San'layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology :)

Have you met many children in WoW recently? Any WoW streamer who’s 8-13 y.o. you can link?

It’s literally against Twitch’s TOS to be under 13 years old so I don’t think anyone’s going to be linking you a streamer of that age anytime soon.

Nor should they because that’d be creepy. Back off of that line. Fast.


This is why Alliance is the protagonist faction in the next expac.

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I can understand that. I’ve had similiar situations but for warlocks where I was asked to roll a mage instead OOC.

The solution is then is just not join that guild if you don’t want to compromise. Not calling them bullies and racist for not letting you in.

They might not roleplay (Though I’ve been in guilds with some members being around 14 before), but they would probably very much still play. Despite Argent Dawn being primarily an RP server it has alot of people playing who don’t RP, kids included.

Why would 8 year olds be streaming WoW?


Edit: to answer your question - yes. I have siblings who have also played WoW, including ones under 18.

Don’t worry, it’s fine even if they see it; they can’t read anyway.

what is the argument even about anymore

Apparantly kids don’t play WoW, so public erp is fine?

And if they do, it’s their fault for seeing it. Not the turn I expected this to take.

WoW is literally 12+, so? Convenient to use the age restriction argument when it suits you, little lion?

/e drags vixi kicking and screaming away from the unproductive forums argument for the umpteenth time


What does Twitch have to do with WoW though?

No :frowning:

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this is particularly funny to me considering every single person I personally saw / knew getting into WoW did so between the ages of 14 and 16


You’re the one who mentioned 8 year olds streaming lol

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Oh you can read age ratings? Cool.

Reminder that 12-17 is still a child.

Exactly. I started playing wow when I was 9 due to the family being wow addicts since launch, kids playing wow has basically always been a thing xd To varying amounts admittedly, but it’s definitely the case to this day.


I started playing WoW aged 10. Not sure how that relates to settling scores about the san’layn though.

Do something else with your time, there will be no resolution!!


I was 15 myself, a very long time ago.

But yes, I’ve had friends and siblings under 18 play it, including on AD since, yknow, that’s the realm I’m on.


Where do you encounter public ERP? I barely encounter any kind of RP in the Horde, and yet you somehow bump into the mysterious obscene RP all the time? Maybe because you are the one creating it?

“Convenient to use the age restriction argument when it suits you, little lion?”

Our generation was different. Things were different 10-20 years ago. And if I got into WoW when I was 15 doesn’t mean there are thousands of 12 y.o. kids playing WoW RP right now, does it?

Because they don’t exist. Just like your hordes of RP children in WoW.

Some children do play WoW if their parents do.


There are Goldshire-tier trial accounts in Stormwind Harbour. I saw one yesterday who had something about doing something I can’t mention on the forums right there in the TRP ‘currently’ section.