Two separate games with different systems.
Pvp realms were and always will be unstable in term of population and that is how warmode is born in retail.
Two separate games with different systems.
Pvp realms were and always will be unstable in term of population and that is how warmode is born in retail.
It’s a vicious cycle.
One server starts to lose one faction population. That lower population starts to lose control of the world and gets dominated by the horde. They transfer off to a realm either 50%+ alliance/horde and destroy that faction balance. Then the other faction transfers off again to destroy another realm balance. Rinse and repeat.
Gehennas and Firemaw are a prime example of this.
People with the lower faction numbers will never be able to recover, because who wants to roll on a server that people constantly transfer off?
True, I wish the alliance members of ashbringers didnt transfer all away that date when they basicly killed the server, Im atm still enjoying wotlk classic sometimes but then on leveling low lvl alts.
The northrend expierence for me is so far bad, but that was to be expected, Only alliance controlled zones it is able to quest in a peacefull way there not alot of horde are roaming about ( like Howyling ford ).
I dont know what the future is upcoming weeks for Ashbringer for alliance but it is not looking bright, I think the horde will take over the server once people realize they cant farm mats/herbs/ etc when they reach lvl 80 as alliance.
And that above ^ that is the reason why people will transfer fast away from the server then, because no mats = no money - or no gear, no herbs no potions, and the gold farm spots like crystilized earth/shadow etc for example will be camped every day by horde players.
The only solution is for blizzard to allow free transfers and transfer us to mega alliance servers… And like every server right now is like 99,9% horde , or 99,9% alliance, except Ashbringer , And Mograine is already at 90% horde now.
Balance is the key yes indeed, at the moment transfers are opened from several servers, servers that are very high pop, servers that have big queues and even some of those servers are Alliance or Alliance is the the predominant faction, Blizzard can’t force people to move.
As it is now, Ashbringer is at over 3K Horde and over 1K Alliance, i take that over 2 h+ queues.
yeah but soon it will be 6k horde 2k ally
then 8k vs 2k
i guess ally are in bad spot right now… but at least they dont have 10-15h queues
Again, for a balance to happen more people have to come to Alliance, even Blizzard can’t force people to do that.
I hope Blizzard does what they promised and locks the Horde transfers soon and then only allow Alliance transfers. They promised they would be monitoring things carefully, that time is about now Blizzard, 3-4k Horde is more than enough.
I have definitely been ganked more times than I have killed so the alliance presence is still very strong, still holding out good hopes for Ashbringer, and let us be honest here, it is the only hope for a balanced server currently.
Hello Balkmog, do you have any data regarding the numbers on the server for the alliance side?
On average, it peaked at just over 1300 during prime time 16:00 - 00:00 for Friday/Sat/Sun. I think this is the 1st weekend of expansion blip though, I think normal numbers are going to be around 2500 Horde to 1000 alliance this week, depending on a/ horde transfers in and b/ alliance transfers in/out and c/ if Blizzard locks Horde Transfers in.
Sorry to ask but what does it mean “expansion blip” ?
The first 1-3 weeks of any expansion are always heavy on the fluctuation of numbers due to people returning and then quitting.
If the server would stay around the numbers you mentioned above, 2500 Horde and 1000 Alliance that wouldn’t be too bad right?
That would be around 70-30 which is close to breaking point for some people. 60-40 is much nicer to play in. But even 70-30 is better than any of the mega servers for most content.
You did present some valuable solutions. Hopefully Blizzard will act accordingly to these requests.
Greetings @Kaivax , could you guys, please, take a look at the numbers on Ashbringer?
The server went from Low population to high, the issue is also that one faction become and already is much higher in numbers compared to the other faction.
68% horde, 32% alliance, no faction balance, the last ashbringers left like a month ago before prepatch and that were around 800-1k alliance players.
What is happening? Why is Alliance leaving the server?
They are not leaving. Actually there is more Alliance now then before. Its just that more Horde then Alliance moves to Ashbringer due to free transfer from Gehennas which is 99.9% horde mega-server
You don’t say.
And how can we prevent Ashbringer from becoming another 99% Horde realm?
We shouldnt. Let it happen. Im transfering and doing my part.