Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 21 February

We hope? Seriously?
Great QOL fix but come on, fix the damn tooltip too.

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Balanced tuning thanks

What about rogue tanks? They will continue to be overlooked if their AoE threat isn’t significantly boosted.
Ain’t nobody got time for single target tanks !


Im sorry but I dont see anything in this post about nerfing shadow priests?

what the f?


Oh my god. You buffed swipe. I think I might cry tears of joy.


Manaa enjoyers unite

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This looks like bare minimum changes to make the GROSSLY underperforming PvE classes be more viable - and nothing more.

As a feral main this is very disappointing, I am sorry.
Cat form needs AoE. How do you justify us being the only spec in the game with absolutely no AoE?
The Rip buff is fine, Ill take it - but you seriously need to buff Ferocious Bite. It is barely worth casting, even when 5/5 talented. Shred always does more dmg per energy, most of the time casting a mangle even at 5 CPs is similar damage AND u keep ur CPs AND it can be cheaper. BUFF Finishers BIG time, it needs to feel rewarding to cast 5 pt finishers.

Feral PVP is an abysmal experience. If you want ANY kind of survivability or an interrupt, you need to trade all your damage for it(eg. Wild Strikes+Savage Roar), AND EVEN THEN you also have it share CD with feral charge AND it only really works in bear form - not in cat.

All in all I just dont understand, you KNOW how to buff feral. Just look at TBC and WOTLK, you dont need to reinvent the wheel. Feral needs less mana cost on shapeshifts ASAP, energy needs to be preserved while shifting, you need to be able to use items in forms, and u need some form of CC/Selfhealing/dmg reduction, u need skull bash base line and u need a slow.
Just pick and choose anything in those categories from TBC/WOTLK literally. Please, do it. We are low single target dmg, have no aoe, bad in world farming and bad in any kind of PvP. Just. Add. Tbc. And. Wotlk. Feral. Abilities. Now. Thank you.

EDIT: I almost forgot - If you dont NERF shadow priests doing dots for 50-70% of a players health and mind blast+SWD for 60-100% of a players health, and dispersion being 2 min CD I will quit this game for good. I swear, there is NO WAY you dont nerf this broken garbage next week.


bs changes absolute garbage and if you dont do 10x the amount of damage control its SoM levels of drop off again in 4 weeks

I’m in shock with these changes. So all players are wrong thanking that sp and melee hunters feel like they are already lvl 50.

Ok fine.

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This is all good, but I hope you have some buffs incoming soon for 2h enh shaman, otherwise no one will use it at all and it will just be a gimmick, considering 2h enh shamans are behind dual wield already as it is in every area of the game.


Great change for Druids, the big thing that needs to change is the Bear swipe target cap, same with the target cap of shadow cleave from Warlock tanks.

Both spells even after the bear received a nice buff, need to be uncapped.
They aren’t even remotely ahead of the other tank’s aoe skills in damage or anything (both don’t even apply any effects or can actually be build around/runed properly) and there is absolutely 0 reason for them to be not uncapped.

If you want to make sure that DPS aren’t abusing them, well only the bear in this instance as you need the tank rune for warlock, tie the uncapped thing to one of their already mandatory tank runes so DPS aren’t exploiting it.

The difference in SoD to have uncapped vs ultra capped AoE as a tank with how much damage DPS are doing is insane with even trying to hold threat on non-small pulls, and even then are pretty bad (but no alternative available either lel).

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It was tested by someone and posted on twitter. It was adding 58% instead of 66%. So a whopping 22% increase. Overall the exchange is 67% damage nerf to SS along with it having an increased 30% (approx 45% in total) to crit for an 80% damage increase on an ability which has roughly a 15% crit chance that requires you to stand and hard cast in PVE or you lose significant amounts of DPS.

The feral changes are a joke probably won’t help your average druid tank run dungeons (why would they even need to at 40 anyway). Increased threat and cleave damage should have been in from get go.

It basically screams throw the dog a bone and he might be happy for a few days finding his new found love for losing aggro all over again to classes that do insane AOE damage.

gimicks, people will still rely on Lava burst rune and proccing mealstrom weapon to get instant casts since its damage is so much higher, that and they increased proc chance of it with windfury. People will still take double rockbiter though, because the flat damage is so much higher then windfury + the mana regen from sham rage is based on attk power, which agility doesnt give Enh shamans. So overall. yeah it just means 50% more damage on your offhand, which is about 30-50 damage at the highest end.

At least they looked at it. Wish they would play it and understand how its all based around Attk power and utility of mana regen.

Where’s the rogue shadowstep GCD fix ? And why the F can I shadowstep while rooted but I can’t shadowstep up a onto another platform it’s basically a warrior charge but no stun and it’s instant and you have to wait for GCD after, being trolled.

Shadow priests literally can dot everyone in a BG and wipe a full team.

Warriors are being trampled over in PvP poor things

Shamans basically one shot you with a single spell too

Hunters … I’m not going to bother

I think you’re easy solution of this ‘1 shottting’ is to increase everyone’s health by 30% but what you’re actually doing is making the priests/shamans ect more tanky and more to kill.

Gnomergan is super favoured to casters I understand this because of how BFD was but now the melee classes are doing the same DPS as we was in BFD but the casters are doing triple, with the exception of hunters which we all know are stupidly broken with the new rune.

I can see a lot of people quitting because I’m pretty sure they wanted to balance the game mode but they’re making a right mess of it

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Yes. They should make starsurge a guaranteed critical strike now, so that its not a matter of chance if we get the nature’s grace proc. The difference between a 1,5 sec cast and a 2 sec cast is pretty big in pvp. Even with the 80% increased dmg on starfire, it will still be a weak spell unless it crits, relative to the prep you have to do to get that damage modifier and cast time reduction… And with 15% crit chance, most casts will be non crits.

So ya. Make the announced changes. Add in that starsurge always crits. And reduce the cost of shapeshifting. Casting a rejuvenation and going back into form costs roughly 500 mana. That’s 1/6 of my total mana pool. Pop out of form and do a rejuvenation and a regrowth, and thats a third of my mana. That would probably be proportional to the incoming damage in regular classic, but in SoD its pretty underpowered relative to the mana cost.

Rolling with the punches for rogues shouldn’t it heal? I think it would not be a bad idea. And shadow cloak

So hunters will remain overpowered (Surv)

Priest will remain overpowered

Warriors will still be target dummys in PvP



We’re my Wings???

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Did you drink red bull ?

Lmao devs are clowns, cant make a better game than OG classic cause bad.

Everything they touch turns to crap.