Season 4: Lack of tanks and healers (LFG)

On pull you can dump Sigil of flame and silence, get to the mobs and hit fiery brand and fel devastation, and build up spirit bombs and even use metamorph if it’s a big pull.

For me the tricky part was knowing when to use big CDs on bosses or you get destroyed.

I don’t believe a 495ish Prot pala would get consistent declines in a key that low.

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I find that hard to believe. I just tried signing some keys in the 2-8 range on my DK as blood, ilvl 498, and every single one was an instant invite.

I had no difficulty joining groups as a 485 prot pala. Maybe it’s because of my near 3.4k score from s3 (which was mostly earned as ret, but people don’t seem to notice that kind of thing).

Totally untrue. People playing alts of high scoring mains tend to fill their groups with similar. The last thing you want is to carry people who don’t know how to actually play the dungeons.

That’s because what they really mean is" why is there not enough 525 2700 scored tanks and healers quing " :slight_smile:

You gotta understand context :slight_smile:

I guarantee you that with those parameter you woudl have instant invites to +10s no matter the Class you would Play

I feel much safer tanking on prot pala but i ownt lie - i do miss the sigils because pugs just dont interupt - and divine Bell is not up for every single pull ;/

Most of the tanks I’ve met this season have zero awareness what’s happening around them, they chain pull too many packs at time and healer’s can’t keep the group alive. And this leads to arguing and somebody leaving.

I’ve also met some special cases like dk’s without weapon rune, warr/pala tanks with agi weapons etc.

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You have to chain pull to time a lot of those dungeons.

If group cannot handle that its usually due to lack of interupts mixed with low dps.

Tanks also pull around 2-3 min cds - to maximize those you gotta do massive pulls when all cds shoudl be up.

WHO you should Blame is Blizzard for overtuning the dungeons severly in DF .

I do Blame also pushing max rewards to +10 old +20 .

Yes it seemed like good idea but in reality it opeend dooors for so much toxicity .

Imo in next expansion they shoudl go back to old max rewards at +5 and put teleports at +5 too.

Mop is showing that you can have enormous participation ratios even when no challenge is present

You’re playing at a rating where its a crapshoot as to what you’ll get. Most of the dps at that level have the same amount of awareness.

In my healer main opinion, it’s because of toxicity mostly from dps players. My main and alt are both very well geared one doing 15-16’s, the other doing 12-14’s. But a lot of times I go and join 8’s or around that level on those characters just for fun or to make a dps friend queue go faster. Today I got kicked by a random shadow priest from a +8 run that got 2 chested with 1 death at last boss (he was the one who perished ofc), I got cursed at and told ‘to just heal’ and I got kicked from the group before the boss died, (and he had hots on him, healthstone, healtpot available and his defensives available too)… That and the times where people just don’t know or understand mechanics but blame their deaths or the key breaking on healers.

Sorry for random the rant, idk if its the same for everyone but that is my healer pov on it.

Not on 10 keys or lower.

I lost fun with M+. Wait a long time for tanks or healers and then the group leaves.

I’ve learned not to worry about it. I interrupt what I can. If dps don’t interrupt, they’re the ones who are going to die, not me.

Well… im not sure about those numbers…

Its like Plunderstorm. Tons of people did it. Because they really liked it, or because of the mogs?

We will never know. But if I had to make an educated guess, its the latter.

My guildies are doing it for the mogs. I’ve never been one to do content just for transmog - if there’s one specific item I really want, I’ll go after it, but not just to collect stuff I’ll never use - and it’s so boring. Hardly any of them want to do actual content because they’re so busy collecting the remix stuff.

Count me in that club. Im a sucker for mogs.

And yeah… 100% right. Il never use most of them. Especially because most of the MOP mogs are class specific, and I only have 2 toons. So… double useless…

My rio has slumped this season as a result. And I doubt it will recover because right now in the +14 range nobody that knows how to play remains…

I predict that this season I hit 3.2k and il be lucky to do so… Not like it matters. RShaman is still not even close to being meta, so I would not have PuGed much farther than that anyways.

Fingers crossed for WW… :smiley:

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It’s kinda funny because when I get into groups I legit outdps people 30ilvls higher than me in 6-10 keys, players are definitely bad in that range. I would still take a 3.4k main player over someone without a main any day.

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