Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

I mean, depending on your choice of words, that is a valid reason. Were you explaining it with or without cussing words? :dracthyr_shrug:

There were no cussing words.

Blizzard just doesn’t allow you to tell people to learn to play.

Posting L2P (Learn to Play) mocks the player for their skill or experience level rather than provide constructive input on the post itself. Both are considered trolling and will lead to a suspension.

Complete disregard that I posted a video alongside with it that showed people how to do it.

You can get infraction in game literaly for writing “i CBA with this dps” if they are from the same group / guild and report you

I would know - that’s what i got my last in game infraction for. Since then i dont use on game chats at all

Gl with telling then they are bad in details :slight_smile:

Well, then that’s Blizzard self-imposed handicap. By their rules nothing we can do about it. :dracthyr_shrug:

If they want their players to stay bad at their own game, that’s their decision.

Thats why the best solution is just to leave group as soon as youvsee they Play badly.

Its not worth giving then a chance. It will always backfire

A lot of the bad players are so because of their own stubborness and will actively not learn anything when better players tell them what they’re doing wrong, they’ll even become hostile.

I told a holy priest what he was doing wrong in an uldaman that went to absolute pieces on 3rd boss due to healing issues and was hit with a “HURR, YOU DON’T PAY MY SUB, DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO”. Like, bro, I just want to finish the dungeon but if you can’t heal the boss we’re just gonna have to call it quits.

Its not us who fail to understand anything.

if you go around posting:

Gear doesnt amplify anything, i wont tank ANY better with 528 ilvl or 489 ilvl if i dont know the class or abilities.

I wont do ‘‘more dps’’ if i dont play my rotation right, the wrong rotation simply puts out more damage because of the gear.

But in no shape or form do you get better by acquiring gear, in terms of player skill. yet you claim it is partly true because more gear = higher numbers which must mean ‘‘more skilled’’

They cant expect or want from all players to play like ‘‘Echo players’’’ or whatever metric you want to put on it.
Its not their place to have say in.

they develop a game with different content (raids / M+ / pvp / pet battles / collecting etc) and they set some ‘‘ground-rules’’ in terms of the scaling of raids / m+ and other content.

Their main ‘‘development goal’’ is to create a entertainment product since games are listed as entertainment, how you are entertained by it, isnt up to them to decide.
So no, Blizzard has no ‘‘they want players to be bad at their game attitude’’

And exactly due to these remarks you seem to not get this topic or even how it all works.

I literally mean the abilities of your class, not your individual skill…

I edited the original comment for more clarity.

I dunno man, 2 failed keys so far at +2 cause people can’t do mechs on bosses, fort not looking much better

I gritted my teeth, got my 2 last portals I hadn’t gotten in season 1, and got my 2k rating.
Not sure if I will bother pushing further, as I am not really happy to boost anymore either due to the community it has become. (Very toxic).

So now I am effectively done for season 4 on my main, just looking to do panda remix when that happens, and possibly play on some alts here and there. :dracthyr_shrug:

Because its the same ol’ dungeons over and the fact that the odds on clearing a +2 right now aren’t too great its really hard to find motivation to push.

It gets better at higher key levels. I had a miserable time in 3-5s yesterday. Today I did 6-8s and the experience was much better already. It’s a tricky situation. Once you get 1800-2000+ rating, invites for “better” keys are easier to get.

Having friends to play with helps too. Just one or two other decent players in a group can make a difference.

Yeah I guess, but you have to stay in lower keys in order to get gear and raider io to get into higher ones and it’s just a lottery.

Also for me, the dungeons just lack any character, my favourites being academy and azure vault. Brackenhide is ok, but if the group dps is awful, you’re never timing and it’s faster to leave. Hell, even neltharius is ok if your group don’t suck. Ruby is a lottery if you can get passed the first or second boss, but the rest suck hard and have really annoying trash and bosses.

ofc it does. because good players dnt do low keys early in week.

best time to do +2s is monday / tuesday evneing when good players are done with pushuing and go to farm wyrm + lughtstones.

last tusday i we managed some +3 in +2 ruby becaue those were wyrm farm groups

m+ are in very wierd place atm - where good players play them extensively and weaker players cannot even complete +2 or m0

this is yet again case of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer.

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Between the boring and long DF dungeons and the horrible group loot in pug raids, this season certainly is demotivating.

Dungeons are terrible and you never win anything in the raids due to GL, so its a waste of time.

GG blizzard, great work.

I think the problem here isn’t that m0s are too hard to start out with, but because the previous difficulties before it (heroic and normal) are too easy, which creates a large difficulty spike.

They can in my opinion solve this simply by:

Keeping normal a scaling difficulty, and once reaching max level tune the difficulty up to old m0 and m2 levels. Leave out the mythic mechanics from it, and make it so that the follower dungeons scale you down to a set gear level. This way players can still learn mechanics together with bots.

Put in mythic mechanics to heroic dungeons and up their difficulty to old m+ 5 to 8 key levels. Perhaps 6 or 7 could be an ideal middle ground to reduce the difficulty gap.

Nerf the difficulty slightly in m0 to be more in line with the difficulty of the previous dungeons, so around old key level 7-9. That way the barrier of entry is lowered, and people do not feel a sudden massive jump between the two modes. It also makes it easier to ease into the transition to +2 keys.

This tier currently also does not help with DF dungeons in general being more challenging than previous season’s dungeons.

I have to admit I did not do any normal or heroic dungeons this tier, but instead went straight into +2s with some 0s in between up until my healer gear can carry me from previous season (+7s). Overall I feel the difficulty of the dungeons to be fine, though that transition between m0 and heroics should be smoothened out.

I think in like 2 more weeks it won’t be an issue, as the weeklies gives you atleast 3 chances for 480 loot that can be upgraded to…I think 502?

I am surprised how much fuzz some are making out of their experience from being undergeared in the first week of the season.

And I think Blizzard does not want to add a recommended ilvl indicator to dungeons because the general playerbase will take it as an indicator that “I should be able to do this in this ilvl or riot.”

Concerning teaching players it is not like Blizzard did not try. We had the dungeon difficulty increase in Cata, we even had the proving grounds during mop and wod. Blizzard abandonned those ideas or nerfed them because in the end, if the average player encounters notable levels of difficulty they just choose to avoid it, or simply quit the game.

Leveling dungeons should be overhauled to provide that learning curve for players, and Blizzard could see if thrir AI companions can be utilized to help people learn how to handle mechanics like interrupts, dispels, stuns and such. Currently the bar is set extremely low up until heroic dungeons and normal raids, and then there is a large spike of mechanical understanding required from m0, m+ and heroic raids on.

i mean yes that sucks but that’s seaosonal play for you… players seem to be realy happy about it even tho i think it doesn’t have a place in an mmo. there’s no actual progression

The whole crest system is terrible. They should just get rid of it and go back to Valor.

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Yeah way Better posting on a 41 alt

Glad I am not the only one.

I was about to write someting similar on /r/wownoob, until I found out you aren’t allowed to share opinions there, so went to the official forum to see this exactly thread.

Been doing all the seasons in DF, all dungeons up to +15 so Icould get the mount in each season.

Now I have to spam HCs to be able to do +2.

Did one +2, and people were nuked from left to right.

I really cant stand to do HCs again to then do mythics after, it completely kills my motivation.

People who got a team to carry them etc, great for you guys.

But as someone who just plays solo, this season is game over unless you play this game as a second job.

If this is how future seasons will be, where I have to dedicate 80% of my spare time to get season mounts, then I got other things to do instead, because then this game is just not fun anymore.