Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

Are you trying to make people quit wow, blizzard?

I quit legion, because it was crud. High mountain and no flying?
Now you expect me to go back and play old story - in order to unlock new story?

I would rather quit the game! I am sure many feel the same but they just don’t come here to say it.

Make the new races available without needing to go back to find some unknown faction to become exalted with. Or scrap and remove the pathfinder achievement requirements for flying skill, from old story content.

I totally refuse to play legion until you let me fly there for a price of gold.
You are trolling your players in a very unkind way.

Did you have to be exalted with gilneas before you could create a worgen?

Can you imagine how much people would have complained if so?


Your title is such clickbait. Well, have patience, do two dailys a day and in a short time you should have everything unlocked. Or just quit the game, because the requirements will remain.


Or, you know, instead of spending time on the forums you could be busy unlocking these races if you truly want to play them.


or , you know, some people can come to the forums like the games masters tell them to, to express dislike to features of the game, for the devs to read and make changes which more people would actually like… Without the regular posters instantly telling them they are wrong and that they should not complain.

Why do you think that most people do not come to state the things that they do not like about the game? Because they don’t want to have to justify their dislikes to everyone. Or to reinforce their points.

Blizzard are trolling us, by expecting us to go back and play content which made us quit the game once already.

I came back to the game because BfA is the best expansion they have made in a long time. Most enjoyable content since cataclysm, most epic raids since lich king.

I should not have to go and play the legion content. I have paid to be able to create the new races.


I think it’s totally reasonable that you should do story quests for highmountain if you want to play highmountain taurens.


I think it is totally unreasonable to complete all of the quests in the current end game expansion, and to be exalted with all of the factions of the expansion, and then be told you have to go back and play old story…

While playing old story, you are missing out on the azerite you need on your neck.

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Level your twinks to 110 and complete all of them. Do your weeklys and voilà, you have everything.


You have described your own post perfectly there.


I don’t have twanks.

While having artefact to level, I do not play alts much at all. My pally is lucky to get enough of my time to have gained 120. I need to farm azerite on my main. I have had a 415 chest armour for a month, and still haven’t unlocked the last trait on it yet. Do I have time to play old story? no.

They opened new races, and I look at the special offer for race change, then find out I need to unlock stuff?

If the faction isn’t a part of the current expansion, then it should not be required to get exalted with it.


the fact that to unlock HIGHMOUNTAIN tauren you have to do the HIGHMOUNTAIN content, seems pretty reasonable to me.
i would agree with you if you needed to do suramar in order to unlock kul tiran humans, but that is not the case.


void elf and lightforged…. never even encountered their factions before.

how is that relevant?
they got introduced in legion, and you have to do legion content to unlock them.
or do you mean that having skipped legion you never encountered them?


yes, I skipped legion.

You have to recruit this races for your faction. I am sorry that you have to do it now.


well then that’s why you never encountered them, it does not make them NEW content.

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I had the same feeling as you, i took a break halfway in legion, came back in bfa and was mad to find out that i had to go back to legion and grind for those

but the point in them making them gated behind rep is to keep you subscribed, and for those who stayed subscribed felt rewarded for getting allied races, and for you and me who weren’t there at that time we felt this way

but hey, you can get them easily with 120 character, just log in do the WQ everyday, and you will be exalted in no time, took me about 2-3 weeks to get all the legion allied races

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We are lucky will never listen to casual players like u…:rofl::crazy_face::joy:

Keep up the drama…

btw u can play Fortnite no need to grind anything…:laughing:


“casual” ??
/played = Total Time Played : 600 days +
on this character alone.

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Damn, I was just reading the thread and came across your comment.

You remind me about those “edgy” kids back in the day with the “eheheheh, filthy cazul” mentality.

I hope you’re either joking or at max 15 years old, otherwise it’s just pathetic.


Wolfrom was replying to Raiden’s comment, not you

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