Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

Because if they are children at least their behaviour is understanble, for an adult, not really.

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Using age as a form of put-down, towards someone who is most likely an adult, should be seen as bullying. There is no need for it.

I would also say it is a form of ageism.

“Ageism is a type of discrimination that involves prejudice against people based on their age. Similar to racism and sexism, ageism involves holding negative stereotypes about people of different ages. The term ageism was first used by gerontologist Robert N. Butler to describe the discrimination of older adults!”

Kindly stop derailing the thread with useless flaming.

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Holy Jesus, dude…

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out of topic, but …

how do you deal with someone who is being mean towards you, either by behaving in away unsuitable for adult environment even tho he is an adult or being just an idiot

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“Holy Jebus”? There is no such thing…

But there is such thing as a Holy Paladin, which I would like to see lightforged - except for some.

I could understand having to encounter the required faction, but having to be exalted with them is asking too much. Maybe only need to be exalted in order to get the transmogs.

I’ll be totally honest with you, after his speech back then I wouldn’t really bother to try and reason with him.

This actually makes me glad that I live somewhere which didn’t absorb every USA trend. Especially the trend of brushing everything off as “bullying” with a buzzword.


@ [Bluescent]

How would I deal with someone being mean? Well, there is always the option to ignore it. Then there is the option to troll them.

I would rather go for the option of identifying what they are doing, for example, @ [Raiden] was being an elitist jerk. So I would snub his elitism or ask him to refrain from being an elitist. Rather than try to imply he is a child.

There is as much we can learn from children as from the elderly, and as much again as they could learn from us. It doesn’t suit to pretend to be some kind of superior based on ones age or presumed age-hood, as that can be seen as bigoted.

@ [Wolfrom] bullying is bullying, being bigoted is being bigoted. And derailing threads is commonly known as trolling.

If you want to discuss age, there is a useless topic for that already on the forum…

This @here topic is for talking about the inability to create the new allied races.

Also, I am not from the USA, I am from the UK.

I do know you are not from the USA, we are in the European forums after all. I just said that I am glad I don’t live somewhere that absorbed USA trends like those you seemed to have swallowed up.

I won’t even try to argue with you, because I can recognize a waste of time and effort when someone is simply dismissive and overly blinded by their own ideals. So sure, you can assume I am whatever you want to think of me.


God forbid you have to work for it.

Go away.


You can easily create them. It just require some comittment. Do the Zandalar zone story achievements for each zone + the great seal + war campaign including 8.1 + exalted and you have zandalari.

For rep, I just used contract for zandalari (inscription / ah), and did emissary + wq that awarded bonus rep. It takes time, but that is the cool thing about it. It takes a bit of planning if you want to do it as fast as possible but as little grind as possible.

Do you really want WoW to turn into a game where nothing requires commitment?


The requirements are there for a looong time, and they wont go away. You have to do them.

I recently unlocked Nightbornes, i had to do Suramar! And it’s not that hard to do now.

Do wq and stuff and you will be done, stop whining.


I loved high mountain, probably my favourite zone out of all the Legion ones.

High mountain Taurens were a major bonus!

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Did you have to be exalted with gilneas before you could create a worgen?

Can you imagine how much people would have complained if so?

You are implying that I do not want to work for things that are worth working for, which should actually require working for. This should not require exalted with old story factions.

Were worgen an allied race, made from the start to require story achievements to have access to? No?

Well, there you go.


No, because blizzard had decent development managers back then.

The new races are no different, just because they are hidden behind an extra button in the character creation screen.

Except that they are.

The reason they can make so many allied races instead of 2 (for an entire expac) is because how they create them.

They aren’t 100% unique, like the ones prior to allied races.

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Dude i understand you but did you even try to do some world quest to unlock one of allied race? It is not that hard without flying and it wont take your hours. Just try it.


Not to me.

Yes, I did every quest I could find in the new content, and got exalted with all of the new factions. Then they add the new races and I am told I should be exalted with some other factions and have to search wowhead for answers.

I have dark iron unlocked, and should have kul tiran unlocked - except some bug is stopping me from creating a kul tiran, even though I have met all of the requirements.

I should not be forced to go back to play an old expansion which caused me to quit the game. I cannot stand legion. I played since lich king, not being able to fly up a very high mountain gave me the strong feeling that I was being trolled by blizzard.

Have you heard the story of a turtle named Loh? Without a bird’s-eye-view, he just gets lost, and spends hours going around in circles. I do not have the time to play old story.

I can understand having to grind for the transmog set, and think people should only need to get exalted for that. People should be able to create the characters without exalted rep.

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Good thing the game ain’t designed around what you believe in.


stop trolling, stop telling people to go away, stop being hostile to those who have a different opinion to yourself…

do you think that the game is designed around what you believe in? starting to seem like you do. And if you regularly troll people off the forums for having different ideas to yourself then that is probably why.