Scammers succeeding, players getting scammed

I’m definitely not. I’m annoyed at you not being able to keep it civil.
Now I’m going to stop replying to you because you’re still being antagonistic.

Just because I pointed out something silly you said doesn’t mean I’m not being civil. You’re an Olympic champion in my book. All these posts on forums rofl hahaha

only poor people would say something like this is my conclusion

But it’s not cheating. I don’t agree with it either, I’m very much of the opinion that you should “earn” stuff through your own efforts but your takes are just (at best) lazy.

It’s cheating if its against the rules, what the OP was doing wasn’t. So


I (as in: me, myself and I) consider it cheating.
I also consider it a huge mistake on Blizzard’s end to allow that sort of thing to continue.

It’s lazy because I think it’s a non-topic. OP got what he deserved as far as I am concerned. Should scammers get punished? For sure.
But I have no sympathy for the OP.

Well, you don’t get to tell me what I will and will not discuss. :kissing_heart:

Now say it without crying.


I didn’t tell you what you can discuss, I’m simply saying you’re wrong in your assertion. Read properly before posting, I didn’t express myself that badly.

What you consider cheating is irrelevant to everybody except you. It’s an opinion, stating your opinion doesn’t end a discussion (because its not all about what concerns you)

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hahahahahaha!!! :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

No; you THINK I am wrong.
Big difference.

Maybe you should read properly as well.
The inclusion of ‘as far as I am concerned’ said it all.

Now; I’m taking my leave from this thread.

Facts state you are wrong, Jesus Christ Tara. I know I’m bad but you’d pick a fight with your shadow in an empty room.

Fess up and admit you’re wrong for once in your life, its not that hard and can be quite empowering.

You do know the difference between a fact and your opinion, right?

Do you? Because you’re claiming that I view my opinion as fact.
I don’t know where you got that notion. I shared my opinion. That is all.

Let it go.

PS: I’ve admitted being wrong before, so making it out as if I never do is slander.
But in this case; no, I’m not going to admit that my opinion is wrong. It’s my opinion.
I’m not claiming it’s a universal fact. I’m simply saying that it’s my opinion.

Just like it’s my opinion that cheese is utterly disgusting. It’s not a fact. But it’s my opinion and it’s NOT wrong.

Okay after reading few of your posts I see why your analogy was so bad. You’re just not as smart as you think. You’re right, I’ll leave you alone but Panda destroyed you with facts. It was a decent read, thanks guys :santa:

You’re wrong there. :sweat_smile:
Chances are pretty good that I’m the smartest person you’ve ever had a conversation with. And that’s just going on statistics alone (I could be wrong of course; knowing nothing of your real life).

Because nothing screams “smart” like claiming to be smart on the interweb. :smirk:

We got them again. It’s just that easy

You’re just embarrasing yourself at this point, best was to leave as you said multiple times.

I was merely opposing a claim made about me. :person_shrugging:t3:

Just providing me with more proof of your trolling and harrassment. :person_shrugging:t3:

Am I? If someone makes a claim about you, it’s embarrassing to try and refute that?

Okay. :thinking:

I’ll give you people credit though; you’ve managed to lure out the old ‘I’ll bite back’ Tahra. And that’s on me. I should know better than to react to this sort of thing.

So that stops now. Goodbye.

If all OP did is buy a boost for gold only to get scammed, he himself would not get banned for that. I suspect he isn’t being honest and possibly bought gold. A perma ban wouldn’t make sense otherwise.

Some claims just don’t need opposing. Neither party can prove or disprove their point.

And its probably a slightly philosophical question but what is “smart”? I have friends who were academically brilliant at school, the type of people that switched careers from really well paid engineers to a medical doctor because they wanted more meaning in their work. Said person also got mugged at an ATM once because it didn’t occur to them that withdrawing cash at night at an isolated ATM in a bad part of town wasn’t “smart”.

When the zombie apololypse comes, do I want the person with 3 phd’s in the classics by my side or the ‘prepper’ that dropped out of school early but has practical skills?

I digress.

are ninja looting and scam boosting allowed? morally wrong but are they allowed?