Season 4 PvP Armor Set uses the Season 3 appearance

Thought we voted for the Season 4 transmog armor set for both PVE and PVP. Not, turns out with the least effort Blizzard decided this only applies to PVE.

Lots of people like myself were expecting to return to PvP to farm the best armor set of the expansion. Needless to say Season 4 is already dead in the water. Everyone who wanted the elite appearances they VOTED for won’t bother playing. Truly reflects the states of PvP for the game.


You are not the only one here. I hope they will promptly address this.

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It should turn to s1 appearance when they are converted to tierpieces? And/or you get the elite-set from pvp :slight_smile:

I’m surprised by how many issues slipped by their QA team. From the non-scaled TW quest reward to Time Rift and Dream Surge vendors being broken to Awakened LFR having the old item level requirement to this problem here … lots of things.

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Also surprised and annoyed at this, since this seems plain lazy of Blizzard (I was planning to finish my priest and rogue PvP set). Time for a WoW break and enjoy other games.

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Yep, PvP players have been shafted again. No reskins or anything; people just won’t bother playing for no rewards.

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I aint happy, pvp was going to be my content this season but I dont want s3 appearance :frowning:

I was excited to be able to get the S2 set for warriors because my work keeps me away from the game a lot, and I lost most of S2 because of that. I had hoped to be able to get the full set this time, but alas, Blizzard is but a small indie company.

Ok so

Pvp vendor - sells the season 3 glad appearance
Mark of mastery vendor (bearing in mind you only ever get 1) - sells the season 2 glad appearance
Tempostone vendor - no pvp options at all (unlike every other token seller from the previous seasons)

This seriously can’t be what was planned

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But what skin you unlock if you are 1800 rating ? s3 or choosen one by players?

According to collections its the season 3 one… I would not be in a place to confirm until we see a druid get 1800 no doubt

Yup I was looking forward to get my monk set from the season I didn played but notice in this season its the same set that it was last season so I have it already… Well I can farm the priest set but thats it… other sets that I wanted I already have so… Need to just wait TWW beta then :s

I guess not enough people are interested enough to highlight this need fixed :woman_shrugging:

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So, I am missing out a promised S1 set on my evoker. I bought a PVP item and converted it into a tier. I unlocked the appearance and I can’t even see it in the collection as a set. DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR BLIZZARD.

As much as I don’t like saying this, it’s time for people to bug report this crap.

And Blizz, if it ain’t a bug TELL US PLEASE.

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I know that the upgrading legendaries and similar, was a much more important bug to fix, but I am seriously bummed that nearly nowhere is this talked about. Every single resource I could find, says clearly that S2 was also meant for PvP and not the S3 appearance, and yet… nothing. crickets on this was…