Season 2 Tier Set Appearances Revealed for All 13 Classes in Dragonflight

But it does. Look closer.

The Priest doesn’t have a plate set though.

Look at it, it’s made of Cloth.

This is the bit I really can’t see. I cannot see any similarities between the new Priest set and the Judgement set, besides a few colour choices. But those colours are not really tied to Paladins or Priests, they’re just colours.

The Tier set isn’t to your taste. That’s fine. You can’t have the best sets every time.

What? It looks nothing like a Paladin. Not even in the slightest!

It looks like a Guardian Angel. Where as the Paladin set literally looks like a Holy Warrior!

What has happened? Paladin have a really good looking Tier Set which perfectly fits Paladin fantasy.

Priests have also got a Tier set which fits Priest Fantasy and Cloth Armor. The Priest one just happens to have alot more Flare to it than pretty much every other Class (except maybe Mage and Shaman sets).

Why not just be happy that Priests got a nice set for a change. Why do you want to take that away from them.

Stop saying Priests got a Plate Set. They didn’t IT’S CLOTH! Look at it!

Because what you are saying makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

You’re saying it looks like something it doesn’t. It’s not worth arguing with you.

You can’t come out and explain which parts look “plate”, so how do you expect me to be able to see what you’re seeing?

I may have gotten a tunnel vision on the first tint of red and gold view we where all shown first. And at least it. Looked like it tried to be the judgement set.

And I wasn’t the only one who thought and felt that way.

I don’t want to take this set away from the priest or wish them no cool sets.
I agreed they got some pretty dung sets before. But That this does outshine the paladin one. By allot…


  1. Why does that matter?
  2. Why are the Paladin Community demanding that the sets be swapped?

Surely they should be asking for a better set, rather than just taking a set away from another Class. It’s Like monks saying that they would prefer to have the Rogue Set. Or Hunters demanding the Shaman set. But those classes just sucked it up and accepted they have less iconic sets this tier. But the Paladin set is still iconic to its image.

Red and Gold doesn’t automatically make something belong to Paladins… or Blood Elves for that matter.

As I pointed out before, Red, Gold and White is actually very similar to Calia’s current model. So it’s quite understandable why a priest set would have those colours in the current game.

I personally still rate the Paladin set in my top 3/4 of these sets. Its definitely one I will be collecting. So it’s not that bad!

I think many fell for the same tunnel vision like I did in the first front view preview picture and thought it looked like a coat version of the judgement set, And compared it next to the paladin set to the right of it. And felt like there was some mistake. At first impression and glance thats what it felt and looked like.

Red and gold doesn’t automatically mean something belongs to a paladin that’s true. But that first preview gave off some serious judgement tier set associations. People linked it to that.

In Priests and paladins case I think it matter’s because they share the same fantasy and their themes are very similar roleplay wise. They are the Caster and Knight version of the same theme and fantasy. They also share allot of the games lore with each other. A paladin is supposed to be a Priest that became a Knight. And so thats why when looking at these first impressions. People reacted the way we did.

The sets shouldn’t be swapped. And priests deserves some cool tier sets. And I agree we should instead ask for better sets. Rather than take cool ones away from others. Thats taking things the wrong direction…

I think if it wasn’t shown right next to the priest one at first like it was. Perhaps the reactions and first impressions might have hit us all very differently. I am sorry for going so hard out as i did. And getting riled up about this.

I absolutely agree with that. Especially being the last set of 3 being released as well (well at the bottom of the page).

But as I said before, I really can’t see any comparison to the new priest set to Retribution. where as the new Paladin set really reminded me of Retribution. It is definitely not the same as the Retribution, don’t get me wrong. But the vibe is definitely the same. Can’t wait to get it!

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I am sorry for my part participating in killing the vibe and positivity over this. And for my rude smugness. I am happy for people looking forward to this tier set. I’ll be over here touching some much needed grass I think.

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I just found the awnser: The wings are unfortunatly part of the Shoulders :c

Love the dragon-styled warrior set, very imaginative imho. My warrior alt is languishing at the back of my alt levelling queue, but will be bumped to the front for season 2.

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None of these hype me up.
Warrior especially keeps getting worse and worse sets each expansion/pack.

A matter of taste. I personally really liked the Trial of Valor, Eternal Palace and Darkshore Warfront (Horde) ones on my hunter.

That said hunters could use some good looking sets.

Speaking out for the Paladins.

1- We’ve been waiting for an Imperius / Diablo Angel themed set since forever.
2- Enough with the Paladin dresses, our last one was from Sepulcher.
3- Even the Priest set is named after two Paladin abilities “The Furnace Seraph’s Verdict” It’s almost like they’re taunting the Paladin community.

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Who says Priests haven’t been waiting either.

There is nothing that specifically ties that image to Paladins in WoW. Diablo Angels were from Diablo, a completely different game.

I personally think that this cloth set suits Guardian Angels Priests very well.

Personally, I think Robes suit Paladins very well. It makes me think of a Holy Warrior, which Paladins really are.

The set they have got this Tier is very reminiscent of the Retribution set. Which is the iconic Paladin image, long before any Diablo Angel image. It just has Wings and flashing lights on its shoulders, rather than books. Which is very fitting considering the Ret set was from Blackwing Lair, and the new set is from essentially Deathwings Lair.

I think they have done Knight Of Templar/Holy Warrior in a Dragon theme very well.

Well the word/name Seraph means “Angel”. So since Priests are and have Guardian Angels, the word Seraph is quite suiting to them.

:nerd_face: actually:
It means “burning/fiery one”. They are one of several echelons of messengers (Angels). Those who are capable to be in the presence of the God.

Your correction is INCORRECT my friend:



noun: seraph; plural noun: seraphim; plural noun: seraphs

  1. an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardour, and purity.

Nothing Fiery or Burny about that.

Pretty much what i said

In Hebrew, the word saraph means “burning”, and is used seven times throughout the text of the Hebrew Bible as a noun, usually to denote “serpent”,The reason why the word for “burning” was also used to denote a serpent is not universally agreed upon; it may be due to a certain snake’s fiery colors, or perhaps the burning sensation left by its venomous bite.

not according the Oxford English Dictionary.

If it doesn’t come up in the first couple of results on Google, it’s not true xD (yes I understand the irony of that, which is why I said it lol). :wink:

But still, with either Description its better suited for Priests :smiley:

I really liked the HoF set for hunters, thought it looked badass.

Those extra colours for DK set are pogchamp

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