Sad community

well there are on my KoS list on their max level character, so when i’ll be 60 with some gear as they do, it’ll be a fair fight!

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4 level 20 getting oneshot one after the other when getting out of flight or in an inn, your point? what would be better about it?

i also had no idea about those phases stuffs until guildies explained it to me, so was it really a choice?

i didnt have anybody irl interested in playing it, some did but quit and i had tons of work back then and couldnt join, so i should have left work and get unemployed to have a choice?

i made a char, started to level, professions etc… and then made some friends, im super happy with my guild, and then the ganking happened. so what do i do? loose the friends, the investment in my char? what choice do i have?

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if u read my posts, you’d know i have no plan what so ever to get on a pve realm and im preparing my revenge on those guys already.

so the choice i have is to avoid questing that are full of stories, puns and great situations, to grind mobs over and over mindlessly, to then get gold to buy boost and participate in the detah of the open world. Woah, what a choice.


It doesn’t cease to be “Player versus Player” just because one of the two players stands no chance. When you signed up for a PvP server, you signed up for the possibility of being ganked even by players who’re massively stronger than you.

I’m sorry for your experience, but that’s just how PvP is. That’s why me and many other opted for a PvE server this time around - I’d rather not deal with stealthed Rogues everytime I take a trip to Ratchet or Booty Bay.


Yeah well, as I said, i wouldn’t mind if that was part of a broader and more engaging experience. I’m sorry, i went overboard there and I agree with you it’s still pvp.

but as aforementionned, yeah, there is nothing else than this, and the amount of time it happens per hour is just insane. there are pros and cons to everything, but so far i only got the cons, if that makes sense?

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Funny how the “PvP happened on PvP server” comments are all from rogues… hmm…


What is your point? We shouldn’t have world pvp on pvp realms?

Personally I leveled a paladin 1-60 in Phase 2 on Firemaw. If OP was coming here asking for tips and ideas how to avoid ganking and not just complaining he could get a lot of good answers.

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I didnt bother to read all the comments here. But they are probably a few saying “PvP on a PvP server”.

Anyhow, rest assured. There are douchebags on every side and every realm. Your frustration is legitimate, since ganking lowbies should not be considered pvp. The easiest (most expensive) solution for you would be to transfer to a pve realm.

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I don’t want ot leave the guild I joined, i like those guys. Also, I want to pvp, but like the real one. i’m so thirsty for it. I engage anybody that has a color next to their name. Now 60 are red but the gear gap is so huge i dont stand a chance, so thats another topic. But 2 guys of my own level? Hell yeah imma try, all it costs is corpse walk and i get some fun as a trade off and i heared warlocks can sometimes 1v2. Although i’m still working on my infernal questline and i’m not specced into demo anymore, i went back to the draining.

as the first answer of the thread was, i guess i’m just too late to the party…

He said “honor” :rofl:

Remember? Im still there daily, one of the best world pvp spots there is.

I used to spare lower levels in brm and realy under geared players where there isnt a good fight to have. Guess what they come back and attack and make it 3v1 or interfere in a fair fight.

The lesson here is you rarely get a fair fight on a pvp server.
Everyone have their own agenda why they play on a pvp server and why they world pvp.

Drive by ganking, even much lower level players isnt the end of the world, suck it up and dish out payback at 60.

What i will never understand is the wide spread corpse camping thats going on often for no reason what so ever.
Let the dude(s) ress, reg and have a good fight again, you cant claim you “won” if you open on a guy with half resources.

Migrated to bloodfang aswell… U got a human warrior lvl 60…who keeps ganking lowbies for hours straight in hillsbrad.
I mean realy farm them over and over for three weeks now.
Also a gnome mage killed some elite mobs who spawned next to me, and i was about to die.

My question for the topic maker is, what dit u learn here.

Then you get a couple of guild mates there and corpse camp him until he logs off.
If he comes back you repeat it until he learns hes lesson, one of my favorite things to do in classic is to “educate” people like this.
We used to have a alliance feral druid on earthshaker doing exactly this after 1½h of education i havnt heared anything again regarding him.

I am a rank 14 shaman…
The warrior know the feeling of ganking one without a life…
But thats beside The point i tried to make… :slight_smile:
You got different kinds of personalities in A multiplayer game, on both sides.
One is nice, another is

From a different perspective, I never initiate PvP in the world, because I’m a PvE player at heart stuck on a PvP server for a variety of reasons that do not much relate to this thread’s topic. However, if my party member is attacked on the way to dungeon or during any overworld activity. Of course I will drop everything and go after the attacker. If I have time to spare or it’s an undead rogue (I am convinced they are all psychopaths irl), I will then engage in corpse camping him for daring to interfere with our unrelated activities.
I can see how from the other side, this might seem like cowardly pack behaviour, especially if you seek some sort of “fair” fight. But we do not seek a fair fight, we seek no fight at all, and will attempt to punish you for bringing one to us.

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PvP in classic is mostly just ganking, it’s never fair.
Why do you think people get boosted all the time as opposed to actually leveling the world…?
The same people that are ganking cry that there’s nobody in the world leveling.

Overall, I wish I picked PvE realm to begin with… I probably would have been more motivated to actually level another character XD.

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I totally get your point of view but the corpse camping part is so sad.
You are shooting your self in the foot by doing that.
I never corpse camp ever except if i got corpse camped my self, then i make a note in spy and make sure i payback atleast 5x more down the road.

Be it when you are really trying to get to your aq40 raid or something else i will go out of my way to make sure you wount make it.

On the other hand this is what makes pvp servers interesting, people play on them for different reasons and have conflicting agendas, it makes the world feel more alive.

Wars is faught, enemies and friends are made between the both factions.
I have alliance i respect and i avoid attacking, i have alliance i chase down to the end of the world just to put them in their place.
I have alliance i would even help if they get attacked by a zerg by breaking sheeps etc.

To be fair it’s a gross exaggeration. 99% of the time I can’t be bothered and just proceed doing what I intended to begin with. I wish I had the spite and vengefulness to really camp someone, because I believe they truly deserve it for daring to attack my group.

You signed a contract by rolling on a pvp server that pvp will happen and you cant control if you want to participate or not.
If you can’t handle that there is always the option to transfer to a pve server.

If it was me you where camping because i hade the audacity to attack your group solo i would make sure you are done playing for the day.