Saurfang finally switched sides?

I don’t want orc in my alliance.

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This makes it so much easier not to feel bad when scorching the next alliance city to the ground. Thanks for the fuel. Vengeance for Rastakhan!

You can’t call for vengeance after a genocide.


Our king was actually relatable. Your human king is a walking fairytale monarch written to be perfect without any flaws(lack of realism). I know who I would rather follow.


Well ok I guess ? He kinda suck at his job, I’d call that a flaw. But now you have troll Anduin enjoy that. (with less flaw than Anduin)

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Yes, so perfect that he expected Sylvanas to fight at the Battle of Lordaeron without resorting to the Blight…

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I always laugh when people bring this up in a lore discussion. How hard can it be to understand that Blizzard dumbed him down?

It’s sad that the writers have to do this for Anduin to lose, and still he didn’t lose completely, because he kicked those ugly corpses out of their pathetic sewers. No matter. Anduin’s victory is inevitable. With the might of the legendary Kul Tiran Fleet that is Azeroth’s finest, he shall “redeem” himself for his unfortunate incident at Lordaeron.

Here is some crazy idea, please hear me out.

It could be that this mount over here… could not be tied with any story at all. Like that Horse mount in Arathi for Horde.

And if Saurfang would switch to Alliance, then you can at this point dismantle this pointless faction which Horde has become. I’ll gladly join Zandalari empire instead.


Take-a me wit’ ya!

(I’ve got my Warrior ready for the conversion, to praise the Moving Mountain herself!)

If I got the chance to leave, I’d do it too. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Horde but not what it stands for today… hmm, maybe I’ll join my fellow Space Tauren once the hidden spaceship in Thunder Bluff is ready.

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Man I wish Horde would be more like it was in vanilla, that athmosphere was so great. I just can’t believe what devs did to it.

And Saurfang he was on Horde’s every big battle, making him switch faction would be like for Varian to go Horde. Just no.


Good? Vanilla till cataclysm was a bore fest. It was literally Argus situation for 5 years straight.

I thought you really liked Tirion and said he was an amazing true neutral character?

This has nothing to do with neutral characters. And Argus was a 100% alliance only wankfest. Just like those 5 years between vanilla and cataclysm.


I mean… No.

Just no. Vanilla you might be able to make a case for. TBC not really, I don’t see how that was 100% Alliance and the same with WorLK. Especially when you think Tirion is an amazing neutral character who is the main person (besides the LK himself) of that expansion.

And I am not getting into this Argus argument again, last time you said Liadrin was neutral yet people like Turalyon and Khadgar weren’t.

Darion and Tirion are neutral yes. Bolvar aka the new LK? Absolutely team alliance. Brann too, ya know main guy for ulduar. Until Garrosh flipped tables and Thrall defeated Deathwing the horde played second fiddle in a alliance dominated world.

Bolvar ceased to be Alliance when he became the LK, he isn’t some Alliance partner. Most people beyond the DK’s and now the Horde leaders still think he is dead.

And has Brann actually been portrayed as fully Alliance? Most of his appearances in game are him being neutral. I know the DE isn’t but still, unless you know of an instance of him killing Hordies?

None of this is close to “100% Alliance Argus” still.

Self explainatory. Alliance war campaign. Nuff said. Explorer’s league is alliance. Brann leads them. That’s it.

Just race-change to Draenei already. I know you love us.

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Wait… But then I wont be able to irrationally hate Orcs anymore…