Speak for yourself whiner. SoD is the best thing that has happened to wow since wotlk.
Hello guys,
Could you please adress some bugs for shamans ?
bug : Earth shield rune would be our only way to cast anything in pvp as eye of the storm never triggers. But this rune is bugged and still has a flat 100 healing since level 25. Every sham is complaining about it but you seem to ignore it. I wish you could even buff the pushback resistance from 30% to 50 or 70%. Indeed, its not possible to cast any lavaburst in pvp, or just against newvies
improvement : Lavaburst is really painful to use in pvp. 20m range because of flameshock, from 3.5s cast (because of flameshock) to 9s cast (because of pushback, if they dont cs ofc). An increased range of 6m for lavaburst (through the elemental talent) and increased range for flameshock through the rune power surge would be cool.
bug : the rune fire nova does consume elemental mastery, but doesnt trigger the critic… :x could you fix it please ?
bug : power surge doesnt provide the mana regeneration its supposed to give. It gives 1.5% every 5s instead of 15%.
improvement : lightning and chain lightning damage is so weak compared to lava burst… maybe we could transfer some of our lava burst damage to these iconic spells.
Other classes benefite from such new amazing runes, we did not get such a thing to my opinion. Im here to main shaman elemental, but for now only tank is really great.
Thanks devs for the work,
This is incorrect, if you check top logs in gnomeregan for enh shaman, every shaman is already using double WF + lava lash. Lava lash has been strong for quite some time, and Maelstrom procs are used for Chain lightning with DW. This will for certain make the usage of flametongue in OH the way to go. Overall these buffs will increase the DW dmg quite abit, and obviously some for 2h, but it will be even farther behind DW.
Also double rockbiter is whack in group play and just ends up getting aggro all the time. The threat is crazy.
Well, it is, always was. Unbreakable probably spent months farming those clips for his video. There’s a reason why dual wield was one of the first things Blizzard gave enhance to make it a viable dps spec.
No cuz it refers to the prevoius buff. The buff was supposed to be with additional 66% now this buff is TO 80%. Which still means SF is buffed with 80% increased dmg after SS.
Good for pve thou im not sure those additional 14 % would do anything to get us closet to top 5 and we are 8th atm. They need yo buff the damn sunfire dot.
Anyway we are not supossed to be top 3 we are hybrid, just the gap between top 3 and top 8 should not be like half the damage…
If something always has been one way, it should always stay the same, right? Of course not, you can change anything, otherwise we would be stuck in the stone age still.
They added the 2h rune this phase, which is undoubtedly stronger than the DW rune by several factors. The problem is that there is no compensation for lava lash, lava burst doesnt give enough, and the other problem is that you get vastly more maelstrom procs with DW.
And there is a “problem” with how the maelstrom weapon rune works. It is benefiting from a fast weapon, while Storm Strike and Lava Lash benefit from a slow weapon, and the rune is so powerful, that it would not surprise me if it would be better to gear for faster weapons now than slow weapons, it certainly feels that way while using fast / vs slow 2h weapons now for testing.
And windfury does not care about weapon speed, you get higher dmg procs with slower weapons but faster weapons generate more procs. In the end it is the same dmg increase over time no matter the weapon speed.
Guess my second alt will be shaman, finally some love to shamans man i like the idea of dual wield shamans.
Guess my second alt will be shaman, finally some love to shamans man i like the idea of dual wield shamans.
You wont be disappointed, shamans are in a fantastic spot overall and great fun.
yeah the idea of equiping two one handed maces or claws makes it even more fun in my eyes. I hope shamans actually equip those in sod.
yeah the idea of equiping two one handed maces or claws makes it even more fun in my eyes. I hope shamans actually equip those in sod.
They do, in fact the BiS weps from gnomeregan are two fist weapons.
Appreciate the dedication from the team, great work.
I´m not sure if buffs are whats needed in the current meta (enhancement makes sense), more so I think nerfs would be a bit higher prioritized - looking at the PvP damage and PvE from the raid.
The Dual-Wield Specialization rune now provides 50% bonus damage to your offhand weapon swings.
This wont replace the 10% hit i hope but added onto it? If so good change as the offhand does little damage, we finally get an increase like warriors and rogues have.
Oh look, now balance druids want a FREE guaranteed crit on a FREE instant spell.
Do you want some more training wheels added to your class there, buddy? Maybe autocast moonfire when you press spacebar? And mby remove its manacost while we’re at it?
Nice shaman buffs… but can we finally get some decent items or actually gain attack power from agility so the current hunter mail doesnt suck for us, thanks.
Oh look, now balance druids want a FREE guaranteed crit on a FREE instant spell.
Do you want some more training wheels added to your class there, buddy? Maybe autocast moonfire when you press spacebar? And mby remove its manacost while we’re at it?
If the viability of the mechanics relies on you getting critical strikes, then there should be a reliable way to get critical strikes. Also, making starsurge always crit, then adjust that damage to a sensible level would solve the problem of crying kids telling ridiculous lies like “I got hit with a 1800 starsurge crit”.
So, by your argument, firemage should get a guaranteed fireblast crit cuz hot streak and ignite exist. Ait sure
Ye, they should definitely get a way to activate their hot streak when they get the first crit. Its been like that for years in retail, and if we are getting retail skills in SoD they should not be half measures that don’t really work.
Its been like that in retail because of training wheel mechanics and how the class was gutted to be more accessible. Wotlk, cata, mop mages didnt need that, and didnt have it.
No, mage should not get a guaranteed crit in SoD
First, you already have 40% chance crit. Probability your get 2 crits in a row is very high.
Second, contrary to retail, pyros is a really big spell in classic. Its not part of the rotation at all. So getting an instant pyros should be hard to get, prob = 1.4 * 1.4, enough.
In retail, pyros sucks and hit like a firebal as it is part of the rotation.
Conclusion, mages shouldnt get guaranteed crit