Season 2 ksm requires both tyrannical and fortified 15s in 9.1

Oy Vey! More Tokens sold for carries! More spam in trade chat t hat we all love! /s

Its not that there is giant thread about the issue and blizzard literally plays dead.
People did not even ask for removing it, just putting it into its separate channel/tab.



Your issue won’t be the routes but rather finding suitable people since the amount of subs being terminated is currently skyrocketing.

I’ve joined TBC in waiting for 9.1 , with these changes I think I’ll just stick to TBC.

Blizz you need to atleast discuss these changes with the player base , why not do it? what is stopping you? The only reason I was doin m+ is for mount , now this killed it for me completely.

I don’t even know what to say other than just “What a disappointment” Completely out of touch with the player base.

It’s a conspiracy, they split it in two so people buy more wow tokens to buy boosts and/or take longer to get KSM = sub for longer :brain:


I actually like the change, since pushing keys was only viable during certain weeks. Due to them implementing this change, you can even push your score during a less desirable week.


I wanna see what their “plan” is around gearing before I judge this.
Who Im kidding! Proberly wont be back in 9.1 :joy:

Just because some people can achieve great results doesn’t mean the majority of players can. In fact most rely on boosts or just give up.
That’s the thing Blizzard can’t understand. You don’t have to make the game more challenging for the elite people, you need to make it more enjoyable for the people who can’t break the wall to make them become better.

The thing i don’t get is that M+ is already perfectly designed for the ‘elite’ (pushing high 20 keys and clearing mythic in the 1st few weeks). It infinitely scales. Why does Blizz feel the need (as always) to push crap like this out on the whole playerbase ‘because 1% will crush this content in no time’. Yes ofc they will, THEY’RE THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD.


It’s not a conspiracy at this moment. I dare to say it’s the intent / design.

To make sure the same thing takes longer.

BFA emissaries - automaticaly active
SL callings - need to go to hub and pick quest

same thing, just SL makes you sit and wait longer


This game is Ion’s amusement park. Enjoy your stay.



Truly savage x)

Or you can do 16s on fortified, 14s on tyrannical. You can just do 10s on SD and 20s on mists. How you get the 2000 is up to you.


MMM, naw, I would disagree there. Take Hakkar in DoS for example. On fortified that boss is done in sub 30s with all mechanics skipped but on tyrannical you actually have to do mechanics and since very few know how to deal with them it’s often a wipe on that boss. Fortified damage can be heavily negated through add management and kiting but you can’t do that on bosses.

I feel its not doing this discussion any favours to think of the issue in a vacuum when its like a straw threatening to break the camel’s back (if not already broken for many). In itself, the change is minor and the increase in difficulty isnt such an issue but, oh what a surprise, this change happens to add a feature thats a grindier element of doing the same content. People start to get sensitive to this topic for any mode of the game,not just m+, because whether we discuss m+, WQs, raiding, PVP or simple cosmetic hunting everything is steadily designed to be alt unfriendly and/or take up more and more of our time.


You don’t need KSM on alts, it’s account wide. However, I agree it will take more time than the current system of timing 8 dungeons at 15 on either affix.

WAIT! What about the +20 achievement? Is that going to require both tyr and fort +20s? x)

Hate away Puny, or you could just join the enlightened and give the whole damn thing a cute body swerve.


You are playing the game wrong, unfortunately.

Character power is only useful when the content themselves are meaningful. It is useless when the contents are meaningless.

WoW has never been a successful or interesting esports game, neither PvE nor PvP. And it will never be, because it is an MMORPG.

The earlier you realize this, the better for you.

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You are correct. Many started those misleading titles before even properly reading the news.


Character power growth has been an integral part of RPGs for decades now. Literally nothing to do with esports. If the content is meaningless to you, that’s your problem. I could just as easily tell you that if you only collect mounts and transmog and don’t care for character power with the intention do more difficult content or do things more effectively, you’re playing the game wrong. Both our arguments would be equally valid.