Scammers succeeding, players getting scammed

So, your own fault.
Don’t cheat.

And that’s really the end of the discussion as far as I am concerned.


Correct. So permanently and irrecoverably delete all AotC titles, mounts etc. or reward them to all accounts the very first time they clear a raid even with legacy buffs.

Boosting problem solved.

Ah well, join a mythic raiding guild then. I really don’t get why people buy these boosts.

Same with that person who farms the voidtalon mount and protodrake to sell them on trade channel. I wish he’d get banned so others have a chance at farming these mounts.

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JuSt DoNt BuY BoOsTs ~your average 4head forum poster


Pictures are unnecessary as they’ll say it won’t be accepted because it’s easily edited, they’d have logs on their end to look at for proof.

i dont know, never came into such a situation myself. but if they have the logs OP does have a legit case and blizzard should ban the scammer.

As for all the people saying join a mythic raiding guild, 1 or 2% of the playerbase is able to clear mythic. when you see how many people got the mythic Fyrakk mount you just know there are alot of people buying it, and i dont see whats wrong with it. people earn their gold or buy it so what? its accepted by Blizzard and it makes them alot of cash which is good for the game

You can just disable services in chat and just use trade and general chat. Problem solved no spam in your chat

No? Let’s use an analogy to explain why it’s wrong:

Let’s say Person A participates in the olympics and wins a gold medal.
Person A then sells that medal to Person B.
Person B is now going around with the medal acting as if they actually earned it.

You don’t see anything wrong with that?

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yeah you got that right i dont see anything wrong in it, and it seems blizzard aswell else it would not be accepted.

And that’s bad. Morals and ideals are going down the drain.

thats your point of view, many others would not agree with you so it seems like a you issue

Hahaha comparing Olympics to a freaking wow. I can’t tahra. Sure. Let’s compare someone who’s been training all day everyday their entire life to some overweight nerd playing video game. Winning an Olympic medal means you’re a top athlete. Obtaining cutting edge means you have a lot of free time on your hands. Come on now rofl


You know what an analogy is, right?

Go away.

Yea and yours was extremely stupid :rofl:

That’s your opinion. But making it known in such a crude and disrespectful manner is not the way to do it. Goodbye.

i just pay the sweatlords out there to do the work for me, it saves me alot of time and time is money

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I could say the same about your opinion. So let’s just agree to disagree.

It’s okay, I tend to say silly stuff all the time. No need to be ashamed. Who knows, maybe in couple of years RWF will take place during Olympics hh Ahahah

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Lol imagine paying for some guys to play the game for you instead of actually playing and acomplishing the game yourself just to show off some number or stats.

Not sorry it happeend.