Russians premades in BG’s

Russians premades in BG’s. Why you allow them? Why germans , french, spanish servers enter in the “mix” with all others but russians do not? You say they are not premades but most of the time they are. Even in the 10-20% of times they are not is still unfair to enter all from same server…is easyer for them to coordinate! i know this is not the first topic about this but i want to understand why Bliz allow this? Why so much disrespect for all other players? Why only russians are alowed to enter as a premade (even if u say is not a premade, when you are grouped only with players from your own server is easy to abuse the sistem). I want too to enter BG’s just with players from my own server too, and not be a premade :wink:

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more like the opposite

it’s just as easy for the rest of us to coordinate, there is no language barrier for pvp, if you use the internet you have picked up enough english to play bgs, even if someone didn’t take some english classes in their mandatory education, all you need to know are a few words and some acronyms, no one wants to coordinate

the only disrespect i see is towards Russians


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Back in the day, Blizzard allowed that, if I remember correctly. Europeans were not so happy to see cyrillic in chat. So here we are.

How, exactly? By talking in chat? Wow, didn’t know this technique is only available for russian realms players.

Elaborate the “abuse”, please. I don’t see it.

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False. Many Russian play on EU En realms as well under latin nicknames.

So if party of 5 players from EU joins EotS they represent 33% of the team, can that be called “premade”?

You can transfer to Flamegor PvP if that is so much so important for you, but ll you will see is longer queues, so naturally every Flamegor pug plays for the win and prefers prolonged games. This is how meta shaped here. EU realm player prefer shorter games and PvE rush where possible and many go AFK if they don’t get short game or even use honor farming bots, so naturally their team looses if rival team players real PvP, even if most of Russian PUGs they are bad at it.

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Its not premades, its just random players from/with 1 language server


Well technically they can be gathered in a discord, but ccorrect me if I am mistaken, aren’t BGs have in-game Blizzard voice channels as well?

Someone can convince some PUGs to go into discord, since all can speak Russian, from CIS, Baltic, some eastern european countries, Ukraine, Russia and Blearus. However common meta plays greater role since we from Flamegor like our games last longer to get more honor to compensate for our queues.

What a stupid argument, you literally can do it on any server with english.

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They are for sure not premades , they just get grouped with players with the same language, and basically every russian plays on that server.

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Nobody wants to play with the Russians. I don’t understand why the Russians can even meet normal Europeans in BG, Wintergrasp or TB. Let them fight each other. There are Alliance Russians and Alliance Horde.

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The servers are in France, why wouldn’t they? unless we are talking about Vladivostok or some other far east parts, playing with Russians makes as much sense as playing with Norwegians, leave politics and racism out of the game, technically it makes sense.


No, it makes no sense. You cant join a russian server. I can not make a char on a russian Serve. They have their “own” region. They should stay in their region, It is very annoing to play with them.


Nope, just you. Because I know some people from Flamegor who join crossrealm EU parties via manual LFG and go to faster queues with them. Maybe them having arena rating helps.

Yes you can, simply by changing text language setting in launcher option.

Oh yes it is annoying because they play for PvP and for the win, while EU for max honor/h and faster matches with as less PvP as possible, including staying AFK or using honor farming bots, who are obliterated by real PvP players.


I think the problem comes more from group registrations meeting solo registrations.

I’ve played in all pools over some time (EU can play in an RU group and vice versa by being friendinvited):

RU Horde
EU Alliance
RU Alliance
EU Horde

I would also sort the strength in this order. However, this becomes completely invalid the moment a strong group registers.
I have the feeling that the Russian side plays more seriously in terms of consideration for their own team.

I know a rogue here who I play with from time to time:
He recently levelled a hunter and when he reached 85 he focused on farming conquest points first.

Looking at battlefields, he told me that he wasn’t ready for that yet.

I experience the mentality of EU Horde in bad matches as follows:
85 - 105 k hp + these are the ones who demotivate the team by flaming and telling everyone how bad they are.

Then 3-5 of them in the team … the contrast couldn’t be stronger

Especially in the role of healer, this is sometimes very unpleasant.
In contrast, Russian teams react fast by giving peel and playing objective (the best example here is Strand of the Ancient).

The phenomenon of not daring to enter the teamfight and thus generating healer frontline is a behaviour that I only know from EU Horde.

But I don’t want to dwell too much on the negative aspects.
I think there is a lot of potential to have fun on all sides.
There are great players in all pools who are really fun to play with.

My tip would be to focus on what you enjoy.
Sometimes it’s inevitable to lose a match.

There’s no point in getting (too) upset about it.

I find the approach more helpful: What did our team do wrong/what could have been better.

If it’s because of gear difference/setup: tick it off and go next.

But some can’t accept that (‘pre’/‘cheater’/‘insult xyz’)

++Thanks Сила it is just changing language settings like you said.
I know a moonkin who even transfered to flamegor because of the different expierence in solo registration… i could understand the motivation totally

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only if they had the intention of getting better, most of them want to get the gear and never queue until the next season

they all do it, especially when against Russians, they be running left and right like :dog2: and if they do decide to clash, the enemy healer is freecasting (unless i’m playing rogue) and i’m getting (as a healer) chain cc under the best scenario

when you see legura kryzalis pretatout (there are many more like them who you’ll meet any time of the day, but i’m not good with names) in the same team you are going down and they ain’t even grouped up :laughing:

instant leave for me, i am tired of seeing demolishers moving at full speed

100%, the average eu player uses the healer as a shield and has the tactical awareness of Cheech Marin in Up in Smoke

They thought real world pvp cheats worked too but it dont :rofl:

Not everyone wants to play together with a war criminal nation that bombs civilian cities every day, whose soldiers commit new crimes of murder and rape every day and that there is no outcry in Russia about these crimes.


i often tease the “omg russians again” crybabies by saying stuff like “it’s actually Putin’s personal gaming squad”
you do realize Russian gamers are not Putin’s army, right? i was joking…
and even those who are drafted they ain’t got a choice, it’s army or jail, just like any other conscript based nation :roll_eyes:
i live in a “western” country and i have seen the riot police throwing tear gas on 100% peaceful protests of pensioners or firefighters, i’d like to see you protest an active war mr internet warrior, if the police doesn’t get you, some far right dudes will


Your ignorance is beyond anything. I met Ukranians and Georgiens as well in that pool. And surprise they play together happily. Leave your hatred out of the game please.

Its bad manners

Tbh most of them supports war, or as they call it, special military operation against ukrainian fascists. That’s what decades of brainwash does to a nation and if u don’t belive check interviews and documentaries on The Guardian or Reuters. Tbh i was sure that when western world asked all the companies to move out from Russia blizz did it too but just got stomped against a full group of those players so yeah… ;d


Take your garbage politics elsewhere this is a game forum and i want to play with any nationality including russians. Plus they are good at pvp had good rbg games with russ teams

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