“The Crimson Inherent is the Bulwark against the Wicked, The Monster, the Heretic. Serve loyally and faithfully and you shall be rewarded, turn away from the grace of the Holy Light, and be crushed beneath us.”
~Raymond Clifford
The Crimson Inherent is a Scarlet Crusade successor Guild that revolves around the rebuilding and restructurization of the splintered Scarlet forces around Azeroth. The Order was founded shortly after the conclusion of the fourth war by Raymond Clifford. Having faced betrayel and deceit form their traitor brothers and deserters the future of the Inherent will be tested in these next few weeks, with either rising above their enemies, or being destroyed and forgotten, like so many before them.
Concepts and Themes of the Guild
The Holy Light
The Crimson Inherent strongly believes in the teachings of the Church of the Holy Light and the Three Virtues. Strong deviations or own interpretations are treated as heretic perversions of their holy faith and needs to be erradicated, either by converting the heretic, or if they resist by Death. Either way they seek to purge these heretic beliefs of Azeroth.
Colors and SymbolsWhile the Crimson Inherent has adopted the Scarlet Crusades color-scheme of red and white, it’s other prominent color-scheme has become gold and red, the gold symbolising prosperity, honor and courage while the red symbolises strength, family and home.
The Crimson Inherent has two primary sigils and one only reserved for the Leader of the Crimson Inherent. The first one being the Sigil of Lordaeron, the famous “L” being used by Crusade, Forsaken and Alliance alike, the other being the Twin headed eagle, most prominent on shields and tabards of Lordaeron, now adorned with the gold and red color-scheme, thus being dubbed the “Golden Eagle.”
The Corruption of the Crusade was always a mystery, some say Balnazzar has twisted the Crusade into the fanatical Zealots everyone came to know. However it could also be likely that Grand Inquisitor Isillien and High General Abbendis be the leading causes for the spreading Zealotry of the Crusade, as they have been acting quite similar to a Scarlet Crusader before the formation of the Scarlet Crusade and Balnazzar getting into the fold.
The Corruption of the Leading core of the Crimson Inherent could thus be debated about, with Raymond Clifford being an unusually level-headed person in his role, however still haboring the same Zealotry against those he despises, especially those on a Personal level.
With the apparent corruption of the Scarlet Onslaught being known throughout the splintered off factions due to them employing Death Knights and Raven priests, the Crimson Inherent will sooner or Later strive to learn the cause behind the corruption of the Scarlet Onslaught, and if similar could have happened to them…
Relations with Horde and AllianceThe Horde:
For the Crimson Inherent the Horde is nothing but a bunch of relentless savages That should go back to where they belong. along with the Forsaken being one of their archenemies and being responsible for the destruction of the Scarlet Crusade forces in the west, yeah…The Alliance:
The Relations between the Alliance and Crimson inherent is peculiar. Due to past actions and relation between the Scarlet Crusade and Alliance the Crimson Inherent stands defensively against the Alliance so to speak. Not attacking until provoked, thus distancing themselves heavily from msot of the Alliance forces.
The Crimson Throne
The Crimson Inherent believes itself to be one of the only true factions entitled to the Crimson Throne and the Scarlet Crusade, being so to say “The heirs” of the Scarlet Crusades legacy, and the only way to earn this legacy is to unify the Crusade once more into one force and rise as the new Crimson Legion. Any who would contest the Crimson Throne or resist a unified Brotherhood will be treated no better than outsiders and will be dealt with.
The Crimson Sigil
Members of the Crimson Inherent will be given a crimson Sigil ring, in order show their allegience to the order should they be not wearing their colors, which in order for safe passage throughout lands not held by their order may prove all too necessary.
Induction & Recruitment + Ranks, Q&A and Contact
The Requirements for Joining the Crimson Inherent are fairly simple.
The most straight foward way to join the Order is to seek out the Scarlet Monastery, the base of operations of the Crimson Inherent. Another way for those living in the south of the Eastern Kingdoms, most prodominently Stormwind and it’s surrounding areas may find a way to seek out a Crimson Missionary, a secret member of the Crimson Inherent whose purpose it is to either: Provide shelter fro Brothers in the South, Convert Faithful Humans to the cause or spread slight propaganda around the eastern kingdoms. Although this method is highly controversial, it is because of the necessity of new recruits, along with being surrounded by those who would love to spill Scarlet blood. thus not even showing their colors to potential recruits, merely sending them on their way.
For Non-Crusaders: Induction into the Order
Humans willing to join the Crimson Inherent will be tested if they are indeed living humans or not spies of the Forsaken, Scourge or other devious forces. For this a Crusader proficient with the Light will test the person through surging the energies of the light through the tested. Should the person feel the comforting warmth of the Holy Light and it’s healing abilities they will be allowed to proceed further into the trials, should he fail by feeling pain or other forms that may indicate their discomfort they will be dealt with, swiftly and deadly.
Should your character pass the test of purity, they would be let inside their sacred halls to begin the training as either type of Initiate. Aspirant for melee and ranged combatants, and Desciple for the Spellcasters and aspiring Clergy. More on the Individual types in the Ranks category.
For Crusaders: Induction into the Order
Humans willing to join the Crimson Inherent will be tested if they are indeed living humans or not spies of the Forsaken, Scourge or other devious forces. For this a Crusader proficient with the Light will test the person through surging the energies of the light through the tested. Should the person feel the comforting warmth of the Holy Light and it’s healing abilities they will be allowed to proceed further into the trials, should he fail by feeling pain or other forms that may indicate their discomfort they will be dealt with, swiftly and deadly.
Crusaders are able to jump over the phase of the Aspirant and desciple and become fully fledged members of tha Order fairly quickly. That however depends how high ranking and/or experienced your Character is.
Ranks and Command Structure
The official Ranks used by The Crimson Inherent to indicate their hierarchy within the Order:
Lord Commander: Highest Authority and Figurehead of the Order. This title was chosen by Raymond Clifford in honor of Saidan Dathrohan who had worn the title himself be the rising of the Scarlet Crusade.
Crimson Lieutenant: Millitary Commander and highest authority during the abscense of the Lord Commander
Crusader: The Millitary Backbone of the Order. skilled in combat and possesing an iron will to crush their enemies in the name of the Light.
Conjuror: Spellcasters of various arts of Magic, be it arcane, fire, frost or in extremely rare instances that of the forbidden arts used by Augurs.
Chaplains: Priests and Clerics of the Order, focusing on prayers and aiding their Brothers in combat situations as well as giving sermons and prayers to the Crusaders to boost their morale.
Missionaries: Secret members of the Order operating outside the Boarders of the Crimson Inherent in order to convert Humans from around Azeroth to join their Cause. These members are very secretive about their true affiliation and would never show their colors without the confirmation that the person is a Brother of the Inherent.
Aspirants: Melee units in training, new recruits of Individuals seeking to join the Crimson Inherent, during this period of their Membership, they wear Leather armor and wield simple weapons given to them by the Inherent. They need to pass trails of faith, loyalty and tenacity and prove themselves worthy of becoming a fully fleged member of their Order. Should an Aspirant prove themselves worthy, they will be gifted their Tabard and the right to bear their Crimson Armor.
Disciples: Sorcerers and Clergy in training, new recruits of Individuals seeking to join the Crimson Inherent, during this period of their Membership, they wear simple robes given to them by the Inherent. They need to pass trails of faith, loyalty and tenacity and prove themselves worthy of becoming a fully fleged member of their Order. Should a Desciple prove themselves worthy, they will be
gifted their Tabard and the right to bear their Crimson Robes.
Questions and Answers
What makes you different from all the other guilds?
We’re certainly trying to stand out as a Guild and to basically go our own path without straying to far away from the actual theme of the Scarlet Crusade. We can’t always be stuck in 2004 anymore
How big are you, and thus is it worth to join?
We’re not the biggest guild, our numbers once were okay with around 20 people and about half of them being active with frequent 4-6 Roleplayers per event. That number has dwindled to a about 15 ingame members with 3-4 members now per event due to a nasty incident where one member of another guild tried to steal members away from us. However i won’t go into detail nor will a name any names of who it was, just to give you a reason why.
But is it still worth it? Yes, definetly! Our guild may be small, but we love to cooperate with other guilds for more people tot ake part in these events and have fun together. The more the merrier!
Are you operating only in Lordaeron or also around other parts of Azeorth?
At the moment we are striving to rebuild our order, which means mainly operating around Lordaeron, however once our numbers rise we can take part in greater campaigns that may stretch across all of Azeroth! With a reasonable explanation of course.
How accepting are you of Suggestions and Criticism?
Me as a GM am very accepting of suggestions and criticism, as long as it is cosntructive and doesn’t just revolve around meaningless insults i’m always willing to hear it and if possible work on improving upon it.
How long would i stay an Aspirant/Desciple if i’d join?
That depends really, the Aspirant and Desciple are more of a testing grounds for Scarlet Roleplay and your Character. Generally for about two to three weeks.
Do i need to wear a Uniform?
No. Only Aspirants and Desciples need to wear the Mandatory armor, which is also free for everyone who joins, so for joining as an Aspirant you don’t need a mog or Tabard at first.
My Question is not in here.
That’s no problem, if you have any questions just post them here, i’ll make sure to answer them as quickly as i can once i see them.
Discord and Argent Archieves
In case you want to join us or plan events with us if you are in another guild, make sure to join our Discord Server and take a look at our Argent Archieves.
The Guild Discord:
My Discord Tag: Zumarion#2388
Argent Archieves: