Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Overall the scaling is probably about the same as previous season except you have to calculate your current key with +10 in comparison to previous. The DF dungeons have mostly more mechanics and area of denials. But scalingwise you should live the same keylevel. Maybe there are a couple of outlier-bosses that do a bit too much damage. Like on nokhud +8 3rd boss we had a priest simply getting 1 shot on gale arrow.

Oh yeah - this will be another hard awakening once pugs will be destroyed by trash pulls if not managed correctly .

Tanks will have hard time too next week because a lot of this trash Hurts a lot

They will just have to pull less. I’ve not encountered trash that felt unfair aside from the packs before 3d boss in Nokhud (only one that comes to mind).
As of now some DH tanks pull 3-4 packs and zerg ahead, then complain they die in 3 sec because my slowass priest can’t catch up in time :joy:

I can heal through all 3

But I need to know in advance it will happen, to prep the set-up.

If the tank does 1 by 1… and then all of a sudden all 3…

That is why most healers cant heal that.

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I have seen groups struggling even with 1 of those packs at time on +5/+6 NO . On tyranical . Even With my vdh silences / stuns

People in low m+ pugs just dont interupt / stun .

True, then again I’ve had tanks that do the same but actually keep up with the group and where people used their stuns/interrupts. Night and day, I even could join in on dps’ing even though we had like 3 packs together. Fun times.

Not next week. Next week is bolstering. Tanks will still have limited gear. This was considered from affixes point of view a push week. 2 close to useless affixes. Next week bolstering + fortified I think we’ll see smaller keys that this week, or in base case scenario +1 over what was done this week. We’ll see a lot more under 5 tho, as they will be easier. But when it comes to 10s, there will be a lot of pain

Only from lvl 10 iirc, so a non-issue for most players. I’m only after KSM for now, portals will come later.

The problem would still be the tanks.

I started to tank like 3 week before leaving season 3, and tanked keys for my guild first 3 days this season (while I was doing 2k, 4 set and consuming my crests) before moving on alts. Most of the tanks in pugs have no clue whatsoever. Even on 4-5 there will be tanks that will get one shot once they enter in the pack. Considering what I saw on my alts, timers will be tighter (they’ve always been on fortified), and 60% dpses at least in that range don’t even know their basic rotation, so probably a lot of destroyed keys by the combination of pulling pack by pack and dpses sleeping in their boots.

We’ll see, I’m more optimistic.
The gear requirements for pugs will rise as people get better and better gear. Next wed I’m guaranteed to have 2 upgrades in the form of a vault and bullion after one raid.

People now are asking around 495 for a +5 ish, around 500 for +6/+7
I feel a lot of people will be higher than 500 next week Thursday so the average group ilvl will be higher in those keys, making them slightly easier.

Not to mention we’ll have a better look at the skill of people by looking at the rio scores. First week is always a bit of a guess. Personally if I’m hosting my own keys I generally don’t inv people lower than myself, which would be around 1.6k and 500 ilvl atm, more next week.

Tbh I feel like the ilvl requirements change from class to class.
I get easy invites on my mage at 495 in 6-7s, but a frind of mine struggled to get invites at 6-7s on his lock with same ilvl as I have. We both had 3.3k+ rating last season on those characters, so that’s not a factor.
Also those numbers are inflated a lot. I mean we 2 chested most of the 5s in 485-487 with no issues at all. 495 was already when I was doing 10s.

And I also want to add that popping all 3 at once is not a valid strat for high keys.

At some point, the boss will so much damage that no healer can power heal through that.

If I had to do an educated guess, at ~14/15 with full 522 gear that will be the case. Fortunately, we all got months before were there. :slight_smile:

Because people are idiots. Looking at tier lists to do 7s.

The pros at a +16 are all running the same comp (which includes mage). People copy paste that as if it was some sort of guarantee that they will time a 7.

Thats the only remaining explanation I can give you : People are dumb.

Respectfully: who cares about that high? That would be a 24-25 last season, maybe even higher because last season was much lower scaled, so realistically a +26-27.
95% of the entire wow population doesn’t see keys that high. It’s not even a gitgud issue because I know most players just play for a)rewards which go until +10, and b) to have fun. keys that high just aren’t fun to most people. Like you said all the ‘pro’s’ use the same comp so the majority of specs is already non viable to go that high.

So discussing strats and difficuly for keys that high isn’t relevant imo when you know only a select few will even do those keys. All classes and specs should be able to get to 10 with enough gear and tacs.


Yeah it is humbling to see the pro’s are already playing on the keylevels in week 1 that we (or at least me, maybe Uda will) will not being able to reach in a full season pushing :joy:

To be fair mages are blasting ATM when player properly . Just did Ruby +2 and fire mage Had almost 500 k dps on first Boss and Opener with close to 900 k st with bl

Also dont Blame them for being Picky . I Had hoi 8 key which ended as hoi +3 because of how badly a lot of those people with 500 + itlv Play

Pugs will be pugs :wink:

I think it’s quite fun watching hardcore players pushing above 10s, and probably the idea is for it to be streamed. But doing these levels in pugs will probably be pretty frustrating and stressful.

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I’m struggling with +9/10s meanwhile there are top players doing 17s

Some amazing players out there.

Yep, but being a static group with similarly skilled players, on voice comms and with agreed strats makes a massive difference.

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This shows how crazy is delta of skills.

This also shows problem with game when top 1 percent pushes so high while average player cant complete m0

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