Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

Had to go back to WoD ( in bfa ) to obtain flying. It was a chore, but I never felt like complaining about it. My mistake for not playing that content when it was out.
Gave me something to do and work for and now I have it.

I’m guessing this is your stupidity showing through, right? You do realize you can’t see titles on the forums?
Not to mention, you’re fine with spending Weeks/months to get a useless title that means nothing, but don’t like the idea of having to work for something that gives you a completely different game perspective?
You understand how stupid that sounds, right?

No, I won’t, I’ll just drag out the point that you seem fine with doing meaningless work for meaningless things, but don’t like doing something that gives you a different play-style. That’s worse.

It’s revered for Flying (Which is seriously easy to get in BFA and Legion, and soon WoD thanks to TWing). Getting Exalted is anything thing. Hence why they are called ALLIED races though, cause you have to gain their allegiance.
If people are quitting because they have to work for things within an MMO, then good riddance. MMO’s have ALWAYS had grinds in them. But, it seems clear that people only enjoy grinds when they’re meaningless. Weird that.

“I don’t mind grinding months for a useless title that gives me nothing, but to heck with you trying to make me grind 2 weeks for a completely new race!”

Why is it that people turn to the “troll” remark whenever someone disagrees with them? Don’t like the fact not everyone thinks like you? Do us “trolls” scare you? Do you need a blanket?

I think a mod must have changed the title of the topic tbh.

Pretty sure I didn’t title the thread “Why do I have to grind rep for things”

I have now edited it to say “Why does anyone have to grind rep”

You have paid a rental fee to be able to connect to Blizzards world and play in it.

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You are trolling, and adding nothing new to the topic now. I am not turning to a word, I am pointing out that you are trolling. It is what you are doing and it is what you have been doing all along.

I have done a lot of trolling across the internet in my time, and I can see when someone is simply trolling. If you want a troll-down, let me just say, you would be crying into your teddy before I had finished, so don’t get me started with trolling you. Just stop being insulting and stop trolling.

I think it’s time you let this thread die. Now you’re attacking ppl. Never a good thing.

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Think this is a troll post given the responses since the original post was put up. Clearly the person doing it has no respect for the views of others constructive or other wise and by the way I did skim read your replies OP and a lot of them come across as inflammatory or offensive to those who’s views differ from your own.

To be frank your tirades at others really should get this thing locked and you to take a forced break. Because to me at least it seems you have nothing better to do with your time than attack others.

I am not attacking anyone. This guy is being as insulting as he can possibly be without getting reported.

It is wrong to push his wild accusation of an opinion to suggest that people are lazy and good for nothing if they don’t want to work for rep in order to unlock something.

I like this game to be full of players. I don’t like people to quit this game. I am a guild leader, when people quit my guild suffers. So I don’t think that anyone should have to do rep grinds in order to unlock flying or character creation.

Lmao, the stupidity continues! I’m not trolling, far from it actually. So, I guess you can’t see someone “trolling” can you? Since you claim that I am.

Are you going to tell me the Insane title has more meaning in the game than a Race, or flying? Because that’s the epitome of stupidity.

Like some moron on the internet that doesn’t seem to have an IQ in the double digits is going to “make me cry into my teddy”, as you so put it.

If you can’t take the fact that people don’t always agree with your “almighty views”, then I suggest avoiding public forums. Less heartache on your part then.

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Just see my last post.

When I did the Insane in the Membrane achievement, it actually took about a year to grind it out. You keep saying that I am a work-shy lazy something, who is somehow overprivileged and wants everything handed to him on silver…

If that were the case then I would not run a very big guild and have a title like “the Insane”. try to dismiss and belittle this point all you want. Call it worthless and meaningless all you want. It does count for something, it counts to counter your ignorant insults.

You don’t have to do the grind, nothing forcing you into it, no gun to head etc.

However, if you want the end result…


We have been doing that since WoD and you have gotten atleast one if not more good reasons to why it is so. Most of us dont agree with you. Just accept it and move on.
Rep grind is here to stay wheter you like it or not. The reward for playing the content is flying in the end or unlocking Allied race.

It is what it is. M.o.v.e O.N


you generalise with this word “most”…

“Most” of the people who do agree with me, don’t want to come here to say it because they don’t want to speak to “most” of the trolls here, and would rather spend “most” of their time avoiding these forums.

Telling me to move on is not going to win your argument. It might usually win your argument, to collectively troll someone and make them feel unwelcome, but not with me.

17 people put a <3 heart on my OP… I don’t see 17 people posting to agree with me, but I also don’t see 17 people disagreeing. It seems that “most” of the ones who do agree - simply don’t want to write it.

So, you’re fine with a grind for a title (Cosmetic) that took over a year, but you’re complaining about 2-3 weeks of a grind for flying/races, which changes the whole dynamic of the game. This irony is beautiful.

Compared to a race and flying, a title IS meaningless. It’s just some letters next to your name, that’s all. You gain 0 benefits from having said title, so, in this sense, it’s meaningless.

Yes, because you know what “most” of the people are thinking, don’t you. I completely forgot you’re a mind-reader. You turn to calling people trolls again, because they disagree with you. Yet complain when others insult you. Double standards at it’s finest.

Again, use of the word troll. I’m starting to get the feeling you have no understanding of what a “troll” actually is. Not everyone that disagrees with you is a troll. Not everyone with a different mind-set as you is a troll. Not everyone with different feelings as you is a troll.

You know that the like has no indication to anything, right? You can easily jump on all of your characters and like this post on each one of them. (To be honest, you seem like the type of person who would do that, since you’re so egotistical).

you really are being pathetic now.

“someone agrees with him, how can I dismiss that”, go and play wow and stop trolling the forums to get the devs bent to your will.

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Maybe “most” of us avoid the forums beacuse threads like this? “Maybe most” avoid the forums due to the way you argue?

I’m sorry, but you are digging your own grave here. There have been others before you trying to argue against the repgrind, I have yet to see one succeed to win that argument as they more or less all say the same thing you did, " why should I".

Again, you have been given reasons why it is so and fairly good ones too in my opinion.

Highmountain is a reward for playing Legion. Something you didnt.
Zandalari is the reward for playing Bfa as horde.
Play long enough and you will have unlocked Pathfinder part 2.

If you dont want to go back and grind Higmountain rep or to unlock flying in Legion you wont get to have that.

This is like trying to explain to my 11 year old why it’s good to save your money.


Just play gnomes like I do. Problem solved!

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Well I was just giving an example of how Dotsoffun makes his points. So go figure.

Can we get a blue post to lock this? It’s gone way way way off topic



that is exactly why people troll on forums, to get topics locked so that nobody else can express an opinion which goes against their own.

Can you just go and make your own topic titled “make everything in the game bound to tedious and overbearing quests and rep grinds, people should work their bones dry to do anything”

So that people who oppose it can come and troll until that gets locked too?

no, you have just been stating your own opinion, and doing your best to derail the thread, with insults.

Flying was removed because industrial scale botters and gold sellers were crushing the server economies of the game (gold). Those third party companies now sell boosts for raids instead and still make their money out of the game. Therefore, it was a waste of blizzards time to remove flying, because it made people quit and hit them in the pocket, while it did not hit the third party companies in the pocket as is evident by how many there are now selling boosts.

At least when there were bots, players could see them and report them, and blizzard had the budget to escalate the report and ban them. If you try reporting a bot now, using the support ticket options, either on the website or in-game… then you will be told by a games master that they do not have the budget or bandwidth to escalate support tickets or to email their own other department, and that you the player should send screenshots via email to and then if you argue that it isn’t your job to do that, that it is their job to do that, you will get a warning on your account for “abusing the customer support system” even though you took the option in the support ticket menu to report a player for hacks or cheating.

That’s a fact.

When I started playing the game it had 12million players world-wide. Now it has just over 5million. When I started playing the game, you could fly and create characters without needing to do rep grinds. That’s the statistical evidence…

Which is why I think it is wrong that anyone should have to do rep grinds in order to unlock these features of the game.

I do not see how in any of your posts you have used facts or statistics to justify the expression of your own opinion.