FIFA World Cup 2018. Teams had Hooligans who fight each other and russian “hooligans” won all the fights BUT average hooligans of all the teams where guys between 30 and 50 years with beer belly who where there to blow of some steam. Russians “hooligans” where guys between 20 and 30 years old with background in combat sports. Russia did not do much on the field where it matters but they where champions outside Same here russians are 0 on pvp laderboard where it count but they are KINGS of random Bg’s where they enter as premade with optimal grp compostion, gear and coordonation. But as i say before they do what they always did, nothing new…Blizzard is to blame because allow this.
do we play the same game? are you a horde? eu alliance are the kings of random bgs, 9 (edit: 14:4, i’ll keep updating) bgs today for me, 9 wins, including against Russians and against alliance.
as for fifa 2018, the local hooligans won? what a shock
summary: 18 games played, 14 won 4 lost, 2 of the losses were SOTA (which i normally instant leave because they can’t play it to save their life), 1 EOTS with 6 rogues (which is the worst class to have in EOTS), and one Gilneas. none of the games i lost were against Russians, 2 vs alliance 2 vs horde.
now today was a fluke, i have less than 50% win ratio across all my chars, but one thing is constant, most of the games i lose are by far eu alliance vs eu alliance
You understand nothing :). “KINGS of random Bg’s” was a mockery. I did not say that russsians have most wins! I say that EVERY TIME i meet russians in random BG’s they premade ( optimal grp composition, good gear, coordination which cant be achived if they where realy just 10-15 players randomly matched up). My win/lose ratio is like 55/45 % and i am more then ok with that. Is random so is normal to be like this. THAT’s the fun of it. Problem is that with russians is not random. We like to play in amateur league ( is not rated bg or arena) and is not fair to face pro teams aka premades. ALL premades who enter random BG’s are bad but russians abuse this because the system make it easy for them. Thats all i am saying but troll in you just keep coming Like i say before you just trow s…t. You can not blame a hyena or a snake on how they act (the hooligans example)…is in their nature but you can make it so that they dont disrupt your life. And Blizzard just do not do that. They allow russians to have a different set of rules so they can feel like KINGS
in bg’s. Is lame but is also disruptive for all the other players.
All this explication was not for you, you have your crap to trow but was easyer to link it to your agenda.
a “mockery” followed by “optimal group composition, coordination and gear” which is not always true and makes it seem like them plowing their way into our screen is the default situation, which is not, the one thing you can say that they all do is this: they do not throw the game as easily as we do
false again, but they allow you to have a different set of rules, if a Russian was throwing around this amount of racism they would throw the hammer
maximum kek, I’m a leftist atheist (so no special love for Russia) who has served in a NATO mission for 6 months, are you more of a “westerner” than me?
it doesn’t matter, as long as this thread is alive I’ll keep replying
first game of the day against Russians
take a look at that beast rogue, one renew on me and my health wouldn’t drop ibb . co / kscY2rPJ
You so full of crap with your agenda! Like you are trump against Zelenski
russian, bully, troll, then paid troll with an agenda, what do you think is my agenda? (besides having no problem to play the game with or against Russians, the more the merrier)
They are not a premade. Problem is that community whined about it even in classic, that they have players from russia grouped with them in bgs, they write in cyrrylic and blah blah. In reality that’s the same EU server as any other but with some limits:
- They can’t be grouped in RDF with anyone except their Chromie/Flamegor
- Same with random bgs
you still talking politics over a game get a life
it’s insane how much this triggers people, i only write in my native language in-game when someone else adresses me first, but i couldn’t care less if they talk German, French or Russian for the whole game, as long as it doesn’t affect the battle, like when calling incomings and such
yea unfortunately, but that all started somewhere in the early classic of 2019, when phase 2 was launched