Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

And now he is “forced” to do irrelevant, timegated content for a race, on a char that he might doesn’t want to play, to unlock a race so he can start playing the character that he wants to play.

Imagine being 1/9 mythic and calling others casuals.

There is a big difference between working for your character progression and working for unlocking basic features of an expansion.

Cause those are character progression, you’re not required to farm those so that you can start a new character.

Furthermore those aren’t major features of the current expansion.

And you don’t see a problem with whole RACES being locked behind old, timegated content?

I had friends grind out nightborn allied races who quit after unlocking them because they were burnt out playing a character they don’t enjoy.


No WF raider looks at this forum, it’s one of the worst places for discussion.

And a LOT of mythic raiders don’t spend a lot of time in the game, outside of raiding. Between 2-3 days of raiding, M+ and AP farming(All on 2-3 toons), there is not a lot of time left to do other content.

LFR isn’t meant to teach you the fights, it’s a difficulty added so the people that have no interest in raiding can see the content while being AFK. (Not meant to be rude, i have no problem with the existence of LFR)
Guilds get curve in week one, and most mythic raiding guilds could clear 3+ mythic bosses in HC week, if mythic would be unlocked. How lame would it be to timegate that content even more, so that we get several weeks of underwhelming raids?

Cause this is probably the most casual friendly expansion ever.

You get a free HC item every 2-3 weeks, you get normal+ ilvl just from doing solo content (WQs/Weeklys), Azerite knowledge is meant to help casuals/alts catch up.

I hit 120 last week on my monk, after 1 single ID reset i am at 400 ilvl with a neck lvl of 36.

Harder and rep grinds are two different things.

IMHO the new raid has a great difficulty curve for normal/HC, while most mythic bosses seem a bit undertuned (first “hard” boss is mecha and blockade is 100% undertuned in mythic).

M+ has a good difficulty curve aswell, compared to last season.

The new affix is really PUG friendly and IMHO most people could at least finish +10s if they would want to.

And back then the REP rewards were items that progressed your character, not races for new characters.

I would love to play a HM tauren or my monk, but i won’t spend weeks grinding rep doing WQs when i still to farm AP on my main/alts so i can engage in content i enjoy.

I’m ok with things being locked behind a grind, but flying and allied races shouldn’t be. Make it cosmetics and/or good items(But not BiS)

Oh, classic was way less grindy than current wow in some aspects.
1 Night of progression takes 40k+ gold per person.
If you want to be competitive in regards to necklvl, you need to spend 2+ hours/day just farming AP.

But the leveling is like 50% the gameplay experience in classic while grinding rep/doing WQs feels like a chore.

Back then all rewards for grinding were relevant to the current content OR cosmetics and the grind was way more bearable. (I love TBCs rep grinding)

You do some dungeons, you get rep.
You do some dailies, you get rep.
No pointless flying around the map just to kill 1 mob and then fly to the other half of the island to kill 1 more mob.

Look how hard i worked doing WQs while being brain AFK watching netflix.

Thats how you sound.

And again, he is fine with cosmetics being locked behind a pointless grind, not key features of an expansion.

I don’t mind grinding months for a cosmetic or item but i mind RACES being locked behind grinds, especially grinds for old content.

I haven’t played in legion, am i supposed to take 1+ hours/day to grind a key feature of an expansion?

What if i wanted to play an allied race when i came back to WoW?
Should i level a character, grind for nearly a month and then level a new character, that i actually want to play?

I’m all for “work hard, if you want something” but certain key features of the game should be free for all.
As it currently stands, gear is basically free for everyone while actual races are locked behind an insane grind(And for some races a grind for old content).

@Mojomane, thanks

@Dotsoffun, see man, that^ is how to disagree with people without it being classed as trolling. Mojo also disagreed with some of my points there, but he didn’t flame me for them.

Imagine having almost 0 achievement and calling others casuals. :joy:

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Imagine posting 3 times to a topic, even posting after having 1 post removed, and still not contributing anything of substance. You find yourself funny, it is weird.

And that basic feature was created to require work to get.


This thread has derailed off topic and as such, is being closed.