Season 4 died for a battle royale

Game does have use for some more notable side content (like Mechagon):

Though fomo makes it feel iffy, and some estimated what 40 hours in this to get all rewards?


Don’t forget that you also have to place first in a field of 60 to get the rewards

Don’t forget that you also have to place first in a field of 60 to get the rewards

This is false. That is not the case.


There are two rewards that are ONLY available to the last player standing. That’s right there in their interview.

Huh? This is what it says in the article:

Players can earn cosmetics, pets, titles, and mounts as they progress through the reward track, including a majestic Plunderlord parrot mount , Bubbles the crab pet , swashbuckling cosmetics , and more. A victory is not required to claim the spoils of a well-fought fight.

It literally says “A victory is not required”.


From the interviews linked in the recent wowhead article:
“There are two rewards exclusively for match winners (the last player standing): a tabard and eyepatch.”

So a victory is not required … for SOME of the rewards

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Alright, so two small rewards. Your initial post that I replied to made it seem like you meant all rewards were from finishing first, which is not true.

So a victory is not required … for SOME of the rewards

You’re a glass half empty kind of person, aren’t you?

A victory is not required for MOST of the rewards.

I don’t like pvp. I don’t like being forced into pvp. And it’s not like a BG where I can just pull my weight and be pretty sure I get the occasional win, at which point I might stomach it.
But I do collect things meaning that now I will be forced to grind through this crapfest until I luck out and get a win.

And this was what all the hype and excitement they’ve been drumming up on Xitter has been about?

Yes, I’m disappointed because fomo events are horrible and predatory and making them pvp only makes it worse. Plus, you know, it’s on the heels of the oh so well implemebted HS event so you know it’ll be stable and bug free…


First off, the forums are an echo chamber of sour opinions and endless misery. People could be given exactly what they asked for and they’d still create a thread telling us all how they don’t want to play anymore and the game is dead. Secondly, cheer up a bit. It might not be what you were hoping for (it sure wasn’t what I was hoping for) but many people will enjoy this and it’s a bit of fun. You didn’t get exactly what you wanted? Too bad. That’s life


You are not forced to do anything. What will happen if you don’t get all the rewards? I can see that you have plenty of other things to farm. Is it really worth it to get bothered by 2 transmogs and do something that you don’t enjoy? You might need to take a step back and think about collecting in a more healthy way.


Indirectly claiming that people elsewhere, majority, are happy about this?
Do you know how few people play pvp? Do you know how many who enjoy relaxed “Do it on your own time” stuff?

Compare the two, and realise you might be completely wrong.
People aren’t whining for the sake of whining; Its not appealing to majority of people who post - that’s all we know (myself included) - and looking at stats over popular activites; Casual stuff are WAY more popular.

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Many is not a majority. Many is… many. I am sure many won’t play the content either. It’s not even out yet and there’s endless people moaning and complaining and stomping their feet about how unfair it is that they didn’t get exactly what they wanted.

Like I said, the forums is not an accurate forum for varied opinion. It’s a whiny playground.

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I am basing it on overall games; not even WoW excluded.
Casual >>>>> Anything aking to a stressfest.
It’s just vastly more popular, cause majority of people are already tired from IRL and want a relaxing game, rather than anything crazy.

In the top 5 most played games on Steam right now, 4 of them are strictly PvP games. Counterstrike 2, Dota 2, PUBG: Battlegrounds and Apex Legends.

World of Warcraft has always been a tricky game to play purely for the PvP as it requires a lot of PvE gameplay elements in order to succeed at.

What those 4 games have in common is that you can load up the game and start playing immediately. You don’t need to first level a character, then gear up and then work with all the related power systems in order to be competitive. In WoW you might even need something from PvE to be able to perform at the highest level in PvP. PvE balancing affecting PvP and so on.

This game mode is trying to follow that same model, boot up the game, get in a lobby and start playing.


Meanwhile, we have candy crush and farmville that expanded outside the typical Gamer bubble. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’d argue that FarmVille is a PvP game, you’re competing against your friends on who has the best farm, it’s not an explicitly stated objective but people sure did play it for that reason.

People also try to be the one that has done the most amount of Candy Crush levels out of their friends and share how high they have reached.

People like competition, in any shape and form.

And you only have seven buttons, don’t need (or can even use) addons, and ability acquisition seems to be largely random and is not guaranteed. It certainly makes the whole mode very accessible and super easy to pick up.

That is actually why I might even enjoy this mode for a few days. If I had to use my regular character and found myself in a “BG” with seasoned PvPers and 30 rogues, I’d have zero interest in participating.

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I’d argue CS and PuBG are notorious for the amount of bots, too.
Sooooo - can we really judge by Steam numbers alone?

And there’s plenty of people who do not like competition - they do like team games tho, with their friends, and that is something those games give.
All my friends who play PuBG (included my BF) always say its really fun to play together, but it’s BS how much botting is there — and the sweatfest can be insane.
They relax with DoTA; the tower defence mode. :teddy_bear:

Edit; To note - some of the top games are BG3 and Stardew valley.
You sincerely can’t tell me those are competetive… :rofl:
(Also, glorious how Wallpaper Engine is considered a game with players active! I love it.)

Again; Steam is not the only place for gaming.
I’m saying - I know plenty of people who do not consider themself gamers, who still play things such as Candy Crush.
And no - they do not care what your score is… :rofl:

Mark my words.

It will be either:

  • buggy crap
  • filled up with cheaters, hackers, bots.
  • all of them combined.

You can play this game mode as a duo, so they have incorporated that as well for those who enjoy it.

I can assure you that those numbers are not highly affected by bots. If they were then the amount of players would not fluctuate as much over the course of the day since bots don’t sleep.

I did not say all popular games are competitive. But a lot of them are. You said that casual games are vastly more popular, which is simply not the case. You are just biased because that is your preference.

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