Season 2 Tier Set Appearances Revealed for All 13 Classes in Dragonflight

The judgement set was back then the only robed paladin set. And this new one looks nothing close. Then the priests gets a plate looking set. And judgement looking tier all rolled in one. While even compared to the other sets. The paladins one look very basic.

Don’t feel sorry. Your not a paladin and probably never played one. It’s hard for humans to understand others plight unless they have experienced it them selves.

It’s just a :poop: feeling. And i can understand the pallys on this one. At least give them a set on equal par to the priest one.

There have been loads of robed Paladin sets.

Yes like i said… Back then it was the only one.

How many plated priests set has there been? look this is getting stupid. I just think the Paladins should get something as awesome as the priests set. Its not that complicated.

priest set is nice but these salty paladin tears make it 11/10


Yeah you laugh now. Until its you it happens too. Remember that

my friend have you checked the priest history of tier sets? lol

and no i couldnt care less i would just mog whatever i enjoy. every class has good and bad sets. the new paly set looks even better than priest in my opinion. priest set looks like some over the top plastic armor :person_shrugging:

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…Okey fair… Priest have gotten some pretty dung sets. I can see… I concede

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There have been 6 Paladin Plate Sets which have been robes, and arguably some of the best and most iconic ones as well.

BWL, Ulduar, ICC, Firelands, SOO and Nighthold.

They all look absolutely awesome because of their robes. Because it makes them look like something more than just sparkly warriors. It makes them look “holy”.

Paladins pretty much got a new version of the Retribution set. Only real stand out difference are the shoulders, but even they look cool with all the glowy stuff.

But Priest just got something stand out this time. They really deserve it. Last time Priests got a decent Set was Serpentshrine Cavern.

About time.

Mage is so damn cringe.
It’s like one side is designed by someone relatively sane, and the other set by someone on drugs. Then you have these sets where someone just uses two colors on the entire set like it’s some 6 YO color book and calls it a day.

Lol no

I changed my mind. But il have to come back tomorrow. This did grow older faster than I had hoped. for something that should be dead obvious. Only thing I conceded too was admiting priest has indeed got some dung sets. Can’t disagree there

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Seriously, look at the Retribution Set and the new Paladin Set Side by Side.

Similar designs all through. The shoulders are different, but still similar shaped. And the helm is a slightly different shape. The Robes are pretty much the same. Remember BWL was a Dragon themed Raid as well, so it seems fitting that a Dragon themed raids brings a new Ret set.

Honestly, the Paladin set is just as good fitting for the class fantasy as the priests one. I just hope it comes with an awesome 2-hander to match!

It’s a must have for my Paladin anyway.

The priest set screams guardian angel.

Yes in that they both are robes… And it’s got some red in it, There it ends.

Ever been in a discussion like this before and realized way too late you take stuff like this way too seriously but by then it’s way too late to back out and now you just have to keep going?..

Do we have… to keep going?

That’s up to you really.

What I need from you is to actually present with Diagrams and comparisons how the Retribution Set looks like the New Priest set. For me to even start to take your claim seriously.

I play both classes, and I think both sets have been suitably assigned based on the Class image, previous sets, and Class Fantasy. I also think both sets look Awesome!

I will take that as a no to my question then. Let me know your there. And trust me, I wont remember any of this either.

Probably for the best. You’ve just embarrassed yourself ;).

Ah ha… No i just realized we both may need to touch some grass, And invited you to join me. But you wanted diagrams and comparisons instead… Next time just go to Specsavers if it’s that hard to see it.

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The real questione Is… are the wings parte of the shoulders or They are a “cloack”? (Priest set)

This is literally what I said to you :rofl:

I think you might have just gotten the Paladin and Priest sets mixed up tbh.

Your trying to make a word salad and take what ive said out of context. Follow the rest of the conversation down.

I also said.

Down the line later.

Also the whole comment was

So maybe I wasn’t clear here but priests are getting to look like literally everything. Calia. Judgement armor (At least that red tint one witch was the only one shown when this thread started) And plate looking.

And even further up down our conversastion i added

Your trying to cherry pick things ive said this entire conversastion and take them out of context.