Season of Discovery Class Tuning - 20 December

If exclusive classes for factions is the “preserved” feeling of the game… You can’t definit WoW just by this…
The old Azeroth not gonna change with both classes in both factions…

what about shamans tanks? they have HP like worldboss, running flags with 40% speed wolf, earthshield…
Paladins old potatoes can’t compete :rofl:

druids are still better flag carriers than shamans. The only reason you would want to run shaman Fc is if you don’t have a druid that knows how to FC. Heck frost mage is a better fc than shaman right now.

You can’t define it just on the grounds of that, but it’s a big part of the classic experience. Like I said, if Shamans are too strong, the answer is to perhaps make them not so strong, or to buff Paladins to match, not to completely throw all the faction fantasy out of the window.

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Please you influent rogue pretty lady, change the mind of the " #No both classes in both factions" people and i will teach you how restoshamans are good in PvP.

Actually i can’t play shaman because i don’t want to reroll in the crybaby horde

no top premade has ever run a resto shaman in classic wow. EVER that is because, there is no point in healing someone that is not capable of connecting to the FC because he is stuck in some kind of CC. Priest will always be the far superior choice in healer for that reason alone. Oh and don’t bother talking about windfury, because you want an ele on offence, so your warrior will have WF regardless of if one of the healers is a shaman or not.

i don’t give a F of “top premade” , they don’t know my restoshaman legendary skill from back in the days

you metaslave groopie

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what skill do you use to get warrior out of sheep?

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KEKW :joy:

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They need to make rockbiter cause no threat when your duel wielding as enhancement dps and remove threat with earth shock too its really affecting the raiding experience when you can’t do max dps because your worried about ruining fights.

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Playing ally, but that sounds really sucky omg


You have multiple options to play a shaman, either by rolling a Horde in SOD or by rolling an alliance/horde over at retail. As Thorniel have tried to explain several times by now including me, they probably won’t do this change and I hope that they add more things like this into the future that will add to the classic appeal. This is why we play a 20 year old game and not retail, because things like this was asked by players back then and look where it got retail into. A game that no one cares about.

We know this, Blizzard know this too.

Please never again use the “go to retail” to me…
Let that rainbow barbiegirl retail to the rainbows and barbiegirls

You got Era for the paladin’s masochism being slaped by shamans
You don’t understand PvP, just how you are talking of this case

I am and I will continue to refer you to retail because what you are looking for and asking for including much more things like that already exist in retail or even classic wotlk too.

There is no reason for them to start making changes like that into classic or classic SOD because that make no sense at all. And besides we play classic and SOD to escape from retail because they have completely destroyed that game so that there is no game left to enjoy playing anymore.

Classic is not supposed to be 100% balanced and that’s okay! We don’t play classic for perfect balance, we play it for everything that retail is not which is why more players are active playing classic compared to retail (most likely). It can’t get more clear than this and besides when the developers themselves agree to this idea, I honestly don’t understand what your issue is here for not getting the message.

You want to play with those changes, by all means you have two other versions of WoW at your disposal. Leave classic and SOD to be its own thing the rest of us love so much and try to enjoy for what classic is instead of slowly converting it to a retail 2.0.

Yeah i’m the only one with a brain so…


shadow priest buffs when ???

Reduce cooldown maybe on avengers shield then? 30 seconds and could be dispelled? Smh

Now, if only you have a brain, you would at least understand what we have tried to tell you in several posts. What you’re asking for doesn’t belong in classic wow and SOD, just accept it even though you don’t agree with it, but that’s the reality.

Ooooh please mom ! :face_holding_back_tears:

Paladins busted anyway