Russians everywhere

So many countries, does not it deserve separate region?:slight_smile:

You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Germans speaking countries except Germany are Austria , Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Luxembourg

French speaking countries except France are also Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg

So many countries, does not it deserve separate region?:slight_smile:

And by the way, compare the number of German French and Russian servers, you will be surprised because the number of German and French servers is several times higher than the number of Russian servers, then judging by your logic, the French and Germans definitely deserve a separate region.

The Battleground enemies addon solves this by converting cyrillic to western european charset. Quite handy imho.

Cheating ain’t region specific. It just draws more attention because it’s russians.
Nonetheless I’ve read GRU and FancyBear exploits forbidden wallclimbing in WSG. ^^


Are you aware that you are a cheater?

Look at your stats of Seething Shore.

14 games, 98 wins, win % - 700

But now seriously, these are just broken statistics from lazy developers.

Most players have the same incorrect stats.

Mmmm /me luv cheatz. :skull_and_crossbones:

I also miss my heroic and mythic progress in most raids in MoP etc. The stats on the character page ain’t that accurate. :slight_smile:

idk if those posts with 200 replies can prove points or not, or if they are ignored until closed or not, it feels pretty strange that there as been no new replies for 3-4 days now, specially since 2 days ago i had a whole day meeting only russians lol, i think ive played 1 game vs eu teams and 7 vs russians, and to my surprise we won 2 (we were 2man premade topping kills and dps, so not getting carried there)

wasnt it proved we use PEDS in the olympics

After more than 10 years of wow i won’t buy more gametime. I had enough. I’m sick of russians. Since months i hate log on, after the first 1-2 bgs i’m pressing alt+f4. Lag and bug and russians everywhere. This game was fun bck in the old times, now it sucks.

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im still saving Screenshots of russian games, someday ill make a huge post with all of them, because we all love stats over words x)

Doesn’t everyone in the olympics tho?

Everything besides AV is bearable but that is more due to AV, if you want to mess up their target priority become the target priority
I’ve had some BGS where I’m just constantly smackdab in the Middle of them, harassing casters and healers as a tank, most swarm me and if our healers are noticing this its often a case of tossing all AoE where I stand and watch death claim their team
You need to be a tank for this with good healers and having no CDs up this means certain death so its often a one trick pony best used at the start but it can help you secure that vital first contact

I dont understand it lol.
I play against russians all the time and they are not as problematic as you think. It is clearly a l2p issue.


I also don’t mind playing vs russians. The thing is that most of the time our team is full of noobs who can’t do damage, objectives or focus/notice enemy healer. Not to mention how they can’t even use ccs/interrupts.

The levels of racism prevalent on this thread, I don’t even.

Russians aren’t a race, it’s called xenophobia.

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Thank you!

Truth is that when you walk into bg and sort participators by honor level you can understand which team is more experienced. I noticed a clear correlation between winning chances and experience of the team. More experienced team usually wins at 90% of the bgs. Team region makes no difference. What I am trying to say is that you guys have to l2p and quit whining.

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PREMADES IN RANDOM BATTLEGROUNDS is more the problem end of the day, the fact Russian groups are forming with elite teams and being exclusive is neither here nor there end of the day, though its really not good enough, if you want to play together you should play Ranked Games and if you want random even exciting pvp then solo queue for random battlegrounds…its been like this for years…

Just had a match against yet another russian group there was no close match no fun people lost interest fast moaning started and they get easy points and no fun overall…the fun is close exciting wins and always has been yet blizz has had so much chance to implement this but never has im sure never will.

Just get rid of all pre mades from random battlegrounds. RANDOM, R A N D O M.

Not pre selected groups roflstomping everything .

Pre mades should have their own que and enjoy the crap wait times for it, not cheese easy wins through stomping solo players.