Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

exactly why i went from playing 13 chars in S1 down to 3 in S4.

it doesnt feel worth it anymore.

people who cared about their chars got sacrificed on altar of “casuals feeling progress” so that they could progress from collecting bear asses to collecting the same bear asses but after they farm gear for 3 months :slight_smile:

m+ participation seems down the drain too - it takes forever to fill out keys - to finish my +2 i had to wait literaly 20 minutes - and i was lucky that full premade qued .

and it wasnt some strange hours - it was literaly prime time around 18 - 20 … minutes to fill up +2 key on first day of season . where are people blizz ?

blizz basicly destroyed m+ below keys like 6-7 atm - nobody wants to do them as casuals who did them in past are now stuck in m0 unable to finish because of gear reset and good players dont want to do keys below 6 becuase thats where aspect crests are :0

it is more then good for +2. but heres there problem - those +3 or +4 keys are just to tempting to apply to arent they :slight_smile:

so nobody wants to apply to +2 :slight_smile: and you experience ton of declines from +4 or +5 - and you know why ? i will tell you why . because owner of that +5 key wont take you when they have 3200 + people applying - who are also desperate to build some basic 1400-1500 score before they push further.

and +6 / +7 on like 490 gear - requires you do do those mechancis and perform.

did ruby +7 and it felt really brutal when team was in like 486-490 itlv. 3rd boss took us like 3+ minutes , first boss was 3 shield phases , paradoxaly last boss is atm mechanicaly / dmg outgoing wise easiest in this dungeon :smiley:

Guess i’m tanking for now then. Did a halls +2 which wasn’t too bad.

my experience of scrub tank - +2 /3 - nice smooth , +4 okish +5 starts to hurt at some places really hurt when you tank in 482 itlv :P:P:P

gonna stick to +4/5 on my tanks for couple of resets :slight_smile: and to 6/7 on hunt :slight_smile:

I’m 474 on my prot pala - i think i will stick to 2s to get used to them first.

+2s seem to be wrecking healers at the moment, maybe its just gear, or not knowing the mechs, or both.

So stop and go play some other games :smiley:


mm+ dungeon selected are demotivating

item list in mm+ are zero

i dont want to raid

i dont want to raid with this raid systeme of 3 raid different in 3 weeks


I did 4 dungeons this evening and we rocket up our key to +7 halls after +2ing a +5 ruby. Halls tyrannical strikes again though with some wipes on 2nd and 3rd bosses. But then we almost +2’ed the +6 brackenhide again. Up to +5 should be relatively easy when you are geared from previous season. The tank was just alting and 1 dps played offspec since he is main healer :grin: You really do not need 490 for a +2.

lol, groups are getting destroyed by the first boss on ruby life pools.

Sounds like people make severly mistakes. I runned a +2 ruby as my first key and took 2 random dps from the groupfinder and they did about 25% of the dps of my friend. We wiped on 2nd boss, those 2 randoms stood in everything and we still timed the dungeon. We basically 3 manned it.
One of those dps was 441 ilvl :joy:

Its season 1 all over.

Either you have the dps to burst down the shield or you will wipe when healer will be unable to keep with DMG.

For good groups it wont be issue.

For casuals and weaker healers ? Ruby will be as nightmare to heal as in S1 :slight_smile:

There is just much more movement and coordination in DF m+ especialy on Boss fights compared to dungeons of past :slight_smile:

It is, but not on a +2 for geared s3 players. The claim was you need 490 ilvl for a +2. We did it with a main healer as tank, a main healer, a main dps, and 2 dps that did 25% of our 1 dps who were often even dead. When you can do it with 3 players and all below 490 ilvl, i say something about those claims.

Too early to know if there’s a standout hardest one yet?

I healed a neltharius +2 on resto druid and it wasn’t too bad. Maybe this one will be the hardest again on higher keys.

Also Bear looks good so far.

Did the dungeons…

And all gucci… exept… BH +10…

OMG the totems in the plant corridor TRUCK… and it was a +10 and tyrancial.

My… God…

You MUST do that dungeon with an alchemist. IMO its not possible to time it with out one.

OR, someone figures out some amazing tech for it. Because those totems… 50k/sec to the whole party for 30s (plus lasher bleeds). Its BRUTAL…

The tuning certainly feels harsher than it did in S3. For example I was able to heal a +18 the first week on S3 in 445 gear, which was the equivalent of high heroic/low mythic raiding gear in S2. Now I’m 485 which is S3 mythic geared and am struggling to heal a +4, which is supposed to be a +14.

Not to mention when I don’t make my own keys and join a +2 I get insta invited as a healer but when I inspect the leader (very often a dps) he has 450 ilvl gear on.
I even politely left a +3 Uldaman where the tank had like 460 ilvl gear and still there was a dps that did sub 100k dps and didn’t knew tactics. The first boss had 4 boat phases and Bromach was a wipe. Sorry I’m not spending +1 hour in that dungeon so I explained why and left.

In s3 people could do a +2 - +5 with subpar gear but now even a +2 feels harder than a +12 did last season. People who only casually did m+ in the past are now screwed over.

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It are just the DF dungeons with more random damage, more things to dodge and more mechanics. Previous season we +2’ed atal and waycrest +17 in week 1 and then we needed 2 hours for Rise 19. It is now very noticable we do lower keys since all dungeons are DF.

I didn’t even start s4 :rofl:
I’m enjoying other games and prepare a character for cata classic.

Just like in sl,I cba about S4

I know the feel, I wenti yesterday to ShinEverbreeze to buy explorer gear at 1/8 and it is disable.

So my only way to obtain those items is world quest rotation (but some are 2/8 or 3/8 and I can’t do them) farming emerald dream mobs or waiting for time rifts.

Completely ruining my progression from the start.

thats for sure.

people who did +20 and higher are gucci they will spam , farm gear and move to +10 - for this crowd it was never a problem and never will be a problem .

now people who previously took whole season to get eventually KSM after months of doing +11-14 ? those are now hard gated at m0 and +2 as it will be vicious circle - they wont complete +2 unless carried and soon nobody will want to join +2 in first place anyway

blizzard has just destroyed m+ for huge crowd of people who are now being told "m0 is where you belong "

thats because DF dungeons have been brutal from start and continiu to be .

people are just dishonest about the amount of SBF / TJS and similiar they did very early in season compared to DF dungeons to maximize GV rewards. last season it was the same - i bet everyone has BRH run way much then any other S3 dungeon.

now there is nowhere to hide in “easy mode” for those first 2-3 weekly GV .

imo yes they did remove 3rd affix - but they level it up with the tunign they did .

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