Same faction? Okay same racials then

The tears of the horde created the river banks around blizzard to burst forcing them to act on the only advantage alliance has,

Now the playing field is in the hordes favour it needs to be leveled again,

Either disable racials or give everyone in the bg the same,

Because I’m telling you, trying to stun a orc or fear a undead while getting stunned by a tauren or silenced by a belf

Is not fun when I’m trying to use my little stealthy boi finder helper lol

The hordes cries about queue times being unfair could be heard over mountains and across the open sea’s

So do something about racials because its UNFAIR


Imho in order to get better faction balance, same racial’s would not solve the problem, simply because Horde is still much more popular faction and i believe many of these things are tested in private scene.
Alliance racial’s would have to be slightly better then Horde ones to get positive results, at least at start and latter they could be tuned to be more equal… One thing people are also overestimating is aesthetics, the look of the toon’s and animations. Alliance characters seems to be pretty much non attractive, childish and not “evil” enough, while Horde ones are “ugly” in a good way, beside geylfs.
Though i personally believe that both factions toon’s are mostly badly designed, but still…

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i wouldnt mind if they removed all racials from the game to be honest

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I agree!

Make racials interchangeable. With all races! Give freedom the players. And a btw a cannibalizeing gnome would be effin cool!

Pick the coolest looking race, with the coolest racial.

Disabling racials is a nerf and a lot of Horde players will quit without their racials on PvP arena. More casual part of the Horde may agree to, but only on HvH BGs, because they don’t want to face immunities and AoE CC.
I had alternative suggestion, but now that the Horde got all advantages (racial, numerical, queue time, premade organisation) they won’t bother with it

Racials are not the reason to roll horde. SJW and PC type players and setting on the alliance side are.

It is if you are a minmaxxer.

Wasn’t horde SJW and PC? With their gay-elves and furries?


Exactly and the sad truth. I also don’t want people to be stuck in queue for 1 hour straight. However, with the current player demographics and the trend observable during the shift from Classic the horde population continues to increase. With no drawback to this or a global restriction to player creation only a small number of players will pick alliance EVEN if the racials will be removed or balanced equally.

People underestimate the pull factor of overall player/faction population and the connected benefits. There was a reason everyone wanted to play on Gehennas and Firemaw and it weren’t the racials - It was the liveliness of the server. If you can get more of that “dopamine” on one side, why should you pick the other? In order to increase the alliance population to a healthy level again the unfortunate truth is that racials of the alliance need to be slightly better or another pull factor need to be implemented. Simply making everything “equal” isn’t enough at this point because you still have the other advantages if rolling horde. The bg queues were such a pull factor and that is why alot of alliance players are against this changes. They are afraid that new people see no value in starting as alliance now and that their servers die a slow and painful death. People might get outrageous about my statement and I am also not a huge fan of intentionally giving a bonus to one side but the faction ratio already reached such a devastating ratio that blizzard may not care or (unfortunatly) radical changes need to be implemented.

And to the people argueing that they care more about the aesthetics of their character or the identitiy of their faction. This might be true for you but that is certainly not true for everyone. Compare it to the US election system. You have a lot of democratic and replublican states but who becomes president is usually decided by the swing states - And sadly in the game these swing states are the FOTM players.

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Best solution. Racial abilities are evil of wow. Everyone should play for the race they like.

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Too late for doing this. People won’t go alliance for no point

That’s fine to me. But ally deserve long Quee in wotlk… they Say that like to wait the quee

Its funny how alliance whiners on these forums claim the only reason to play ally is instant BGs while the clear majority of allys do not even touch battlegrounds, which is why the 1hour que problem started in the first place. Lol open your eyes

Same thing about horde. Not everyone did bgs, but everyone cried about queues

Yes please. Give Berny stoneform or demon hunter vision. And give troll racials to humans or w/e.

“Same faction? Okay same racials then”

Not sure what I am reading here. If horde play HvH don’t they have the same racials as the other horde team? If allys play AvA, don’t they also have their own (and same) racials?

All jokes aside its funny how people claim alliance racials are so bad. Perception is strong, getting a stealth as a night elf is not bad in PvP either (ez drinks), Dwarf racial is the best racial for a priest and actually makes you win games which you would otherwise lose. Sure, horde has slightly better racials on a general level but its not like ally racials are super terrible and that they literally makes alliance unplayable. If someone wants to play ally, they will play ally regardless of having slightly worse racials. I wouldn’t mind swapping my UD racials to perception or stoneform tbh.

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