Season 2 tier sets

My thoughts:

  • DK: Big win here. Especially comparing to the goofy atrocity that is the current one. I love the “open skirt” vibe, spine on the cloak is great, expresses the fantasy just great. My only complain would be that as they often change the colour schemes, it makes it harder to combine some of these pieces with older sets. Non of these would likely match any pieces of what this character is currently wearing (if you inspect my profile).
  • DH: I actually quite like it. I give it loads of points for being original. Nearly all DH sets feel like variations of the same Illidari aesthetic which although I enjoy, it’s getting a bit repetitive, so that’s a win.
  • Druid: Meh, more of the same I like that it looks a bit more edgy but nothing special.
  • Evoker: Sorry what class? All I see is skinny scaleys. Anyhow feels overall weak. The darker red and gold one is basically a riff on Alexstrasza.
  • Hunter: Swolevanas. Not a fan, we’ve already got a ranger general tier set.
  • Mage: The more I look at it, the more I like it. Thought the helmet looked like Sonic the Hedgehog at first but the frost variants really work.
  • Monk: Goofy but I like it. Some colours defo work better than others.
  • Paladin: More of the same, I feel like they’ve mostly got 2 modes for paladin, angel power ranger or warrior but more “noble”.
  • Priest: Like it besides the helmet.
  • Rogue: Not my thing but I like that they didn’t go for some sort of ninja/assassin theme again. I’m sure fans of the pirate aesthetic will love this.
  • Shaman: Seriously it feels like a mild variation of the current set, which isn’t very good anyhow. It doesn’t feel elemental or tribalistic.
  • Warlock: Good but not original, a lot of warlock sets just seem to be too similar. Would like to see some fresh ideas.
  • Warrior: Same as warlock, it’s just variations of the same idea. Would like to see some barbarian type plate mog be expressed, not just a giant plate clad tin can.
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Outlaws will love the rogue set :skull_and_crossbones: :smiley:

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Adam and the ants , stand and deliver

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True :smile:

Although I do agree with the latter part, I still think the set is horrible. Except for the legs and maybe boots, the whole set looks more like mail (or plate) than leather - it’s way too heavy/clunky for nimble & agile Demon Hunters.

I liked their S1 (= Aranasi) decicion to design sets after demon types, they should’ve continued with that: perfect to express what kind of demon your DH consumed to go trough the transformation ritual; and DH set’s just need to show skin - they don’t have tats & scales to hide them behind thick armor.

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I think it’s the dress style that puts me off. My character has a belly and is shirt making the skirts look even worse. :joy:

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I didn’t quite notice before, but the first three DK sets (I assume they’re LFR, normal and heroic) look like they’re perfect matches for the three DK specs… and the fact they’re on the obtainable side (i.e. not the myth or PvP ones) is a win. Now to get a DK to 80…

Still gutted about the only decent Priest one (i.e. the only one which looks priestly and not a borrowed Mage outfit) being locked away behind PvP.

It’s amazing how TWW is delivering tier sets that make me go ‘Meh’ to ‘Ew!’ Obviously subjective opinion and all that, but I’m impressed with how they are not hitting any buttons for me lol.

Not really. It tries to be several things and ends up looking like crap. Look at the boots. What are they supposed to be? The bastard child of galoshes and boots with a strap on top.

Nah, this is not a good design, in fact with the exception of the DK, which is very good, I don’t find any other set to be even decent.

They just want another spiky juggernaut. They always do that with warriors.
The dk blue gray one is absolutely amazing though.
And I don’t mind being a spiky deathball so I’m good

Yeah I get where you’re coming from. I simply enjoy the fact that it’s a complete departure from the nelf/belf Illidari vibe. This tier set makes me think “ok what would an Arathi human demon hunter look like” and I think it answers that question quite well.

Now as for the mail vs leather debacle… That line is often blurred in the Blizzard aesthetics, sometimes effectively sometimes less so. They express so many textures with different styles. Look at the Monk one for example, the textures suggest cloth, rope and… Bamboo?! Very little leather for it being a leather set. It of course expresses the Monk fantasy very well.

The aforementioned illidari aesthetic always had a pretty alien texture, which I guess fits the fantasy, kind of looks like leather but could also be something much tougher than that (demon skin?). At times it even looks like plate to me!

Just my thought process.

Hunter one is a fricking disgrace.
I am actually angry about it. There is absolutely nothing ‘hunter’ to be found in that ugly crap set.

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