Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

It mostly comes up before we start the key. And I say ok or not to do it all at the same time. I can mostly have a CD free every time it happens and the boss should be dead after about 3 times.

Which CDs do you use?

Its not that they liked.

They just dont have skills to do keys above old +10 on week 1 of season

Aparently 50 percent of playerbase just got hard Gated from doing m+

GG blizz - once again by catering to top 1 percent they … Half of players

Not the first time not the last

Untill Ion is fired they will not stop catering to only tryhards.

I’ve tanked all the dungeons now on 2, and the hardest is defo Nokhud, the ghost boss and lightning boss are pretty hard.

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This still isnt a guarantee that i am able to clear a m+2 even when wearing full 528 ilvl.

If i dont comprehend the class or know mechanics, the gear will accomplish nothing.
Tanks might survive the so called “tank busters” without mitigation when at that ilvl but dps surely wont survive cleave attacks or ground effects.
Neither will a 528 ilvl healer be able to heal the group properly if he isnt using the correct talents or cds.

Gear doesnt equal skill. Gear is merely a means to an end to improve your character. But in no shape or form does ANY gear improve player skill.

Its like saying the best football shoes will make you the next Ronaldo.

It is said before: you cannot “decide” this as Blizzard.
They do start with scaling of content which is based around an x power level for sure.

But they cant tune it perfectly for any skill, gearlevel or anything else.

Race to World First is a great concept that shows this, even though said guilds gather as much gear as they can and optimize it for 99% in terms of best gear / m+ runs / upgrading gear / boe’s they are still far behind the intended ilvl and most world first kills are with just a handful of raiders alive.

IF the scaling was “perfect” or based on the average ilvl obtainable in said raid, most guilds that killed Fyrakk months later should have had a really easy time. Because their gear was perfectly “at the right ilvl range” yet those guilds have a similar kill as Echo or Liquid.

Even though they are way better geared and have more itemlevel.

You simply cant scale WoW to be the best of all worlds so that all players hardcore / casuals or however you want to call it experience the exact same difficulty.

And this thread shows that aswell. People struggling with certain dungeons or even just m+2 while others completely disagree and are able to pull it off with alts of a lower ilvl than people with “mains” on a higher ilvl.


I wouldn’t compare that “show” to general balancing. They intentionally overtune the raids for TWF to generate tension so that people actually watch it on Twitch which in return generates attention/advertisement for the game.

Many games with Raids like MMORPGs and similar that have raids do that. It’s basically the “Tribute of Panem”-principle. No one wants to watch Hunger Games that are boring. So, no one wants to watch a raid being over quickly without struggle.

The other half are in hc and m0. Which makes sense. But bo one has stats for those.

So you even said it yourself but still you post:

There you right said it. That getting a stronger character increases your skill to play said character.

Which is simply not true. Nobody ever got “more skilled” at playing any character because they got to ilvl x.

All it did was improve their characters power and with the same skills, that gear allows you to overcome certain boundaries within the game because they are linked to player power.
Be that raid bosses or m+ or maybe just soloing rares.
Or it is a great way to “hide” player skill because you will see higher healing numbers and dps numbers by pressing the same buttons. Giving the “illusion” of more player skill while it only is the amount of gear that improved said numbers.

Maybe someone will try to play their class better because they now are stronger (guides / tips maybe from class discords they join or whatever)
But that requires player investment, it isnt a “given” factor you will play better.

But it will never and never has made someone a “more skilled” player in any stretch of the imagination.

Just the regular ones, apo and divine word combined with PI.

^^ this is what it boils down to. The ilvl is meaningless in challenging content. It’s why none are set.

IF blizz set a minimum ilvl you’d have the forums full of but I’m bla bla ilvl and I we couldn’t even do first boss etc.

Im gonna need to test that.

So one thing I can do is pre-charge my CB totem + use 3 healer CDs for each of the phases as you do.

Its doable, but on the condition that people dont loose more than 60% of their life in 1 tick.

It’s now fortified week so hopefully runs are easier.

That will depend on tank and interupts :smiley:

If your tank can survive you will push .

Nasty week for tanking though ;/

I also wonder if you had skipped a week and started with 0 raider io score, how easy it will be to get into groups. Could try on an alt.

I personaly CBA to push this week. Just gonna do +2s x 8 x 3 and im done. Not good enough to push for +8 without a bit more gear so i can chill in +2 alonside with overgeared people farming wyrm crests after weeeknd :slight_smile: also no time so its kinda ok for me :slight_smile: gonna start serious for me pushing in 2 weeks :slight_smile: gotta give time for people to get to 510 + itlv so they stop taking so hard in keys liek 6-8 :wink:

I haven’t read everything because there’s a lot.

Personally I only did some +2 keys as I’m playing a new main this season so need to gear, I’m in the 470 - 480 bracket ilvl now and had no problems, and if it takes a couple of weeks before I can push up the keys I’m fine with that.

One thing i will say is im more optimistic for this week I think tyrannical plus the key squish plus the gear jump was a bridge too far for a lot of players

You are clearly not capable to read. Let me make it very simple for you.

If I give you a can of :beans: and a knife while you are being a skilled individual, you can open it without injuring yourself.
If I give you a can of :beans: and a can opener while you are being a skilled individual, you can open it even faster.

That’s what “amplified” means. It is not a addition but a multiplier as term.

If you have good gear and suck, you will do slightly better than someone who sucks and has bad gear. If you have good gear and don’t suck, you will be much more stronger than the person that sucks at the game.

Again, it isn’t rocket science. It’s simple math. Why do you guys have so much trouble understanding this simple principle?

Again, I never said that having better gear will make you magically more skilled at a game. It just gives you better tools to channel your individual skill.

Again, you are misreading with your own projection of my words. That’s not what I said.

Then Blizzard should encourage other, more experienced players to tell people simply that they are bad at the game? And maybe help them improve?

They could even add more info to the key tooltip and simply say:

“Individual skill makes a bigger difference than ilvl”

There are many options to address the problem you mentioned, Puny. One has just to be willing to do it without fearing a backlash that will die down quickly.

I did that with torghast, I even recorded videos to show people how to do it and I got banned for it.

Did you post them here on the forums?

Yes, it got me banned. You’re not allowed to tell people they’re doing it wrong(“bad”) while posting a video to showcase how to do it, lol. It was considered “flamebaiting, mockery or ridicule”.