Russians premades in BG’s

really dont understand why russians is allowed to play the game. all servers from russia and all connections coming from russia should have been revoked untill the war is over. this should not even be an issue.

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what will be accomplished with this grand plan of yours? i mean besides your personal satisfaction? (which isn’t even yours, it’s herd mentality) will the Russian gamers rise up and overthrow Putin? nope, they won’t, i bet a blizzard ban won’t even be mentioned in the government meetings :laughing:

So the same thing should be with american and jewish wars right ?

which country is the US invading currently?

Such as?

i hold the opinion that russians should not be allowed in any space outside of russia untill the war is over. just like in sports where they are not allowed to play football or wintersports etc untill the war is over. yes it sucks, but that should be the way everyone sees it. that might be the wrong opinion to have and there might be a better alternative. however this is my opinion and i belive im right. :smiley:

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double standards much? Russians ain’t the only ones who broke the olympic truce, and i’m not going further on this, google it.

they sure try (the majority of western media)

yes, ignore the war and politics and just play, i don’t play wow to do my part in the battle of the elites, why does the little guy has to suffer? be it Russian or whatever.
edit: i’m not saying you should not care about politics/war, you most definitely should be active in politics, just not in the gaming microcosm, we are all trying to have a good time here, there are a million places on the internet to advocate against the war (and i could go on for hours about the open internet and Russia, but again, not the right place)

like you said currently but its just a matter of time to start a new war some where history repeat it self as always.But anyway politics should not exist in games or sports or what ever

Gelathi and Baldnnproud they trolls. They trow s…t left and right and see what stick. You can’t play, you mad cose you lose, where are the abusers, russians are just little kittens who want to play…but nothing about the real problem that they ruin the experiance for all others who just wana have some fun. They just tools… The real problem is Blizzard who allow this, russians do what they do best - cheat and abuse others and ye they should not be allowed to play untill the war is over but money Trumps fairness and compasion for Blizzard.

So you could cheat by following meta that avoids PvP or even using bots to farm PvP currencies? And what about PvE players? Do Russian PvE players do not deserve to play by your definition?

No, either your meta has to adapt and EU start playing real PvP on BGs or our meta will continue to take advantage of your bots, AFKers and no skill no will lazy PvE farmers there.

Other troll who trow s…t all over the place and nothing on point. And yes ALL russian should be baned from wow till war is over, You may not fight or even agree with the war but you pay taxes and support your government.

I play real pvp and most of us do. But is not fair that our random to fight your “Our meta” how you call your cheating premades. ( lol even you admit that you russians use “meta” in random bg;s)

So your problem is the war and not becouse they smash you in pvp. Guys if war is your problem you can go and join foreign legion and help ukraine if you like but you are just cowards who cry on game forums about a war thats it non of your business

before i was a Russian, a bully. now i am a troll. since i’m not getting proper answers to my arguments I’m guessing everything sticked.
your definition of cheating and abusing is: join the game, follow the same steps as everyone else.
stop calling other people cheaters and abusers just because you lose and go read a dictionary

hello racism old friend

what’s your definition of real pvp? mine is you get in, you play the objectives, stats come second, you don’t give it half a thought if you are about to die for the objective, do “most of us” do this? when was the last time you did not see 35-38 (it’s a 5 man job) people dismounting at Galvangar, wasting the BL cd, ignoring all towers…and all this for 30 honor points?
sometimes you gotta spend one afternoon for one victory, it’s just the way it is, it’s annoying yes, but i’m getting the most stomped at when it’s alliance vs alliance, not vs russians

Id still like to know what “jewish wars” are

Today i had a Russian player (Чсвлорд, a paladin) in grp with all of us from all servers. HOw can he enter in the mix with us? And if is possible then REALY all russian grps are premades lol. There is no excuse…just lame cheaters who cant win if they play fair.

Eu players can invite players from ru realms,then join bgs as a group.

Today i played a WSG against “Putin’s personal gaming squad”, no one whined at the start, they had 3 healers we had none, we won, good intense 20min game as it should be, was not easy. have some fun sis

yea man i always enjoy fighting russian teams if we have also good group its intense

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Trolls on duty :slight_smile:

a person who is gy camping 90-110k hp poor eu hordes on duty :slight_smile:

Oh no!
The day is ruined when when facing geared enemys?

i am now on the payroll? how many posts until I’m Putin himself?

this is reinforcing her “cheat” theory (which feels as a conspiracy theory the more she posts), they are not always geared, I’d say you have the same chance of getting geared players from flamegor as you have from firemaw, i had another game yesterday when on healer, people whined at the start, i target the first russian i see in front of me, hunter 105k, i typed it in the chat and i left :laughing: (not to say i have problem playing against lowbies, i’ll take the win, especially when i want to be done with the daily, but i do have a problem playing with crybabies)