Satyr Allied Race is coming!

Dude there is a colour called Cyan, it is a lighter tone of blue. I had my high school education in a printery school, I mean I’m not bad with colours :smiley:

Considering Blizzard’s unsuccesful attempt at creating a new interesting rig our best option is reskins of existing races. Male Satyr uses Night Elf one already but looks cooler while walking in contrary to Night Elves, they have charisma and they can use female Draenei skeleton for females which is among one of the most popular female races on Alliance side. If you come across 1000 Draenei, %90 of them are female you know :smile_cat:

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You sure you’re looking at night fae and not the little fairies they keep around? Child like? They look like the dude from pans labyrinth, albeit a bit less grotesque. They’re not terrifying no, but I wouldn’t say they’re child like at all.

I mean, they literally look like satyrs, give or take a few differences (like fur colour, ear length, eyebrows, cross faces), seems a bit wierd to completely baulk at one and rave about the other simply because they have fae in their name.

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Pan’s Labyrinth Satyr I would chew someone elses arm off for. I mean they are as cool as hell, or rather it, as there was only one, but heck, there was only one Minotaur in myth, so still… But they looked amazing, not sure how they would render that in game…

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I know what you mean by Pan’s Labyrinth…I remember that movie when I was a kid I found a CD at home and tried to watch it. That thing was disgusting and CD’s quality was even worse hence couldn’t complete it. You are talking about these guys right?

Edit : I actually checked now those Ardenweald Satyr are literally exact copy of Pans Labyrinth guy.

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That was/is an amazing yet tragic movie.

^ green screen cap, only one I could that showed the form in clear light

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What about more original races like : saberon , arakkoa , sethrak, than those races in Nazjantar, wouldn’t people want more something like those than something which is not a lot different than what we have now ?

Thanks for showing them explicitly Yorda :smiley: . Actually I might watch it sometime, the movie will make more sense compared to my 11 years old version there is no doubt.

Saberons are Lion versions of Worgens which means they will have a lot of problems related to item appearences. What you call Arakkoa is probaby WoD Arakkoa huh? The other fat ones are already a meme and if we are talking about WoD ones aren’t they Zandalari Druid Boomkin Form already…

When it comes to Sneaks…

I’ve got DVDs of it still, but it’s quite mature as movies go. Seems to be aged rated for 15 years old minimum, in the UK at least. Not surpising giving the themes like torture, resistant groups against the then ‘Franco’ government? and the main character a female child being shot then being left to bleed out and stuff like that,

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Yeah I can see how on some races the gear like helmets could be a problem, but there is a solution to that, in some other MMOS I have played some races basically don’t have them showing and that is ok like twi’lek in SWTOR, and I think how that’s a better thing than not having them at all if they are cool.

About arakkoa I would rather have ones like this


Saberon could be awesome, and I mean it, imagine if they would get all the potential customizations like colors and the markings of the various types of the cats we have in the world, that would be nice.

But what about the void elf racial? I’d still turn into a purple elf when i wana play as a quel’dorei and not as a ren’dorei.

You’re basically exiled in Teldrassil unless you redeem yourself just for killing a few mobs for a satyr.

They’ve done major retcons before like nightborne or created something new with void elves but I just don’t see us becoming allies with them.

Yea its story is a bit deep for children :smiley:

Fat Birds look amusing actually xD

I would love Saberon as a Worgen druid catform on feet :thinking:

You must endure to some degree of side effects, your surgeon is a barber what do you expect.

Do you mean Zenn Foulhoof? Yea we turn him into a frog for tricking us to kill harmless creatures in Teldrassil rofl. It is one of the most fun quests in Teldrassil :smile_cat:.

Yes I know, my point is the quest itself, with lines such as:

The satyr is an enemy of the forest.
You must redeem yourself in the eyes of the Council if you wish to remain a friend of Teldrassil.

Which is why I don’t see us becoming friends with satyr.

Actually we killed thousands of Blood Elf enemies as both Horde and Alliance but Blood Elves are a playable race since TBC. 1 quest can never be an excuse for something to not happen.

Satyr like forests already, they are not the enemy, they just love green much more compared to Night Elves considering the Felwood. It is just the quest giver NPC’s perspective.

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I think you’ll find they enjoy red more than green, since they are all about the Emerald Nightmare or just making life miserable you know.

In modern times, satyrs mostly live in various sects throughout Kalimdor and exist only to harry their hated night elf cousins and obey the will of the Legion,[13] though others have instead sworn fealty to the Old Gods and work to spread the influence of the Emerald Nightmare.

But no I’m sure they really love nature since the colour green apparently indicates that, just like the burning legion is all about nature as we all know. Or in case of the nightmare they just prefer the red autumn shades. I’m sure night elves (or any other race) would love to join forces.

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There are 17 Satyr tribes by the way. A few of them can easily be made allies by help of a little plottwist and I will quote something from WoWWiki, Satyr page.

Although Satyrs are usually thought of as a race of Demons, some unique Satyrs are classified as Humanoids for inexplicable reasons. It is possible that these Satyrs have, somehow, established a spiritual connection with Azeroth, or that they have severed their bond with their demonic masters.

There can be hostile Satyr just like we had hostile Blood Elves, hence I think them being hostile against us is not an obstacle for them to be playable.

By the way I was not serious about their love towards green :smile_cat:, they still love living inside forests tho, after all they are Night Elves. Night Elves now aware of that Satyr cannot be worse than Undeads, aka Sylvanas’ kind. Especially new Tyrande will see them from a moderate perspective. Tyrande needs to recruit already, her army consist of 10 people and it doesn’t look impressive at all, rather amusing.

So the leak wasn’t fake. They really look lovely.

  1. Female Satyr is nothing new… First appearance was in Hearthstone just like Tortolans and probably few more things that will appear in Warcraft universe.

  2. Satyr cant join either faction and certainly not Alliance. They are evil and compared to other ‘evil’ races like Worgen or Orc~ When they decide to redeem themself demonic form will be reversed back to standard boring Night Elf.

Satyrs aren’t ever happening.

People are hyped to see female Satyr because they are happening… For WC3 Reforged.

But yeah… No chance for playable version.