Russians premades in BG’s

standard practice in the western world too

would YOU go on Reuters to talk against a war your country started? you’d bring that kind of heat to yourself and your family because you are all about your principles and such eh? :laughing: i wouldn’t, I’d just stay in my lane.
i haven’t seen any of them videos, but if you say “they have their faces blurred and their voices changed”, always assume there is physical surveillance on the journalists :smiling_imp:


Decided to delete clear offtopic

As for the topic of so-called premades - this question was answered long ago. We have only one server left. Well two but the second is nearly dead.

Is this youtube or why are there so many russian bots in the comments?

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Nah, youtube has bots from every country imaginable. Slightly offtopic but in the beginning of 2k 90% internet traffic was porno. Now it’s the bots / viruses.

thast crap…why u dont enter in the mix with all other servers? why germans, french, spanish enter in the mix and only russians enter with players from SAME server. Is easy to abuse the system…Only way u can win is to cheat.

it is indeed, ask Blizzard, Russians are the victims here, many of them want to join the eu pool, how could you even possibly think that being ISOLATED in a MMorpg (unless they group up with eu players) is good for them? :man_facepalming:

So what that prove? They undercover :rofl:? When they on russian server they play in BG only with same server players!

I rarely seen a “random” russian grp without 2-3 healers! But all others it may get even 3-4 BG’s in a row when we have 0-1 healer (thats why is RANDOM BG) Even the composition of the “random” russian grp is good! I never sow 5 of the same class in a grp of 10-15 like i sow in all otehr grps! So ye is 10-20% not russian premade…

that playing in the Russian sandbox isn’t as good as you think it is

you only pay attention to the details that reinforce your biased view, i often see Russian teams without healers and multiples of the same class, and if my team isn’t full of predefeated crybabies we usually win too no matter their setup or ours

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bullies always say that…“crybaby., u bias, .bla bla” is not us abusing the system is your fault. the undisputed fact remains…gruping ONLY with your server is an UNFAIR advantage and is easy to abuse the system, I do random BG’s because i dont take this game to serious,want to have some fun 30 min-1 hour in a few RANDOM BG 's and i am sick of Russian premades abusing the system and cheating. I dont realy care is i win or lose…but if is random let it be RANDOM for all…not giving an unfair advantage to some!.

i am a bully and a Russian now? :laughing: :rofl:
put aside Natalia Poklonskaya and the fact that they kept the space station alive for a decade, there is nothing else i can think of Russia that i like (in government choices), fair’s fair, this is what being unbiased looks like.

ehm, i want the same thing, they should join the eu pool, but not because of the reasons you said

you can beat a russian “premade” if you have good players in your group. So the russian players usually are more skilled than the average european player. I have beat russian premades or what ever you called them some times and others i got grave yard camped so the problem is our players suck

Because they premade into undergeared randoms who wanna farm honor? I think we would see a few more russians on the ladder(because there are almost 0), if they are somehow better on average.

Beats me, as I don’t know the answer myself. In original time somewhere in 2012 or maybe in MoP, I don’t quite remember when exactly but we had this and we had mixed parties and nobody had any problems finding BG and the queues were not long. Now though it’s crazy.

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Is not about beating them. i did that too when is realy random grps (like 20 %)

But 80% of the time is what he say. And is not better skill is premades with almost optimal composition and they coordinate to well for a random grp.

the only think i can understand is how bad is for a 80k hp player to farm honnor gear everything else its irrelevant to me. I play this game 20 years and same things happened back in the day with premade groups. Gear gap is the real problem and ilvl scaling in pvp can fix this

You understand nothing…Russians players are the ONLY one who can enter Random Bg;s ONLY with players from same server. That create an unfair advantage for them because is easy to abuse the system and enter as premade. They are not better playes (like some1 say if they where so good would be many russians up on leaderboard). They just abuse the system and enter as premade with optimal grp composition and coordination in RANDOM Bg’s and ruin the experience for all others who realy enter as random. Just trow them in the mix with all others and problem solved. I dont see many russians here advocate to enter in the mix with all others…they just say is not premade but they happy that system is like this so they can abuse it and cheat!

And you state this like they have a choice. Have you ever thought about the downsides?
Like very long que times / bgs not opening?

They have a great attitude towards each other because they are from the same server

  • these cursed 40 bgs open rarely.

We had been in your teams and immediately there were outcries that you can’t understand us. Some even projected hatred towards Russian nicknamed teammates. A shorter queue would be welcomed, but then again if I go to BGs (I am mostly PvE player) I go for PvP and not honor grind PvE races. This concept must be considered heretical in optimal honor per hour meta of EU BGs.

are these system abusers in the room right now? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
as the belf bellow said

they are not cheating, they are not abusing the system, you are just mad because you can’t take a e-beating

have you googled for older posts? the eu forums are a graveyard, you don’t see many posts in general