Save ashbringer

Then I have to quest in night time, and no cant do that , then im asleep :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the link, I see Ashbringer is right now at 71,6% horde, only solution is now to lock the transfers from horde to Ashbringer.
I was hoping to have a nice Wotlk expierence while leveling, but no, I cant do all quests I want in the northrend zones. ( Gankers everywhere )

For me it is back to retail atm till they fix this issue out, for me the best solution is free transfer for alliance right now to Firemaw/ or Pyrewood village / Earthshaker.

I got ganked by alliance after alliance yesterday in Zul’Drak. Its part of being on PvP server. Why dont you play on PvE server if you dislike ganking? Because that will always be a part of PvP servers.

This is an dumb answer by u, alliance is outmatched by horde, some alliance meight gank in groups because they are bored probably but this doesnt mean ‘’ go to an pve server’’

Ashbringer was always an 50/50 , 45/55 server. Now it is an 72% horde server. ( not balanced at all)
Please think about what u say before posting.

Both PvE servers (Gehennas & Firemaw) is locked :cry:

And that was only after the first (approximately) 5-8k horde immigrants. There are still 25k (at least. Solid guess) more to go before gehennas isn’t overpopulated

Sorry Frodo but those numbers are completely incorrect. Even at its peak, at its very best, the numbers were clearly 60-40% in alliance favor, often rising to 70-30.

Ashbringer wasn’t ever a 50/50 server.

30% allliance is easily playable, it just comes down to how much you want to accept that and how much you are willing to follow simple PvP server ideals.

It is a PvP server so you should always at least be in a pair when questing to avoid 2+ vs 1 opportunity attacks.

Always once you have a max-level character - park them in the zone your alts are questing into exact quick revenge if needed.

Always be prepared, always be situationally aware.

Standard things to adhere to.

Sorry, i alone count as 20% of horde since i have so much gaming skill. But im also so fat that i count as 3 people in alliance side.

But hey, im happy that the world pvp is way more alive than it was before lich king release. I just hope it wont end up being gankfest which always kills the losing side off.


Im talking about the Classic era of Ashbringer, Late TBC when BT came out as raid horde were leaving Ashbringer the server , in the whole classic era since 2019 Ive had no problems pvp wise, and it was always fair PvP.

Also if u check ironforge . pro u can see that horde were leaving when BT came out on Ashbringer.

We keep talking about PvP , and things that dont help to improve / or solve this situation we all have now.

Blizzard probably doesnt even read this post since we are on EU forums, We need Server faction balance, or merge ashbringer with some alliance server so it will be balanced.

Lol what?
The servers are blizzard responsibilities. You pay 12.99 for all the things they do. A little help from them is welcome.

Therefore, they are responsible for many issues with all the servers due no actions.( yeah later when things got worse)

In WoW, you lease the account. The account is still in their control. If you cant play on the account while you pay for it, thats their problem. And blizzard is turning it on you that you can pay another 20 euros for a transfer to fix their problems.

Hows your “example” valid bro😂


The issue is basing anything on numbers from as it is not an indicator that is accurate for any server.

But yes I get your point.

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I did think before i posted, you obviously didnt.

72/28 ratio has been normal ratios since god damn WotLk VANILLA! I played on horde dominated server back then and it worked then, and it works now. 30% share of the population is 100% viable. 45/55 realm or 50/50 is dream and nothing else, it has always been a dream and its a bull*** discussion tbh. It wont happen and back in the days it rarley happend aswell. Now move to the PvE realm which fits you better and be quiet.

Either way…
But you can play on the leased account…
On some servers you just need to wait in Q, others you can access immediatly. So therefore their service works as intended.

They already offer “Free” transfers off the giga-realms, wich is alot more Gameforge or Majin ever did :rofl:

The problem is that they screwd up the servers population wise. Look at Gehennas, it was growing and growing, even with queues.

If they really cared, they stopped the overpopulations and made the other servers more relevant. But they rather cared about gaining 20 euros for each transfer. And now it is too late.

Now they make it your problem to go other servers which will be minor at some point of the phases. Nobody wants that because the majority is already stationed.

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The problem is that they screwd up the servers population wise. Look at Gehennas, it was growing and growing, even with queues.

Not trying to let Blizzard off the hook as they had the responsibility to fix this months ago, but, server queues of this nature are not only a Blizzard problem.

If they really cared, they stopped the overpopulations and made the other servers more relevant. But they rather cared about gaining 20 euros for each transfer. And now it is too late.

It’s nothing new that Classic has always been a cashcow, or that Blizzard’s target audience is those with FOMO. Doesn’t justify their actions of course, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise at this point.

Now they make it your problem to go other servers which will be minor at some point of the phases. Nobody wants that because the majority is already stationed.

I’m sure more people would be willing to transfer if the options were more viable. Ashbringer has potential, even more so if people bring their friends with them.

Besides, people will need to deal with queues at any content release even if they do die down inbetween release cycles anyways. Besides, there are enough people in the queue to fill out Ashbringer to the point of crowding.

Update : Alliance side looking more alive, DEAD when u log in early day, around 28k items on AH.

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Nah nah, in periods in classic horde was slightly ahead.

It wasn’t anything major, but it was ever so slightly ahead.

TBC changed that though.

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Yes it was, in early-mid Vanilla it was.

Funny to read it’s now Horde-dominated, since I know Horde completely died off in TBC. But some time after that Alliance became quite quiet too so I guess transfers did the twist.

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Your figures are very different from mine then, my figures never said it was equal, if you are basing your figures from ironforge, then I guess that would be the reason why.

It’s currently 76-24% In horde favor.

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Well I guess 50.000000000000000/50.000000000000000000 was never a thing indeed :smiley: Doesn’t really matter now what was 3 years ago, so was just saying

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