Season 4 died for a battle royale

Yeah, team play vs team play, I know.

You can’t assure me of anything, sadly. You can have an opinion; and that’s ok!

And I am not saying casual games are more popular; i am saying the casual playstyle is.
You’ve 100% missunderstood me.
If you think there are more competetive players in the world than casual players; I do think you are wrong.

Agree to disagree tho, we sincerely can not prove this. We’re both just basing it off of collective facts taken from logics, different sides.

Also note: Thanks for calling me a casual. <3
I wish I was - I would have more fun then!

If misunderstanding you means reading what you’ve been writing, then yeah I guess I am misunderstanding you.

With statements such as:

You’re also including yourself in the crowd that prefers casual stuff.

I don’t have an opinion about bots in those games, you can look at the data and see that even if 50% of the playerbase was comprised of bots, it would still have more players than the most played non-PvP game.

A game that had a majority of bots would have a flat line of logged in players. None of those games do.

Humans are inherently competitive. We are always comparing ourselves against others and try to improve ourselves. That is a trait that is integral to being human. Denying this is turning a blind eye towards the human condition. Competitive games are popular because of this fact. It is evolutionarily beneficial to have aspirations to be the best that you can be and not fall behind your peers.

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when pvp players want something they’ll claim that pvp is major part of the game that deserves being actively supported, when pvp actually gets something there’ll be players like you all over the forums to claim that it isn’t.
The truth is forums are used as tool to vent and be negative about something, not only wow’s forums but every game forums that i know, you will rarely see posts that praise some aspect because being positive takes effort and doesn’t creates controversy that keeps posts at the top of a page


are you drunk?
Warcraft isn’t orcs vs humans since warcraft 3 was released in 2002, it can be this particular trope, but it is not what defines it, none of the big fantasy franchises are defined by one specific trope

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If you would have used your mind more you would have figured that it was a use of speech to compare the setting the franchise started with and how its going.

We went from “reasonable, down-to-earth, cool medieval fantasy world” to “Multiple alien races and fantasy creatures being pirates in a fantasy world” over the last 2,5 decades.

Warcraft is becoming more and more a meme-verse and less a serious universe.

How many times can you tell the same story without it becoming dull? Everything needs to evolve, and WoW is suffering from success in that regard. It constantly needs to innovate in order to stay relevant. It has existed for so long that you eventually need to stray far away from your roots in order to continue growing.


good ol’ times of uninspired primitive copycat of warhammer franchise called warcraft 1-2 that lately formed as separate self-sufficient setting later in warcraft 3.
Also you don’t know what figure of speech is, don’t try doing it.


Wait. are you serious?

Orcs are aliens since warcraft 1
I know it’s hard to get, but when you include evil creatures from another dimension invading ficitonal planet through portal it stops being

Warcraft always have been high fantasy as hell. Sometimes it isn’t but we are 2 steps away from having literal space battles on magitech space ships

You are 100% missunderstanding, I am being kind here…
Calling me a casual should be self explanatory.
If I am a casual, What do you call everyone else?
I might agree with a mindset and have a stressfest not appeal to me, that does not mean I am X.
Im also not whining for the sake of whining, im merely pointing out - facts.

270 million people played Candy Crush.
Compare that to the top 5 games on steam.
You saying people play Candy Crush competetively is merely your skewed opinion, I can tell you - Blondie Belle or Hairy Henry does not care what level you are at in that game…
If you think so, you are frankly delusional.

Your entire argument is based on your opinion:
Competetive > Casual

Meanwhile, I am saying, Casual appeals to majority of humans , and a minority plays GAMES in a crazy obsessive stressfest way.
Sorry, end of discussion.

Im merely saying casual gameplay is appealing to majority of humankind when it comes to people who ever pick up a game in the first place.
You can slander away the rest all you want.
I’ve written plenty of positive things in the past, and I agree - I am very negative nowadays; because everything has started to become about FOMO and metrics, stress, and generally not user friendly.

and conclusion is?

Fomo my bal… spheres

It is not what i meant

I don’t understand why you’re name-calling? What have I done to you other than disagree?

You’re comparing a game that is free to play and available on mobile to games that cost money to buy and require a PC, something not everyone have. It’s not directly an apples to apples comparison.

If you want to bring free mobile games into this discussion then let’s bring up Garena Free Fire. It is a battle royale game that in 2023 had 187 million daily active users compared to Candy Crush’s 270 million monthly active users.

As I said, competitive games are much bigger than you think.

I have also not said that the competitive game market is bigger than the casual games market, that’s a much harder thing to determine, because even casual games can be played competitively and competitive games can be played casually.

I was simply disagreeing that casual games are not vastly more popular than competitive games, because that is just not true.

mounts/pets/transmog/tenders - all locked behing this fomo pvp garbage

yes we are forced into this because you dont have alternative to get them by playing pve in retail

what a complete joke - this was supposed to be patch for retail - not standalone game - which we are forced to play because its just avaibale only for 6 weeks and then gone forever.


If you are being forced by someone please contact law enforcement because playing games should be played because they are fun. The sooner you let go of feeling that you have to do something in a game the sooner you’ll stop getting worked up over small things like this. It is not healthy. Try other games, make up your own goals in the game. You don’t need these things to be happy. It won’t solve anything.

Take a look at my account and know that I am speaking from experience:


sure sure - defend mutlibillion dollar company and its predatory fomo techniques.

you will get pat on the back from blizz for it for sure :slight_smile:

its beautiful fiasco what is happening now with how playerbase universaly hates what they did and how they lied to them

a patch outside of main game - just lol - exactly what peopel asked for :smiley:


If you think it is predatory, then why do you pay them? You don’t need to play WoW. There are plenty of other games out there. Me telling you to have a more healthy outlook on gaming isn’t being a corporate shill. That’s just me speaking from experience.

If you don’t like the content then you don’t need to play it. Blizzard isn’t running a daycare that you have to stay at. You can make your own decisions.


League of legends is the most obvious answer, but hey if quality standard for this madam is mobile gaming trash i don’t think discussion is even possible

he opposes corporation by paying sub, and preadatory means adding battle royale game mode of course.
Everything that i don’t like is predatory, racist, and possibly grooms minors


“this was supposed to be patch for retail”

Uhm no.
They did not release any kind if information about this patch in like … ever.
Only named it 10.2.6 and therefor people kinda assumed it was supposed to be for retail.
But they did this in order to preserve their well kept secret.
Because naming it any other way, people might’ve guessed that its something extrordinaire.

Long story short - Misled and disappointed by the own assumptions and expectations.



Hey that’s okay, you get to play another game to earn rewards in this one! Sarcasm off

Ah. What a great contribution to this discussion.
Just the way it is.
They intentionnaly lead people in the wrong direction in order to keep their secret.
Being disappointed by that because someone expected something else, your own fault, period.