Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

I disagree. Because then Mythic+ gear and Rated PvP gear would be the only upgrade-able one.

Remember how happy people were when in SL you could use your Honor points to buy gear? Same effect here.

Sure, it sounds complicated at first, but it’s really just Valor points with tier brackets. Nothing more to it only that it applies now to the entire games content in DF. Which is good. Mythic+ shouldn’t be the only reliable sources for gear with upgrade option.

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I now have 2 choices from vault, and i might do the other 4 dungeons, so I have them all done on fort and tyrannical at +2.

Now almost 480 ilevel and it feels easier now.

It’s not my favourite set of dungeons though tbh, and I’d rate them:

Azure Vault
Brakenhide - could be yuck if group sucks

Halls - annoying run backs and bosses
Ruby - fast, but first and second boss


Even though it felt a bit rough last week, i dont think i have ever been anywhere close to getting ksm this early in a season before. Which makes me think that with gear this might become a very easy season? I know others often get ksm first or second week, but for me it usually takes some time to get there (i dont have it yet but closing in on it).

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Yeah, it’s a very easy season. I don’t get how people are saying it’s hard. I could’ve gone for KSM if I just focused on one char on first week(usually get it 2nd or 3rd week) but I cba focusing on one char, I played 3 chars first week.

In season 1 the highest key we timed was a 14 first week and then we got a 15 nokhud from that and just ran into a wall on the raging tempest, lol. This is far easier than that.

I can see it being hard for the players that normally never get anywhere near to ksm level for now, but i do think also them will be able to get closer to ksm when they have gotten some more ilvl and experience with the dungeons. Its just that they cant go straight into m+, they need to farm and upgrade from heroic and m0 first.

Because people dont Play with as good players as you do.

Tried couple of +8 and its very rough - main culrpit being people not knowing even most Simple mechanics.

Or healers not knowing where tank is being absolutely pummeled even with cds up and where they need to heal him (liek those drakes after frog Boss in hoi ) :slight_smile:

There is collosal dissefence between groups which interupt and which dont.

Its classic case of Rich getting Richer and poor weak players being denied finishing of m+

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I’m mostly pugging but I occupy the healer role most of the time. I’ve seen some godawful healers when I’ve pugged as dps or tank.


I did it on +8 just today and I healed the tank for 6 million total during that trash vs his 32 million healing. You really don’t need to heal them that much. He probably could’ve been fine without me using my surge of light procs on him but I wanted my serenities back and nobody else had taken damage when I wanted to use them.

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My experience on 498 vdh was that even with cds i was being destroyed by that breath there on +8 . Other packs i was fine but that breath …

Other crucial point was ofc elemental overload not being interupted on packs - sigil of silence doesnt seem to interupt that ;/

I’ve just had enough of Dragonflight now, the dungeons are horrible, the +2’s feel incredibly hard if people don’t interupt and do what they’re supposed to do like moving out of basic stuff.

I cashed out all my gold into wow tokens and made it into Blizzard balance, once TWW prepatch will hit we’ll have another look, but with this i’m not willing to bother anymore.

At least S3 was more forgiving with M+ and gearing up so you didn’t feel like being curb stomped on each and every pull.

Same here, normally i also take some time to properly gear a character.

This time i wanted to tank on my Veng dh and get some practice in. Only the second week and did all dungeons at +5 this week.
So at 1914 rating and counting. That means the mount on wednesday after some dungeons.

My prot warr feels really tanky with decent dps as tank, and started to run dungeons with that aswell, at 14xx rating now.

I really do feel +8s /+9s would be possible in a few weeks. Some ranges i never dabbled in with pugs before tho. Only did so with a guild group back in Legion and BFA.

But overall quite happy with the season, also the fact i will be done with my major goal when i hit 2k. So i can just enjoy the summer. (If we ever get one in the Netherlands, all the rain is insane)

they are more then possible just now.

you just have to perfom well.

but yeah - they are very rough / borderline unifinishable if people dont understand the mechanics of dungeons or do S2 dps numbers :slight_smile:

I feel S4 is fun just like S3. M+ dungeons are more challenging and I’m happy with the new awakened system.

I just timed my first +10 this season on this shaman, much sooner than I expected, and there’s still 20 item levels I can gain (and better stats and trinkets).


lol these fortified +2s are handing groups butt’s to them.

well - i almost untimed 1 ruby +2 today because tank was beyond clueless :stuck_out_tongue: we had like 30 sec spare :0 other 10 runs went either +2 or +3 :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol, i’ve been playing Prot Pala, had 2 resto druids in a row who were bad. One almost entirely spammed the single target heal, was always out of OOM between pulls, and I had to use invuln on the boss.

The other one did 49k healing, I did 90k. They mostly spammed single target too and was 475 ilevel. :frowning:

Why is that a problem, exactly?

I’ve done less than that in a +9.

Are you taking a lot of avoidable damage and think it’s the healers fault?

It wasn’t me dying, it was the rest of the group.

Then why are they taking a lot of avoidable damage?

They might or might not have been, do you want to ask them?