Satyr Allied Race is coming!

Well yeah we all know that. I mean they won’t be happening as an allied, playable race for wow. It just doesn’t fit lore anywhere

Loretards are really strange people. There is a tool called “retcon”, which is used by storywriters. When they change their minds upon a subject they just tell it in a different way. Chronicles are not canon, it was the main source of information for many things related to WoW, now they said not everything in Chronicle is true.

I’m gonna repeat, if you think they can’t be an allied race because of lore reasons it is a dumb perspective, this is a fictional story, It gets deconstructed and reconstructed constantly.

Look here by the way. People seems to like it more than I expected.

They would have to retcon some quests where we actually turned Satyr into Nelfs. Not to mention that entire idea for them being playable is no better than Succubus, Saberon, Tuskarr, Kobold, Arakkoa, Sethrak and any other race that is not playable so get in line :sweat_smile:

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Ok, come to me with such opposing ideas then it is okay. Don’t just say “they can’t be because loree”.

There is a difference, Satyr are cursed Night Elves, none of the races you mentioned do not have a direct relation to our current playable races.

You are talking about the quest in Ashenvale I guess, it is not a big deal. They can change the lore like “not all Satyr turn back into their Night Elf form upon a good deed, they must be willing from the heart”. That is why I like fictional stories, you have little to none boundaries.

I read the comments, besides reddit also on wowhead the voices keep rising, on the facebook page as well. Unlike me some people do not act before seeing something concrete. I feel like Ferdinand Magellan, told you the world is round.

Well your post lost all credibility the moment you labelled people that disagree ‘loretards’. Enjoy your wasted efforts.

It is not something new, I’ve always opposed them, since the beginning.

To be honest,Blizzard can do what they like, I mean there is no such thing as a Female Satyr, going by what Satyr’s actually are in Mythology, same as you don’t get Male Nymphs.

I mean its not like they haven’t done it before, they call Windriders ‘Wyverns’ which they most definitely are not, A Wyvern would look more like a Dragonhawk with two back legs. What they call ‘Wyvern’s are actually Manticores from our myths and legends.
Same way as why do some Female Naga have four arms, and all males have two They both came from the same base species which had two arms.
Same as How are there Male Dark Rangers, given that a Dark Ranger is a Banshee that has re-inhabited its own body, and that a Banshee is only female (Even in Blizz lore) I mean that’s what the ‘Ban’ in ‘Banshee’ means! -Female-.

I mean female Satyr would make lore sense in the matter that the acts of despicable evil and foul nature that turn Elves into Satyr could be perpetrated by either sex, and as long as they keep on being evil, then sure, a Satyr they will stay. However therein lies the problem. These are not like the Satyr of legend, who were just kind of party guys ramped up to 11, these are actively malevolent entities. Not only Why would either Horde or Alliance let them in, but -why- would the Satyr -want- to be let in. Even in the face of world destruction, and their own demise, a Satyr refuses to work with the Cenarions, so…why would they change their mind now? Is there something special in the Shadowlands, perhaps in the Ardenweald, that terrifies them so?

Also, calling people ‘Loretards’ is not a classy look, old boy…

The reason for the Alliance to recruit them is obvious. Night Elves became victim of a genocidal act, ruthless new Tyrande wouldn’t see them as she used to see actually she can empathize with them now. Her perspective must be different considering her character change. Tyrande’s perspective towards the Horde is no different than Satyr now, they both wanna destroy them. Satyr don’t serve the Burning Legion anymore nor N’zoth. They can see joining the Alliance as a good opportunity in order to cause harm to the Horde lands, which is something they agree with Tyrande no doubt.

I don’t think they are a candidate for the Horde, especially after the Corpse Lady’s departure from the Warchief position, not a chance.

I don’t see you as a loretard Brigante, you are different. You don’t come here and just say “no, because lore reasons”, you explain your thoughts at least.

My point is that, Blizzard can easily twist the lore. They already retconned many critical things, believe me as long as the addition is cool no one will oppose this. Blizz does what they want in the end so the past stories don’t have so much weight. Remember, they created Void Elves out of nowhere, because they wanted it to be so.

So wow is full of Elves - now you want elves with hooves?

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Don’t forget about vampire elves (sanlayn), sea elves (naga) and vegan elves (high elf).


They should make them their own faction soon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Agreed, Elf Empire shall rule all over the Azeroth.

Death to all who oppose us! :smirk:


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