San'layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology :)

Draenei posters.

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It’s no secret that online elf games attract a lot of wish fulfillment doughnutsteel OC people completely hostile to criticism of their writing of their idealised fantasy self insert or pet project fanfiction borne from deep, unhealthy obsession.

The Elf is the Self, enhanced and perfected in an environment that enables all its excess, often giving people with unsatisfying lives the opportunity to be part of a nigh immortal aristocracy, glamorous and beautiful with room to spread their narrative wings in a sprawling escapist fantasy.

To then have ignorant outsiders come and tread on the flowerbed they’ve made becomes a personal attack and a threat to the comfort they’ve found.

Replace Elf with other power fantasy as needed.


Is this the Sponge Cake Recipe thread?

I’m a huge fan of Sponge Cakes. Any other Sponge Cake fans in the chat right now?


I want an apology :slight_smile:


Boiling down 200 posts for you.
OP is in denial and anyone who tries to correct them like you do in this post is ignored by OP.

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Save face? Puh-lease. I’ve already received so many threats here on this forum, very common of them being “you’ve ruined your reputation, no one will ever RP with you on this server!1!!” And I don’t even RP that much, I’m more of an inspiration seeker and observer who merely watches from behind. And in the game I see different kinds of people who are much more accepting. Just yesterday I literally saw a bunch of Darkfallen in Stormwind, one of which was described as a literal “San’layn/vampyr Darkfallen” (by the player). And despite all that the gang was freely hanging out in SW and even engaging in friendly conversations with the guardians of nature. And that wasn’t even Undercity or some other blighted Horde area. Yet y’all here paint it as a tragedy and something worth getting a ban or smth. Crazy.

So my proposal to discuss a potentially amusing RP option is bad, but people who write trolling messages and other nonsense are somehow not self-centered and attention-seeking? Interesting mindset you have.

This is the first and only thread I’ve created thus far. And I thought you’d bring new cohesive arguments or valuable insights to the table. Instead what did you do? Once again you posted copypastas, insults, and “sarcastic” illogical remarks. And here I was, hoping to engage in a healthy debate on an interesting topic.

Everything Vixi said I either agreed with or debunked. None of their arguments (even with my original messages) proved me wrong or exposed me in any way. If anything, they only confirmed my point of view, but the gun gnome would not admit that.

I have replied to every point of criticism I’ve received. Yet people choose to ignore this to write lies like you just did and pretend that I don’t ever reply to your questions? This is weird.

How can you spend close to 250 posts arguing with people, being proven wrong by (some) people who genuinely tried to be nice, and still not get off that high horse.

It’s hard to get down when it’s risen up that high.

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A hero… that’s what you once were.

You stood boldly against the shadow and purchased another dawn for the world… with your life.

But the evil you fought is not so easily banished; the victory you claimed - not so easily held. For now the spectre of death looms above the world yet again… and it has found new champions to bring about its final reign.

Knights of darkness, wielding runes of death and destruction, bound by the will of the Lich King. This is the hour of their ascension, this is the hour of your dark rebirth…


Its a staff

Where and when was I proven wrong? I wasn’t. There wasn’t a single argument against me/my ideas that I didn’t respond to and debunk. And they tried being nice? It’s extremely hard to face off 20+ people at once, replying single-handedly to all their messages (many of which include false information about me) and keeping track of them, and it’s even harder when people start the argument by being rude from the start. Is it nice to post trolling pastas? Is it nice to write overly sarcastic out-of-place arguments in several separate messages? It all boils down to people supporting each other while calling me names and me being a solo-fighter trying my best to respond to all messages without missing any of them. And even then the wolf above dares to say that I ignore everyone and never reply. And in this environment I’m supposed to believe it’s a nice place?

I feel like there should be an obligatory course at schools about threats because the amount of people who think “X behavior has Y consequences” is a threat is crazy.

But I think there will be people on this server who would be willing to RP with you, it’s just that their quality as RPers and storytellers is quite lacking. But, judging by your behavior on the forums and opinions you share, you’d fit right in (until first disagreement, then you’ll go ballistic and burn bridges).

My sibling in Christ, we witnessed Vixi make more comebacks than the Fast & Furious movies, each time trying to make an effort, I made a point of using the word “some” because not everyone came in with hugs and pillows.

Holy heck, Vixi even wandered back in after you went and made this failed smoothie of a thread, all because you got uppity from a singular talent tree name.

It’s no wonder people are getting somewhat sharp with their responses, the horse is beaten to death so hard it might as well be the next trading post mount.


You have not replied to anyone who have attempted to explain to you, that your argument in this thread is based on a faulty assumption.
So far I have yet to see you respond anyone pointing out to you that:

  1. talent names for other specs contradicts what you think this proves
  2. there is no connection between an expanded talent tree and the current political or racial debate.

If we accept your train of thought, then we also need to accept that keepers of the grove is not a race of half deer half night elves but a political faction any druid regardless of race and background can join.
or that any mage can become a sunfury aka Keal’thas loyalists.

If the san’layn talent is indicative of its statues as a faction over race, then so is the keeper of the grove.

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Extremely minor point: Former loyalist, they were returned to the fold after during the invasion of IQD. Some stayed loyal to Kael and became the Dawnblade, the rest reaffirmed their loyalty to Silvermoon and have been serving Quel’thalas ever since.

They were immediately put to work safeguarding the borders, and within weeks had helped allow the Farstriders be stretched less thin.

(Source: In the Shadow of the Sun).


Thanks for the correction, still not sure my goblin is a sunfury just because I pick the talents.


Only four people in the entire game are allowed to pick the DK spec Rider of the Apocalypse.

Also you’re forced to namechange into being called Death, Famine, War, or Conquest.


What the new spec stuff has definitively proven is that the optimal way to depict a Priest/ess of Elune is to play balance druid :full_moon: :elf:


Hol up…

Sure thing, only you are capable of understanding the deep, profound lore of WoW and have fun. Even if you haven’t provided any valuable lore facts to support your pov, and I did. But my facts are just “my low-quality fantasies”, and whatever you say is the truth, of course. And only you know how to have fun, because you are high-quality distinguished professor of fun-making, and who are we to experience this holy pleasure of enjoying the game

I have replied to every single one of Vixi’s reposts. So?

Alright, here you go: Not quiet. Class options give you plenty of ideas what you can do with your character. That’s why many druids use titles and spec names that can be found in the game from Elune’s sorcerer to Treant to the Claw Feral. Or Warlocks playing around with the demonic titles. Or Undead acquiring all sorts of Undead ranks.

When we previously discussed the potential of Darkfallen roleplay, you claimed it should be limited/exclusive to Dark Rangers as the elite rare force of the Forsaken. I asked y’all “But what about the non-DR Darkfallen? Where do they go?” Your reply was “Nowhere. They are unplayable because they are San’layn and they are evil.” I said then “Alright, but what is they are not San’layn, what if they are just the vampiric Darkfallen now who choose to serve anyone but the Lich King?” And then it was a dead end. Now, however, with the new talent trees we can see that even the San’layn power can be utilized to do smth good, meaning that a San’layn is no longer a title that should be feared on sight. And it opens new possibilities for all Darkfallen players, both from the Horde and now from the Alliance. Expanding the boundaries.

Yes and no. Blizzard are certainly changing the story and adding smth to it every new patch and the relationship between the factions and races is also evolving. Previously we could never imagine having any Undead in the Alliance, yet now we have DKs and Darkfallen as a part of it. And while DKs have more justification to them, Darkfallen were more subtle and vague. And now we get more bits of official information that we can use to make our characters more and more “canon”. That’s all.