Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

This is very true. And this is the current problem what this topic is about. They removed the +2-9 keylevels. You are not allowed to slowly learn. You have to start at +10. What i want it like you; do the first weeks nothing higher than a +5. That is exactly the point of this topic.
And in that +2-5 we can learn mechanics. We can learn our class. We can learn the dungeons. We can discover by playing. Actually having fun. What does anyone care my highest after a month playing will be a +8? (old system).

I want to mention again, if a game requires you to look outside of the game itself to understand the game, then the game is badly designed. A good game is designed in a way that you can intuitively play it without having to read or stop and look up a guide.

Look at the AoE visual changes Blizzard did in certain M+ dungeons like Halls of Valor and the Halls of Infusion. They made the AoE and mechanics more readable compared to before.

The telegraphing of AoE in WoWs history is so incredibly bad in readability because it majorly favored visuals over being able to read it the second it pops up.

That and the fact that normal and heroic dungeons (even with S4 changes) these days allow you ignore/skip mechanics by just killing the boss fast enough results in people not even being required to learn the mechanics.

Why bother learning about mechanics in general when the game only enforces mechanics inside of endgame pve content? That’s the issue, not the players being too stupid.

Edit: Hence why many players went back to WoW classic, because the combat there keeps you on your toes/hooves. If WoW classic wouldn’t look so old and not be so slow in leveling, I would even play it myself for the combat.

Most player went there because there is where gear actually does a difference, considering most of the classes use 3 buttons, and they spam one for eternity.
Most players went to classic there because the journey is the challenge there. According to stats in wow, my character last season was in around top 2% of the players in m+, which means I have some idea about how to press my defensives and so on; still died on a random level 12 quest on classic. That is why people go there. The quests, the open world, and the fact that there are actually people in open world there makes the game more popular.

Also blizzard can’t teach you how to play your class, just because you can put your talents as you want. Some overperform others, true, but still you have the freedom to do so. Most of the games when it comes to class guides, dungeon guides and so on are managed by community, even older ones like Cabal: still the community run the guides. Tbh, wow is one of the few games that actually have links to that: wowhead is even listed in their support tab as a source of information and community help. Now if we go to wowhead when it comes to help in comments about how to achieve different things, you’ll see that the community does its job.

Also most of the people forgot one big thing about this game: It’s still built around guilds, and running organized groups for content, with like minded people. And that’s where “play the game and you’ll see what happens” comes in. And this is not only for average Joe, this is even for the best of the best. Last raids usually they leave on phase undocumented, so when top guilds reach there, they have no idea what’s gonna happen. You can learn mechanics by gathering 5 people and do the dungeon. Pug system should in some sort be allowed only for people who can only carry their weight.

I think Blizz could add recommended ilvl to each keylevel, but for now i think the people who is not sure if they are good enough or have enough ilvl can just look at what each level drops. Can you still get quite alot of upgrades from heroic? Then keep doing hc. Are you outgearing hc but can get upgrades from m0? Do m0. Then step into m+2 for the next level. This is ofc if you’re not confident enough in your own skill level. Then just work your way up from +2 when you get there.

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You can check my neltharus 2 run . I deliberately stayed in that key to have that on raiders Io.

There was a druid doing 20k dps st

I still stayed there because tank and other dps were blasting.

But there is ton of very very bad players WHO purely expect boost - and that boost is possible because people need wyrm and flightsones

Anecdotal evidence says nothing about the average player. I runned a +2 RLP on my shaman and we +3’ed the dungeon, so everyone must be total blasters, right? No.

It is true it is scaled way harder and everyone gets a +2 key, so a lot people try to run it. It is also clear to me that i am not good enough for M0 for dps and tank. I definitely know what a bad player is since i am one of those when i am not on my seasoned healer. But i am not going to say anything about the average player, or the average player in a +2.

Dont worry. No apologies needed.

I personally know that later on in the season I will try that boss in a 14 at-least (maybe more, we will see…).

The intention of my post was just to express my concern that I will not be able to heal 3 chain in a 14. Even with full 522 gear. Therefore some fancy tech needs to be found out to do that boss with out the tank dying.

But that is just me. Nothing to do with what everyone else is doing, and I did not intend to comment about it.

Im curious to see how that boss evolves in the season.

A personal question for you : It seems like you tell the DPS to cross the chains through the boss before he activates the tank nuke. Effectively doing 3 chains simultaneously.

Valid strat. Want to copy it.

But in practice, what do you do? You tell the DDs to do it before the dungeon starts? Or you assume they will do it and by chance they do it? You run with a premade?

Pure M plus participation (in orange)

In the initial week of Season 4, players completed 1,486,891 runs, the lowest total across all Dragonflight seasons. This decrease is due to Blizzard’s adjustments to dungeon difficulty for Season 4, which reclassified all runs up to and including Mythic+10 as Heroic and Mythic Dungeons. As a result, these runs are no longer counted in the Mythic+ totals.

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That’s the thing tho. Instead of having to look up the gear diferences in the adventurer guide it could be all done in a second by looking at said tooltip on the mythic keystone.

It’s not like it isn’t already in the game (as you just also said). It’s just that it would be a time saver for most to just look at their key to know it.

It’s a quality of life feature. Also, not every casuals and average player checks such things manually in the game.

So when we compare it with season 3 we lost about 50% of the M+ runs done. Eventhough people claim those +2-10 keystone levels were a graveyard. To me it is madness blizz decided for this.

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Thats why i said i think Blizz can implement it, but until they do there are other ways to figure out if your ilvl is within reason to do that level or not. I basically agreed with you but then gave you other option to use for now.

I’m aware of what you meant, Sinaaki :smiley:

I just did want to express that Blizzard could make this just more visible than already.

I would be interested on percentage of players who did over 10+ keys last season and if it correlates to less people doing keys the first week and if they are doing heroics instead to get better gear :grinning:

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What I do is just walk into m0, see what DR my armor gets against the enemies in there and then I fight them.

On my 426 Prot Pally I get 45% DR against an evenly matched enemy but only 34% against m0 enemies. I got absolutely battered.

So I know in about 1 minute that 426 is too low for m0. When they can’t kill me, I’ll be ready for m0 for real.

Can’t understand, does people rly liked to do keys from 2 to 10 on previous season? I think that new system is better, because now u can get good gear just from m0, if u feel, that you are not enough fit for it, just take some gear from heroics, they are now upgradeable to 489ilvl, from this point you can comfortable start m0 and even try +2 and higher

The fact that more than half of the player didn’t reach 2k score in any season is not anecdotal evidence. It’s pure stat evidence that the average player, situated at 50% is not able to achieve 2k score. Not even last season, which was the easiest since the game started, and adding to the number of runs, there were plenty of people running them, so that was not a problem.

Also icy veins kinda rushed showing the statistic, as the week did not end. Currently there are 50k more runs then their graph shows, and the evening is still young, so i would expect to see a 1.6M. Still less keys, but this is just the proof that is not anecdotal: average player can’t handle a +2 with last season’s gear.

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I know but people assured me on this forum every char below 2k are just alts of professionals with 1 dungeon done on it. This forum claims 2-9 is a dead graveyard where nobody play and can play since nobody is available for those keys.

I totally disagree though, but apparently i am the only one here.
The poster above you also says he can’t understand.


They are in heroic and m0

As with everything they work on US reset basis.

Interesting. Some numbers finally…

That looks like a fail to me… They should revert the changes…

You must love it when you are proven right … :smiley:

You are right. You were right. Kudos.