Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

It feels good to do +2 and to receive massive upgrade :+1:


You seem to be contradicting yourself. In one paragraph you say the changes are great; in the next you say how bad it feels to no longer be able to do the same “numbers” of content as you could before.

I feel the same regarding the numbers. Knowing that I need to push myself to fill my vault with +8s for myth track gear is… weird. My brain can’t make sense of it because my instincts are telling me that +8s are “baby keys” for messing around on alts.

But I know it will pass, and I’ll get used to the new numbers, just as I got used to the level squish at the end of SL, and I’ve got used to ilvl squishes and corresponding drop in dps in the past. I just need to give myself some time, and this feeling of disorientation will go away.

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I still don’t get the point of m0 after this change - you run one, might not get loot, and it’s a weekly lockout. You’ll get something from the vault but will have to wait a week to get it, which isn’t great for prog purposes.

Ok sure, if you have low ilevel gear or just returned to the game, it’s probably better to grind heroics and LFG for gear.

But if you finished last season with reasonable gear, you should be able to do 2s without issue - since a 12 last season was easy.

Sure, when you have a group of reasonably geared people, a 2 is easy. But I thought blizzard wanted more people doing m+.

Now they’re gonna get a load of people going “ahh well I did 17s at 450 ilevel last season, I should be able to breeze a 2”, which I don’t think is an unreasonable thought.

That isn’t how it works, though. At this point in the season (with last season’s gear), a +2 should be closer to what a +22 was with the same gear at the end of last season. (They’ve been dropping keys by 10 levels to reflect seasonal difficulty increases for the last few seasons AND they’ve squished them by 10 levels this season. That makes a 20 level difficulty increase in total.) Sure, once we get some gear, it will get easier, but low keys are pretty hard for casual M+ players at the moment.

I feel like they’ve set the barrier to entry for M+ too high now.

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That’s what I kinda mean - let people get into 2s to get gear and learn mechs, but make the difficulty gradient harder after 2.

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What happened here demotivated me from playing for the month prior, and I feel weird about it now as well.

The reset is so complete and all-encompassing that it’s just like… “What the heck did I do with my life, and why would I do it again?”

And it got so much worse last season with the item level gap increasing, and new with M+ difficulty numbers going down and heroic/mythic going up, it becomes even more obvious how extreme the reset is.

Add on top of that my addon SquishMe, which has made me completely numb to numbers going up, and all of a sudden the reset feels so complete that it crushes the soul a little.

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+2s are depletion immune. You just spam 2s to gear up :man_shrugging:

I haven’t healed yet, just did a couple low keys as dps (on my evoker, as I can’t seem to get damage out of the shaman, something to practice), some 0s, a 2, a 4. Damage seemed pretty substantial, but the groups were pretty average too. I’ll pug a bit as resto today, though, and see how it goes. I want to expose myself to pugging content that I don’t overgear anyway.

I didn’t play in S1 and S2, so the M+ versions of the DF dungeons are new to me. I’m still not super excited about this because my friends aren’t (they are all pretty “meh” feeling about this season), but it’s something to do.

the point of m0 is for people to learn.

its supposed to be that “safe enviroment” where “big bad and ugly toxic m+ players” wont be toxic to them .

backside is now those "toxic m+ players " no longer will carry those group making a lot of them unable to finish and hard gated from m+ .


well on plus side - +2 feels now exactly how +2 felt on launch of DF if you went in there in hc dungeon blues.

i rememeebr i was hard stuck on +6 on first week of DF on my Vengence DH in c blues as i was super unlucky with m0 and thats exactly where im stuck on my VDH :slight_smile: i particularly rememebr how we went into AA +7 and we just couldnt kill tree boss because i was obliterated by debuff boss and adds and we given up :slight_smile: exactly how yesterday 3rd boss in NO just shredded me even with demon spikes up on +6 since it was hiting me for 1.4 mln pr brutalize hit ( checked recap ) and i have 1.5 mln healthpool :slight_smile: im actually curious how much it would hit my prot paly with active mitigation up on this when its healthpool is even lower i have like 1.3 mln .

so you have a chance to relive that first week again or experience it if you didnt play

and what made you think that ?

if anything blizzard hates with burning passion that wide population of players prefer m+ and completly ignores raiding.

same was with VP and then crests - they hate that peopel forced them to put it into game.

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Cos last season was really easy compared with say, SL dungeons. And it was also easier than S2. I assume it was because they wanted more people to try M+ so they made them easier.

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This seems to be the grind that retail is designed around. Hamster wheel go round round round. If you finally realized how pointless that makes all progression then stop playing for that and find other fun in the game, if there isn’t any other fun besides that carrot on a stick then… You’re allowed to leave, and you should. Go play other games, try Underrail.

Personally I can’t imagine wasting my life chasing after timewasting mechanics that are designed to drag as much time out of my life as possible so I can get a tiny bit better stats on my gear. But hey, ya’ll do what ya’ll find fulfilling I guess. The ilvl system is cancer in my eyes.

I only play retail for quests, pet battles and collecting some fashion here and there so I can look pretty. Even that’s taken a backseat due to SoD.

But you’re comparing apples and oranges… You were doing up till 19s during an entire season, whereas the new season has been live for 1 day and you expect to start on what was before a +12?

The issue people have, is their own pride getting in their way… If they did the opposite and a +2 got turned into a +20, people would feel cool because “last season they could only do +10s now they can do +30!”…

Why does it matter, that you start on +0 (+11 from last season) and in a few days are at the level of +2 and above?

Why is it annoying though? If you “only” did 10s last season, you may feel its actually way more beneficial long term, that you can practice in +0 (10 from last season) instead of dying and group disbands…

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Gearing for the sake of gearing is pointless, true. There should be a goal, for which you gear. For me it’s Mythic Raid. I gear not because I enjoy gearing itself, I gear because want to prog Mythic Raid, and better gear makes it easier.

If you were playing only +10’s you will not get practice in M0 right now, they will be way too hard. And since low keys are removed you can’t learn and practise at all anymore. With the removal of +2-9 those players are hurt a lot.

Even that feels pointless to me.
Gear in tier 1 difficulty so I can gear up in tier 2 difficulty for tier 3 difficulty and so o on up to tier 10 or whatever.
In other games with difficulty modes I just select the difficulty mode I wanna play on and then I play it. I don’t have to put in work hours towards doing the “real content” that I find fun to do.

But if you find it satisfying then you’re the target audience and I’m not. :wink:

A m0 is now the same as a +10 just without affixes/timer. I’ve heard report from people going from faceroll current hc’s to m0 and being absolutely annihilated.

The current gearing strat seems:
lvlup gear → hc dungs → open world content/weekly quests → m+ /m0 weekly

At the same time my guild cleared HC VoTI almost oneshot so that was seemingly made easier… Maybe they just want people to raid this season? I dunno.

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It’s possible here also. Nobody stops you to go into Mythic in normal level gear. But it will be extremely hard. Not impossible - highly organized and skilled groups, like Liquid or Echo can do this. Gear just make it easier.

I figured that with the ilvl things with stamina and agilit/strength whatever and dps checks that it would filter out people who simply are not geared enough to do it. They stopped doing dps checks?