Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Nothing stops you from using in game voice tool.

Its working very well couple of times i tried it

I love the data you can see on raider io and this really shows how few can get KSM first week:-

I’m no where near that good and I’m happy to accept that it will be week 2 before I can get KSM. I imagine we’ll see that same small percentage hitting that 2500 bracket next week when they get the Fort scores.

I am very interested in the total amount characters playing M+ in comparison to previous season.

Ya I know, my point was that it’s a great help to organised groups pushing high keys

Bro. Why you get so defensive? I was talking about a mechanic.

Not about balancing stuff, git-gud attitude, or anything like that. I am the first one to claim that nobody cares about what the top 1% are doing.

If you think popping 3 chains is appropriate or not at your level of play I really don’t care.

But I have a right to talk about whatever I want to talk about. Simply because im not advocating for anything here.

I can tell you that popping 3 chains at once is putting an unnecessary load on the healer. And that healer will need to be much, much more skilled for the key level he is playing to pull that off.

But that is up to you to be honest.

I wont. Im far from the level of those guys.

I think it will be viewed more as a whole, the boost in participation of Heroic dungeons, M0 and the new key levels.

I presume normal won’t change.



I didn’t do a max reward key first week in season 3.

I did so this season and it wasn’t even hard.

I am also not finding it harder. S1 was the hard season. You’ve only got to see the HUGE list of nerfs they had to make to the dungeons to bring them up to (down to) S3 difficulty.

And as far as I remember I never said that skill can’t beat gear. Only that having better gear makes things easier.

You definitely can. If your gear is high enough, you definitely can ignore certain mechanics in the game due to the scaling. :roll_eyes:

If attacks deal a certain amount of damage in a key and you are far above that keys scaling level with your own item level, attacks will hit less, your attacks will hit more. It’s literally as simple as that.

If you are below that keys scaling level with your gear, it may be able to beat it with enough effort and skill but it will still be hard. If you’re above that keys scaling level with your gear, you will have it by default easier and playing well adds onto that.

Don’t be ridicules. The developers in games are planning encounters and activities usually with “tolerance percentage” when they have a scaling system. That is completely irrelevant and disconnected from Skill.

If you put a bad player with 460ilvl into a +2 key that player will say it is hard. If you put the very same player in the very same key but with 500ilvl, that player will likely say “it is still hard but it was easier to try this time”.

And that’s the sole point I am trying to make.

Without your gear, your character is nothing, because gear has the stats that improve your characters effects in combat. You can be as skilled as you want, if your gear is too bad you are making it (un)intentionally harder for yourself than it should be.

They definitely can, because it is simple math and all they have to do is sort their playtesters into groups of different skill, give them all the same item level and test how their play experience is.

The good players will still beat it very likely. The average players may struggle a bit. The bad players will fail.

They then increase in steps the item level on all test groups, until the average players don’t struggle anymore and feel like it is a fair difficulty.

And that’s the point where the “recommended item level” would be. Because the bad players will still do bad, even with the gear. The point is to make the average players have a normal experience with good play + high enough gear.

There, I explained you exactly how Blizzard can narrow down a recommended item level. Crazy, right?

It was over the very moment we started talking actually. Because with you a logical conversation seems impossible.

Yeah. Never going to happen in a pug. Almost like people are too scared to use the ingame voice chat :rofl:

Yep, apparently M+ isn’t meant for the average player anymore :dracthyr_shrug:

I think it is about the same. Previous season we +2’ed a couple of 17’s, finished (not timed) up to +19 and we started on sunday because of real life. Now i started on wednesday and have a couple of 8’s timed and finished a +10 (in ~90 minutes though).

I do think there’s more crap going on this season that keeps doing damage that can potentially scale out of whack. But when you live you live. Also, this season does not have easy dungeons like BRH, Atal and Waycrest.

The scaling is probably ~the same.

First week has gone great, managed to get a full set of 1/8 explorer gear (plus the PvP by one thanks of having 15k of spare honor)

Managed to upgrade it to 2/8 since this week I managed to do 1 normal dungeon.

(For my homemade rule I can upgrade my gear only if I complete a necessary activity, for explorer gear is a dungeon on normal)

Also did a few Timewalking since it look like is the only source of 1/8 adventurer gear, in preparation for when I will have my Explorer gear to 8/8.

I got busy in SoD and my “flame” for Valheim rekindled otherwise I would have upgraded my gear to 4/8 and the first 200 rating in Shuffle.

Maybe part of the problem is that people thought they’ve been running these dungeons for a year on heroic, that they could just dive in to mythic and cruise through without needing to know any mechanics. But, we have an ilevel hike in the mix too, making things harder also.

If they had continued mixing up the dungeons from other expansions, as they’ve been doing before, people might have researched a bit for them.

Yeah well… I just did a BH 12… I warned the party at the beginning to be careful of the totems from the tree corridor.

Told the tank: Either a route where you pull none of them. Or a route where you pack the trash on cauldrons (have profession specifically to open them)…

NOTHING. They followed S2 route. I was with monk and SP and NO DISPELS… I had the totem burst over and over again, back to back… And after wiping they had the balls to tell me that “they know cause they did it on 28 in S2… and you ignore the totem”…

When I linked them the patch changes… they were like “ohh… your right”…

At-least they listened to me in the end. But what hurt me the most is that they did not excuse themselves for flaming me for wiping on that corridor.

TLDR : Welcome to the club… Idiots everywhere…

It really isn’t simple math. Your simple math needs to assume skill and dungeon knowledge. Walk in 500 ilvl in a +2 and doing stuff wrong or not optimal you still get destroyed. What blizzard can do is putting a recommandation level of 528 on M+2 for the best and highest chance to succeed.

Now tell me again how that differs from exactly what I asked for?

He was being sarcastic. Its max level you can get, assuming you get full myth track.

For a 2+. Which does not even give hero track gear. And to acquire that gear you would need to farm 8+.

It would be the same ilvl for a +20 or a + one million.

It will only set people off to try. It is quite logic the higher gear you have the higher chance you have to succeed. Putting max ilvl as a recommandation isn’t really going to help or inform anyone.

Right now everyone gets a +2 key and everyone is allowed to try.

Let me make it very clear for your Darkiron Dwarf head, mate.

Heroic dungeon gear caps at 489ilvl. M0 gear starts at 493ilvl. +2 gear starts at 496ilvl.

Blizzard exactly knows what item level is needed for what activity, simply because the rewards display the progression.

If you cap out on heroic dungeon gear, you are likely 489ilvl. So they want you to start with M0/+2 where gear drops with 493/496ilvl. Ergo, the recommended item level for M0 and +2 is at least 493/496ilvl…

The entire gearing process in WoW is designed to be played by first maxing out your current gear bracket before continuing to the next, while allowing you to try it earlier already but with a harder difficulty.

That’s not rocket science, that’s not something that I’ve made up. That’s how game design in RPGs with upgrade systems have worked for the past 15 years.

Yeah, tell that to Uda.

The number isn’t the point here, it’s the recommending information itself.

As I wrote above in this comment, all Blizzard would have to do is to put on +2 keys a “Recommended Item Level: 489” line into the keystones tooltip and that alone tells people that:

  • New drops will be above 489ilvl in M0/+2
  • For the best experience they should be at least that item level
  • That 489ilvl is where the heroic gear bracket ends (and if they are on/above that number, they’re good gear-wise to start)

It’s that simple. As I said, it is simple math. Blizzard always does said math each season when adjusting the gear scaling. Because the gear allows you to progress easier. That’s why you gear, so your character becomes more powerful so harder activities become even easier while playing well.

I really don’t get why people like Uda are against writing a single information into an items description that takes maybe like 10 minutes at best and how people yet still don’t understand that doing so would give casuals and average players a point of reference to plan their attempts beforehand without risking wasting their time.

My ‘rule’ is more like -15 ilvl from what it is dropping. So when +2 drops 496 i would ‘recommand’ 481. But obviously it really depend on the player, experience, skill and experience.

I think for my tanking-adventure i will continue when i am +520, since i am that bad. And dps i am not even going to try since 530 isn’t optainable.

It wouldnt.

You knwo why ? Because casuals are greedy too

And a lot of people expectvto be carried in +2 by good players farming crests