My thoughts:
- DK: Big win here. Especially comparing to the goofy atrocity that is the current one. I love the “open skirt” vibe, spine on the cloak is great, expresses the fantasy just great. My only complain would be that as they often change the colour schemes, it makes it harder to combine some of these pieces with older sets. Non of these would likely match any pieces of what this character is currently wearing (if you inspect my profile).
- DH: I actually quite like it. I give it loads of points for being original. Nearly all DH sets feel like variations of the same Illidari aesthetic which although I enjoy, it’s getting a bit repetitive, so that’s a win.
- Druid: Meh, more of the same I like that it looks a bit more edgy but nothing special.
- Evoker: Sorry what class? All I see is skinny scaleys. Anyhow feels overall weak. The darker red and gold one is basically a riff on Alexstrasza.
- Hunter: Swolevanas. Not a fan, we’ve already got a ranger general tier set.
- Mage: The more I look at it, the more I like it. Thought the helmet looked like Sonic the Hedgehog at first but the frost variants really work.
- Monk: Goofy but I like it. Some colours defo work better than others.
- Paladin: More of the same, I feel like they’ve mostly got 2 modes for paladin, angel power ranger or warrior but more “noble”.
- Priest: Like it besides the helmet.
- Rogue: Not my thing but I like that they didn’t go for some sort of ninja/assassin theme again. I’m sure fans of the pirate aesthetic will love this.
- Shaman: Seriously it feels like a mild variation of the current set, which isn’t very good anyhow. It doesn’t feel elemental or tribalistic.
- Warlock: Good but not original, a lot of warlock sets just seem to be too similar. Would like to see some fresh ideas.
- Warrior: Same as warlock, it’s just variations of the same idea. Would like to see some barbarian type plate mog be expressed, not just a giant plate clad tin can.