It does seem as though this will be a “you can do san’layn-like abilities”. Not… you become one btw.
Which is exactly what I am saying? You are trying to somehow prove me wrong by saying that I’m right, weird.
But you can play an undead elf that’s not a Dark Ranger. They just can’t be a San’layn. Because San’layn are a very specific cult. One that’s not aligned with the Horde or Alliance.
Again, this is precisely what I’m saying. So?
So you have to be a bit more clear in your wording, I’m genuinely not sure what you’re saying. What do you think the San’layn are?
I wonder how this might effect the trout population.
The initial argument was people saying that you can’t play a San’layn on Horde but that you can play Darkfallen (undead elves) in the Horde, not just Dark Rangers, and as long as they aren’t San’layn, since they were a faction of the Scourge. There are guilds who only recruited Dark Rangers for their undead blood elves, but that was something solely contained to the preference of the people running that guild and not anyone else.
The problem in that thread was that everyone involved was more interested in somehow scoring some cool ‘heehee-haha’ gotchas than actually getting a conversation going, which is sort of the tone of this one as well, considering that you’ve just said that, yes, you can do things from these concepts, just put them under different communities/organisations (give them different names), since they don’t fit with these concepts; only that it’s predated by the name of the thread being named ‘San’layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology’.
No what i am saying is what you are trying to do here is absolutely pointless especially considering its looking for validation.
The trouts rejoice as now they can play Keepers of the Grove (and turn into copes of Cenarius when they use that talent tree), Dark Rangers, Sentinels or Pack Leaders (changing between them when their mood matches the hero talents) or become Deathstalkers in service of Calia Menethil even if they never stepped foot on Lordaeron in their lives!
Thats good, I am very happy on their behalf.
Until confirmed, I will die on the hill that they are a type of elf.
imo personally i think the sanlayn are bloodsucking undead elves and
To think that you felt so vindicated and justified, that the first thing that came to your mind was to make a non-productive AD forum post, just to say "I told you so "
Discover sex NOW.
I can’t believe sex isn’t a censored word.
If only that was the issue, they are also too mindbroken to realize that they still arent right
edit: I actually find it funny that they sat and seethed on this for this long as well
There’s no fouler curse word than g*nder.
All the people here who bought this wireless tungsten cube to admire its surreal heft have precisely the wrong mindset. I, in my exalted wisdom and unbridled ambition, bought this cube to become fully accustomed to the intensity of its density, to make its weight bearable and in fact normal to me, so that all the world around me may fade into a fluffy arena of gravitational inconsequence. And it has worked, to profound success. I have carried the tungsten with me, have grown attached to the downward pull of its small form, its desire to be one with the floor. This force has become so normal to me that lifting any other object now feels like lifting cotton candy, or a fluffy pillow. Big burly manly men who pump iron now seem to me as little children who raise mere aluminum.
I can hardly remember the days before I became a man of tungsten. How distant those days seem now, how burdened by the apparent heaviness of everyday objects. I laugh at the philistines who still operate in a world devoid of tungsten, their shoulders thin and unempowered by the experience of bearing tungsten. Ha, what fools, blissful in their ignorance, anesthetized by their lack of meaningful struggle, devoid of passion.
To give this cube a rating of anything less than five stars would be to condemn life itself. Who am I, as a mere mortal, to judge the most compact of all affordable materials? No. I say gratefully to whichever grand being may have created this universe: good job on the tungsten. It sure is dense.
I sit here with my tungsten cube, transcendent above death itself. For insofar as this tungsten cube will last forever, I am in the presence of immortality.
He was born in the ash among the Velothi, anon Chimer. Before the war with the northern men, Ayem came first to the village of the netchimen, and her shadow was that of Boetiah, who was the prince of plots, and things unknown and known would fold themselves around her until they were like stars or the messages of the stars. Ayem took a netchiman’s wife and said: "I am the Face-Snaked Queen of the Three in One. In you is an image and a seven-syllable spell, AYEM AE SEHTI AE VEHK, which you will repeat to it until mystery comes. Then Ayem threw the netchiman’s wife into the ocean water, where dreughs took her into castles of glass and coral. They gifted the netchiman’s wife with gills and milk fingers, changing her sex so that she might give birth to the image as an egg. There she stayed for seven or eight months. Then Seht came to the netchiman’s wife and said: “I am the Clockwork King of the Three in One. In you is an egg of my brother-sister who possesses invisible knowledge of words and swords which you shall nurture until the Hortator comes.” And Seht then extended his hands and multitudes of homunculi came forth, each like a glimmering rope through the water, and they raised the netchiman’s wife on the shoals of Azura’s coast.
Oh no, she’s back.
In other dire news, I am almost out of hot coco