Season 2 ksm requires both tyrannical and fortified 15s in 9.1

Yeah, hakar is all about how fast you can burn him on higher keys.

I dont know. My group is the example of not having burst damage at all, with ret pala, survival hunter, demo lock.

Spires is the only dungeon I prefer on Tyrannical, despite hating the second boss
 The 3 minibosses on Fortified are abhorrent and I can’t deal with the spear mechanic because I can’t see where it’s going :frowning:

I guess Blizz really don’t want me to play alts then?

Because otherwise, surely they’d make it more sensible to get those valor upgrades happening? And because surely they realise that there’s a completely valid option to just not jump through hoops and only play the bits of the game you like, in less time?

Boy, they’re engagement stats are gonna look worse and worse if they keep this up.

The spear-dot-thingie is going in an X, in the angle the spear is standing. The group can force the position of the spear since it is on a player, so stack. Usually you can just stand next to the wall, and move further down next to the wall after a spear. Or a bit down and a bit further on the platform :slight_smile:

I don’t know, years of pushing M+ and people generally disliking Tyranical for a very good reason? Bosses in dungeons are not designed to take as long as they do on high tyrannical keys. The trash is far more challenging and definitely more fun than slapping a boss that does the same two mechanics for 4 minutes. Take Tyrannical Siege of Boralus, where the second boss took significantly longer due do the phases being on a timer, not HP breakpoints, same with the last boss where you had to kill all 5 demolisher tentacles before killing the gripping tentacle and going to the next platform, because the Gripping tentacle simply had too much health to be bursted down no matter how good your group was. Whereas on Forti with good CDs and BL management you could burst down the Gripping before the second Demolisher tentacle spawned. That was easily a difference of several minutes on the timer compared to foritifed and there was nothing you could do about it.

Saying M+ is about bosses is like saying Raids are about clearing trash. If it wasn’t about the trash, we wouldn’t carefully plan the routes for the dungeons, would we?

If it is your main thing, then holy hell, i feel sorry for you :confused:
My main thing was always raiding, which i loved, but somehow, especially without a guild, it’s dead to me in retail.

Still wish for the best for you and people on your situation.

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On low graphic settings you cant really see the lines
 it sucks for everyone who has a poop computer like me .

You dont have to see the lines. I never look at them. I look at the spear. Allthough my group is doing it every time exactly the same, so the spears are always standing exactly the same too.

Read your post that I answered to, then read my response again, then think about what you just said.

Yeah I know how it works, I just can’t see it. The direction of the spear is unclear to me, and I can’t see the direction of even 1 of the black thingies because it pops instead of fluently moves. My brain can’t puzzle 1+1=2 in this scenario because I rely on peripheral vision and can’t see which direction it’s moving.

I have no idea why you want to look at the black thingies.

i play full low ,resolution 300x 200 , if u want to see the dark spears on the ground from the left mob before last boss in spire , you have to put particle on good just for this fight and you can see them

Because I can’t see where they are going and I have to dodge them

Yes but remove bosses and you have no m+ :smiley:
It’s like there is a SONG and you remove 1 of the instruments you can’t even hear but when it’s not there song sound different :smiley:

But i agree that they need to remove fort and tyrannical and bake them into scaling :smiley:

But you are already standing on a spot where they are not coming.

Not everything in the game has to be cutting edge ultra hard dark souls difficult content. Some challenge is fine, but if all types of content leads to being 24/7 on your toes or you lose it’s antifun experience.

In order to find a spot where they are not going, I first have to see where they are going so I make sure to not stand there, that’s the problem.

Not an expert on this one, but I read somewhere the directions of the ‘X’ that comes out of the spear is determined by its position in relation to something (the mob that casts it?) so you can determine which direction those would go out to before it shoots and preposition entire party in safe space before the first wave and without having to see it.

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I still dont get it.

I wrote that you can do higher forti weeks and lower tyrannicals.

10+ are free and no matter how boring they are
 they are easily done(Every second week is tyrannical, which you have to do anyways when you want the vault).

There is literally no problem.