San'layn/Dark Ranger Megathread Allied Race

Where is tinker teased?
And I don’t know… mecha gnomes look kinda creepy to me.
As for gilblins, they made female models too and some customizations at same time as mechagnomes, so I guess if they went with mechagnomes they’d go with gilblins too, just my 2 cookies.

On the island expeditions. All the teams are made up of characters with playable classes, but there’s also a tinker team. They are the only non playable class used.

With all the story we are getting of gnomes and goblins, and now mechagnomes, some people are wondering if Blizzard will give us tinkers next expansion. After all, historically we have been given a new race in one expansion and then a new class on the next.

Giblins, just like mechagnomes, are being built upon an existing race. They are relatively easy to develop. I haven’t seen customization for giblins that would suggest they are going to be playable. Which doesn’t mean they won’t. Just that I haven’t seen anything to suggest they will.

Ion said that from now on npc races will be more fleshed out, so I’m not surprised they are adding more detail, specially since they are working on goblins too. We’ll have to see how relevant they are for the story of the expansion and the Horde.

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I’m sorry, but no.
Most are loosely based on classes, yes. But talking just about the alliance side: the Nightborne team are Magisters and enchanters; Gazlowe is an engineer, and he’s a pre-established character; Lady Sena is kinda a monk but also has lasers…

It’s not just classes they’re based on, but professions too. Enchanting and Engineering and Inscription are all represented.

Tinker as a class is something that the player base has clamoured over since before Arthas awoke on the spire of ICC…

If it happens, then great, just don’t read into what probably isn’t there.

Well, all in all, can’t really see many choices for next class.

Death knights = Necromancer build, fits Lich King theme
Demon hunters = Legion, Illidan
Monks = Panda theme

Let’s assume next expansion is old god, if we don’t kill N’zoth, what class do we get there? We already have light classes, and shadow ones, only possible class I could see is dark ranger which is terrible idea, just hunters with some differences, and maybe some san’layn with vampire abilities, but don’t see that happening on Alliance side, so yeah, Tinkers make most sense at the moment.

The tinker team is built with three “specs”. Maybe it means something maybe it means nothing. I bet we will discover more at BlizzCon. At least I hope so.

Many people speculate that tinker will be the new class, and with the way we are headed it seems likely

Void Elves shouldn’t exist, Nightborne should’ve been Alliance, and San’layn Horde


I agree. The story behind the void elves will always feel weird, but even more so if we end up going against the void and old gods in the next expansion. I mean, sure, a small group of them could exist, but even if there were blood elves obsessed with the void that couldn’t live in Silvermoon, that would be no reason for them to leave the Horde.

That’s what bothers me more about their story. Is like the Horde didn’t even exist and there was no other place for the void elves to practice their magic besides the Ghostlands. They could have had a place among the Horde warlocks and shadow priests. There was no need for them to run off to the Alliance.


And now these guys who betrayed the alliance, betray the horde and go back to the alliance, I know they had a reason for betraying the alliance, but still… also yeah let’s accept these void-addled elves, I’m sure they’ll go along well with the draenei version of the scarlet f*ing crusade

also why were we not informed as players that we exiled them, and also that we recruited San’layn ! these were both figured out from the Alliance point of view

Fine to me, but only if Alliance gets the High Elves. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some appearances from the transmorpher toy change your weapons too. I complimented our healer on her staff then we realised it was part of the temp costume and not hers :laughing:


Honestly can we reset the game, new engine, lore reset and all? void elves, world souls, end of the Legion, so many more mistakes in lore

yes, apparently with the San’layn transformation only hunters get an ICC bow, but damn the tiniest things hype me :>

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The Chronicles books are suppose to be a lore reset, or at least, to be the definite source on lore. Except that doesn’t really help avoid silly storylines in the future. No use on a reset if they continue to write stuff like alliance void elves into the lore.

Although to be fair, there are some lore bits I’m really excited about. I hope the story for N’zoth will be big, and that we will spend quite some time trying to defeat him. On the other hand, a part of me fears this will be Sargeras 2.0. Seriously, how could a character that has shaped events on Azeroth for so long, one of the biggest threats on the WoW universe, be dealt with on a cinematic? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :roll_eyes:

Okay, force Activision out of business somehow and have 'em sell Warcraft to a competent company first

although they did say that we are in trouble if the red star which is where the pantheon are, fades. I dont think the story is done just yet, if you really think about it , without Sargeras we wont even be collecting Azerite

Haha, if only that was possible :grin:

It all makes sense now. I knew that had to be the brain child of an evil master mind :grimacing:

Maybe Blizzard will do another PR disaster like blizzcon

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Void elves are a good addiction, the only problem with them is their lore.
I will never understand why they didn’t turn the remaining high elves of Allerian Stronghold into Ren’dorei, instead of these blood elven void lovers come from nowhere.

San’layn vampyrs will be a great addiction anyway!