It shouldnt be too much trouble it makes sense and they will be amazing if it happens !
Time and time again blizzard stated thats not where she is going and her story is not done yet so we will just have to wait and see
If Blizzard wanted, yes, but would it make sense? no.
Oh god, please no…
Allied races
.Kultirans (added)
.Vrykul/human hybreed
.Dark iron (added)
Night elf (or alliance allied elves)
.Void Elf (added)
.High elves
.Cenarius’ chosen (maflurion style nelves)
.Cyborg gnome
.sanity recovered Leper gnome
.Converted/purified eradar (still with physical difference)
.Lightforged (added)
.Night elf worgen (with elunified worgen form)
.Jinyu (alliance, not really a racial alike with pandaren but from mop)
.Hozen (horde, also not really racially alike to pandaren but from mop)
.Maghar/Draenor orcs (blackrock,warsong,bleeding hollow, shattered hand, frostwolf) (added)
.Converted/ made for horde fel orcs
.Moknathal (rexxar model style)
.Skeletons (of all races as options?)
.Highmountain (added)
.Sand troll
.Frost troll (bulkier type)
.Forest troll (bulkier type)
.Blood troll
.Mummy troll?
.Zandalari troll
Blood elf
.Reformed Sanlayan
.Nightbourne (added)
.Recovered/restored wretched blood elf
.Fat goblin (like gallywix, could say they are from another cartel explaining physical difference like kultirans)
.Gill goblin
.Cyborg goblin
pretty much my thoughts / initial ideas
The race that fit pandaren the best, seeing how Alliance only scares away the ones who are helping the Horde to get supplies. That storyline could be easy and the same as Pandaren got.
Half want revenge from the Alliance for the death of Rastakhan (Horde). The other half recognizes that it was war time and aren’t out for revenge (Alliance ones). Fits with the first do then think (Ji) and first think then do (Aysa). But they even screwed up the Pandaren story, in SoO Aysa saved Ji to return to the turtle…
Make Jinuy the Worgen equivelant (skeleon wise) and Hozen for Goblins (skeleton wise).
I think horde are the only ones who really had a bond/relationship with vulpera so they would go too them, and that I’d prefer since I am ally and I want too kill them xD
Really nice , I personally think each person in the embassy is going to speak out on a race
Liadrin did for Nightborne
Rokhan for Zandalari
Baine for Highmountain
Eitrig for Maghar
Jaina for Kultirans
Alleria for Void Elf
Turalyon for Lightforged
Moira for Dark irons
Nathanos , Gallywix , and Ji are left for the Horde and the only present members in apart from Sylvanas
Tyrande, Gen , and the panda I dont know her name + I dont know if mekatork is in there ?
I suspect these will be bringing in the other unknown races
Your lost is racist. What the heck have the Vulpera to do with Gnomes and Goblins? Oh, it’s because they’re small!
So Vulpera got more hints that they are joining , as for what faction they are obviously for the Horde their counterpart could be Mecha-Gnome, but if they are a neutral race that leaves 2 more slots for the allied race if not one more and lets hope we finally see what the Forsaken recruits!
I love the effort put into it. Looks much better that Alliance high elves. Give me it now.
Yes !!
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