Sadly don’t have the trust lvl to post link from wowhead
but I got to say Monk and Rogue are the best.
Priest doesn’t look priest at all.
Hunter is a sylvanas set with nighthold set combined.
Shaman set is trying too hard.
Mage set doesn’t work for me
Neither does the warlock set , too much going on with helm and shoulders
Warr , DK , Paladin sets are passable , they’re fine nothing that makes me go must go raid must have this set. But nothing criminal either.
Demon hunter and Evoker both let down , the boots very basic. I feel the evoker should have some knee pads , just so it works together.
Lastly Druid , head gives thunder isle vibes whilst shoulders give me woltk shaman tier 10 vibes.
Overall C tier for me. Genuinely suprised the sets aren’t Goblin themed at all.
What do you guys think ?