The monk set looks absolutely terrible.
Like they fell into a lost and found, decided to go topless and said “that’ll do”
Whoever designed the Monk’s head-piece needs to check if they don’t put shrooms in their coffee. What the actual peanuts is that monstrosity?
Paladin and Warlock seem to be quite nice.
The belt is nice and the shoulders are fine but I’m not keen on the helm at all, the chest is just a band of cloth by the looks of it.
I like the tats, and helmets are always just there to hide, so I don’t care; the rest looks good enough and monk-y with the cords… I just hope they fix the feet before the release, so they take the actual “bare” model instead of getting stretched into boot form.
True they are a nice touch and explains why there is so little of the chest.
The Druid set is literally Kul Tiran Drust set, as a KT druid I am beyond happy.
The shoulders are cat form, the belt is the bear, and the head is the travel form.
Cannot wait for it! 10/10
Already prepared the mog with it.
I am very confused about this one. It looks like Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno, if it was made a set.
The War (Heroic?) set might give me the possibility to finish my Gundam mog.
Other than that, the set is boring and the colors are blend compared to DK/Pal…
DK is by far extremely on point.
Monk is meh, but the helm might provide some Dragon Ball Z mogs.
I do like the DH for once, it is different and seems to go more around the warden set. Looking at the past sets, I think it will be welcomed by DH players except if you like bikini mogs…
Priest is a pure fail, not sure where they wanted to go with this one.
And as most mentioned, I’m a bit astonished that they didn’t use the opportunity to make mechanical sets for this Patch. It would have been perfect with the patch theme.
Looks like it is trying to be a chinese dragon/dragonball Z dragon. I actually quite like it but I don’t really use hats
As rogue main, I’m super hyped!
Yes it’s outlawish but pirates are awesome, definitely a hit for me.
DK and Hunter are awesome, hunters were given a set that is not animal themed and I know lots of people wanted that.
Unpopular opinion but I like the priest set, it’s funky.
I like the evoker’s PvP tint, very cool color theme for healers.
They are so MEH, with the exception of Rogue’s sexy pirate one, and Priest’s is just LOL! Reminds me of the old Electro design from Classic Spiderman;
Seriously, these sets do not reflect the raid in the SLIGHTEST… literally nothing is a Goblin tech aesthetic.
Ugly as F.
True some tech / steam punk , cyber goth sets would have been cool in a way
I’m actually picturing a good cyber goth set for dks and dh’s right now typing this
Once again shaman getting it stuck to them.
Atleast it doesn’t look too bad without the skirt
I must be in a minority because I quite like the Shaman one!
DK, Druid, Evoker, Mage, Paladin and Shaman are doing well with this tier set. It’s a shame there is only one colour for the Priest set I would want, but that’s going to the PvP one.
Overall I think this is good, better than S1 sets for sure even though some are not that good (hi mage, priest, hunter)
For me the real issue I see is why those sets aren’t themed to gobelin? I mean it’s weird because they did gobelin themed looks for weapons but not for the sets? Can we change this blizzard?
They are all beans.
2 set the same per role is so lazy
I swear to got that they cant make tier sets uglier than they are…
Dont issue them that challenge please
Normal and df sets look ok but there’s way better sets otherwise