Season 2 ksm requires both tyrannical and fortified 15s in 9.1

people think that doing KSM is simply doing that 1 run on +15 and that’s it, done. That is only true if you’re being boosted. Which is what this patch is going to make harder to do, that’s actually a good thing.

Most players will progress to KSM in this or similar fashion:
+8 on forti first week
+9 on tyra second week
+12 on forti third week
+11 on tyra fourth week
+15 on forti N-th week (with your tyra being +13 / +14 at worst)

Very few players flat out avoid doing keys on tyra weeks, most want to have something in their vault unlocked. They might run slightly lower keys, forget about pushing score and just focus on completion etc - but they still play those weeks.

I just hope that s2 will have some sort of tyra counter mechanic (seasonal affix) because grinding tyrannical bosses without prideful buff is going to be a very un-fun experience. Not necessarily harder, just boring AF to be dpsing that boss for 5 minutes straight.

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Funny i did it in week when there was players vs AI Arathi basin on 3 characters :smiley:
i remember playing with old method on merees stream :smiley:

The requirement of both Tyrannical and Fortified in 9.1 must have been the best news for everyone offering boost services in a long time. Bet they are still drunk from popping all those champagne bottles.


of course it will :innocent:

He’s like El Presidente of wow. “For my friends, anything. For my enemies , the law”

So how many former Elitist Jerks are active in boosting, anyway?

Nope. Character progression is a thing for most RPGs and MMORPGs, those that don’t have character progression get stale rather quick.

Hah… No way am I doing that! If it seemed somewhat attainable for a pleb like me who cba to progress past +7 - not that I particularly wanted the mount cuz it’s hideous. Doing the runs TWICE now seems WAAaaaY too much.

Nope,im done with this. This is the last nail in the coffin for me. They have become to lazy and out of touch with their customers.

How the mighty have fallen.


There are multiple KSM topics. This is Spam.

We are hamsters running on a wheel in a 45°C sweatshop, making sure that Blizzard’s money printer doesn’t stop running.

That’s what WoW has become now, at least to me.

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We’re honestly at the level where even a level 17-18 can be boring and done for “sh1ts and giggles” if you know your stuff. This achievement is supposed to represent the 1.8k/2.1k of M+. The problem is just that they put the bar too low to begin with. If it had always been 20 (for instance), people wouldn’t have talked that much about it, because it’d be out of reach for most players.

Yes, doing tyrannical at lvl 15 can be a frustrating early in the season, but if the actual season is gonna last as long as this one, you’ll eventually be able to nap your way to 15+ keys, like you can now. And if anything, we don’t know what the new affix will do yet. For all we know, it might be something insanely good on the actual bosses, which will negate the tyrannical buff completely.

I agree that Blizzard has done some questionable things recently, but please let more info be available before picking up your pitchforks.

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Character power is fake. They flush down your power every 2 years. Powerful hero? More like a Puppet with some borrowed powers.

Transmog is forever.


I think we will not need more informations. The actual state of 9.1 is questionable. Torghast got no real rewards. Korthia seems like a poor firelands quest area, with a grindable resource. m+ loot is still too low. I will skip it for sure this time or will at least only run 1 key for the vault of bad luck. Raid is decent. Mega dungeon is great I admit.

Solution that would make players run tyrannical weeks are:

  • 2x drop rate
  • 2x valor points
  • 4x anima

I personally don’t like this change but the score just has to hit 1500, I look forward to seeing the silly experiments people will get up to, to hit the score without doing all the dungeons traditionally.

Character power is used for having fun in current content/tier, aka playing the game.

Transmog is indeed for forever. Get 1 and be done, for forever :grin:

To be fair, i think this was the first one made.

One of the main problems it’s not going to be the joined score… but actually the separated score for fortified and tyrannical:
Now if you have done all 15s in fortified you are likely to get invited in 15 tyrannical. With no score in both of them it means you have to grind 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s in order to achieve a sufficient score in both of them. Double the work, same time.

No good :slightly_frowning_face:

This was exactly my reaction as well.
I could only shake my head in exasperation.

The apathy is settling in.

Do keep in mind that M+ is an activity that you can participate in for as long as you desire, which is likely why the gear, anima and valor rewards are so low. If there was a limit to the quantity of runs you can do on a weekly basis, then I’d definitely agree that it needs to be buffed, but as it is right now, you could in theory gear up completely in week 1 if you run enough dungeons.

You’d be gearing up ‘completely’ to a very low ilvl compared to the GV reward or new heroic raid, or even mid level pvp gears…