, when you fight against Russians its almost always 40 Russian players vs ~25 EU players (rest are AFK or doing whatever they want). In comparison, EU vs EU is usually like 25 vs 25 because other people are just doing whatever they want (they don’t fight).

Thus, servers can’t handle big battles like 40 vs 25+ and it starts to lag. Do you want some proofs? Go on youtube and find Rextroy videos who do some fun wargames like 40 paladins vs 40 death knights or 40 druids vs 40 paladins. And you will see how it lags (spoiler: HELL lags) when there are too many players in a small area who casts their spells at once. This has nothing with the server location. Servers are just underpowered and can’t handle huge fights.

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The problem with Russian teams, or teams that use Cyrillic names in general, is that for a pug naming people for focus is impossible so often lynchpins go unnoticed.

Telling people to focus on the priest healer if they see him, is quite pointless if there are two ad they’re both male.

There’s an addon called Healers Have to Die (H.H.T.D.) that puts a red cross on a white background icon over whoever used a healing spell.

It’s far from perfect and at it gives a recourse against Cyrillic teams since you can see who healed.

You can check out bluepost up there, that clearly shows servers placed in Amsterdam. Or do you think Blizzard don’t know where their own servers located? Or do you think they lying? :slight_smile:

I’m always telling that to my group when I see messages poped like this “ohhhh nooooo… It iss again russian premade”. There is NO such thing like russian premade anymore, addon who was used for making groups bigger than 5+ men was banned. You russian players have one advantage tho, one language and you have connection and because of your unordinary language if you play on russian server you will be always put to 100% russian speaking group. Your enemy team tho dosent have to be a russian team but can be an EU mixed group (Denmark/Norway/Germany/France/Spain/Poland etc. all merged to one group). Since introduction of ingame voice you have huge advantage. If I remamber corectly at 1-2 years after introduction of dungeon finder/premade finder Russian region was merged to EU. Before that you was treat like separate region:NA, China, EU etc. But you are on specific terms. Due to your alphabet, your match making system dont allow to put players from russian server to EU teams. Thats a big fail from design point of view. I hope Activision Blizzard one day will listen us. I have two things in mind to solve this issue. One more hardcore second needs more programming from Activision blizzard devs. 1st advise (hardcore) Put again russian servers on full separate region terms. or merge russians with China for example. Second advise (more programming) make an option in premade finder so players can chose if they want be in a match making pull with russians, similar to option before BFA when you could chose to skip specific Battlegrounds. Russian players have unfair advantage which should be fixed by company. Sorry for my english, its not my native. I play on english speaking server tho because there is no servers with my language.

I’m not sure about placing both teams on russian bg instance but if you think about it Russians should have higher delay due to bigger distance if this is in Amsterdam always.

I have already explained to you how everything really is. Looks like you live in your fictional world. Okay i will explain again.

Russian servers from the very beginning were created in the European region, any European player could see them when he switched to any other servers (French, German) and play on these servers.

And I also explained this to you, but it seems that you need to explain more, maybe then you will understand.

Russia is not proportionally populated and the majority of the population of Russia lives in the European part of Russia.

This is the same as saying, let the European players play against the China or NA, it will be stupid because it will be too high ping.

What about the Germans and the French? Why does everyone forget them, but they always talk about Russian players?

Germans and French play same as Russian players, the French only play with the French, the Germans only with the Germans.

They also have an advantage!

And again. You can already see this union, for example, the Arena Skirmish, where Russian and European players play together.

We talk about regular arenas or skrimishes? It is true in skrimishes i can get russian player in team but I never get player from russian server in bg team. Only player with Cyryllic letters in nick from english/german/french etc. server.

hehe It changed my character randomly not on purpose. Pls dont tell me what to do. I see a problem and I want to talk about it. You have arguments thats ok. I can see I havent notice you answered on my earlier posts. Thanks for that. I can see I had wrong knowledge on part of what i wrote but not all. There are restrictions made specific for players from your region. I have no data about 100% german or french teams in Epic bgs from my point of view all servers execept russian servers are on one pool. And about that merge i mean group finder there was russian servers in Eu since the beginning but in earlier days of group finder (battlegrounds) Russian servers wast put against EU i’m almost certain of it serching for data about that now.

incredible randomness that you created another topic from another character with the same nonsense “4 EPIC BATTLEGROUNDS TODAY, 4 TIMES AGAINST RUSSIAN TEAMS, 4 LOSSES”.

Well, your point of view is not correct, the Germans play with the Germans, and the French with the French, and if you are more attentive, you will see them on the epic battlegrounds. ok we solved it i was wrong on that part but i was right about that you was treated as separate region at the early days of group finder. Maybe its a good way to go back to pre state of that change. I must create character now on not english server (german or french and check if i always join that language group)

why do even bother answer russian ppl, forget about them, the whole point of the post was that most of them just cheat exploit and find ways to breka the game, u even gonna argue with them? just ignore them.

Call the exorcist.