Season of Discovery Developer Update - 17 May

This would be next thursday tbh


Blizzard | Im gonna say this once and YOU ARE GONNA LISENT RIGHT NOW.
Let us level till 59, from next reset. Please you can save alot of complaints, and alot of money on this.

Please. DO THIS NOW. Its only fair, and it will let us breathe and have more fun. PLEASE JUST DO IT dont even think, just do it.


aboslute scum. no blue post for ages then you post just to tell us you are still here. but no balances, not druid or shaman nerfs nothing… you are aggrand are scum. the definition of just picking up a pay check. if you cared you would do the right thing and come clean that you have no idea what your doing with such a little team


For them “the right time” is “content drought”, they will launch p4 1month and a half after cata (when ppl get bored), probably early to mid July, then 1 month and half later war within will drop in and they will be happy about their “righ time”

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Hyped! At least they were listening to the conplaints. Sad that they will extend p3 so long that they are even “warning” us about it and give us ST loot upgrades to keep us a bit interested in raidlogging.

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Cata killed WoW twice. Sad…


Whoever higher manager decided on the Cata and SOD launch dates needs his bonus taken and salary halved and use the money to hire 2 extra engineers to get actual work done.

Obviouly the classic devs are swamped with work and just have to ignore stuff in order to get cata out.


PLEASE open server transfers from PvP to PvE realms so we can at least play this prolonged SOD phase on a non-dead server realm.

Blizzard still refuses to invest on the Classic line of products. This is why they have small team to handle both SoD, Era and Cata atm. They do not want to realize that there is a slice of the customer pie that pays this sub for the Classic games and not the retail (which is fine btw but I prefer classic). And I can understand them. They invest making new expansions and still there a people that prefer the older versions. Imagine how bad this shows for the WoW team. But on the other hand they have the greatest cash cow evert created in any product :stuck_out_tongue:

And now they indeed have so many things on their plate and don’t have the time to do it. The problem is that this denial to invest makes players getting worse service. Anyway, I like SoD and won’t leave but there is a good chance i might take a break.

what about paladin nerf and priest? or did u just forget to write those down :slight_smile:

You obviously have major communication issue but I’m glad to read this.

However, note that you won’t have a forgiving player base anymore. I think I speak for a good deal of SoD players in saying that you’ve burned too many bridges to be allowed anymore jokers so make sure you get it right this time and COMMUNICATE MORE OFTEN.

Delaying P4 is a good move, given the catastrophic cataclysm pre-patch it is clear your team is being driven too hard to provide content on a time-line that is not relevant anymore. Do not make the mistake to rush an early P4 content or you will simply bury SoD.

PTR idea, also good. You know now that PvP balance is mandatory if you want SoD to maintain a healthy player base. You also realise that you don’t play your own game and are at a loss when it comes to class balancing. So get help from your players.

Reading between the lines I reckon as ret paladin I’ll have Exorcism baseline and that makes me happy enough to entertain the idea of coming back for P4.

Now I know you guys are doing your best, and Blizzard was stupid not to provide 2 teams for SoD and Cataclysm since any of those versions of WoW requires your full attention. Hopefully you’ll get a bonus at the end of year, you certainly deserve it.

So I guess P4 will come early july. The sad thing is that a chunk of players will be trying new games and risk not coming back to SoD once their time is invested elsewhere. I doubt you’ll get many new players at that time but who knows ?

Anyway, that message should have come at least 2 weeks prior but apart from that I’m happy with these decisions.

Looking at current behaviour of people playing wow its quite clear people will jump back to SoD the moment P4 comes back and the jump ship again when something else comes out.

They are clearly trying to get people to play all versions of wow and not just one and I would say its working.

More and more classic wow streamers are starting to spread out into other versions of wow sparking the intrest of their viewership to try things such as plunderstorm, remix and or cata and they have a huge influence over all of this.

Is that a bad thing? Maybe

I think its way more healthy for an MMO when people cantake a breather from constant farming etc and try out new stuff and being able to come back refreshed for new content which does lower the risk of burnout from content for players.

There is more than one MMO that died because it demanded players to come online every single day to not fall behind (archeage for example).

I personally liked finally trying stuff such as mythic+ dungeons for the first time with my friends that I met in SoD and we are also having a blast in Remix.

At the end of the day: they atleast promised in this bluepost that we may or may not get major class reworks which is kinda huge.

Yeah but I’m not sure everyone will jump back since some will remain on Cata while others might migrate to other games. And I doubt SoD will bring brand new players at that point so we might see the overall population dwindle even with P4 launch. Hopefully I’m wrong.


Of course not. We should not forget that there are not only tons of “tourists” playing but also people that play other versions of wow as their “main game” and only played SoD because they had nothing to do.

What ? what again ? wait what ? what are you talking about ? why should we care about “other editions” of the game ? I’ll give you a hint, just replay Blizzcon annoucements of SoD and Cata and see which one was being welcomed the most, it was SoD yeah, cata was more like “meh whatever, so tell us more about SoD”
Plus, this is SoD forums, for people who play SoD, why are thehy comming to tell us they are hard at work preparing Cata ? or enjoying Pandapokémon ? many people here are here only because of SoD, if SoD is neglected that much there is no point staying subscribed at all. very basic thing, I pay for what you advertised 6 months ago, if it’s not here why should I stay ?

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Same. I see many not coming back. Goodwill is a precious thing. The direction they took since p2 is wrong for many of us that like p1 direction. P3 went deeper in the wrong direction on top of absolute zero meaningful balance passes. I can’t expect anything good from this team.

For many (myself included) it will take a lot of work on p4 to get us back to SoD.
P4 will be stuck between Cata / TWW prepatch. So it will be short lived.

If p4 is more of annoying raid mechanics, no pvp CLASS balance, no solo end game content, no roll back on exploits, letting World of Warcraft logs and players ruining the game stay ranpant, no alt friendly catchup, etc. This will be a hard pass.


No worries, I’ve abandoned P3 for Pandaria, it’s full of players whilst P3 is like a ghost town now.

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I don’t even think Blizzard knows how this MMORPG functions at this level bracket at all, people are preparing for next raids now, getting recipes raising reputations, but here is the thing, since Blizzard won’t tell when P4 is coming or what it will come with and how, and as someone else said “cannibalizing its own games” guilds are dying faster that expected, because:

People don’t show anymore for many reasons, ST loot being bad, some go back to retail, pandapokémon or cata, and they don’t come back because hello Blizzard this is an MMORPG people stick to their characters for few months if they want to enjoy the game. they won’t jump back and forth for every phase or season between 3 or 4 versions of the game.
Guild leaders and officers don’t know what to do now, recruit ? wait ? start making rosters ? make plans ? they don’t know who will stay and who will leave. and I’m telling you this is very serious, plenty of guild are dying very fast.
SoD has brought many new players who never played the game, I have encountered many, they enjoyed the game, but now they don’t know what to do, most stick to one character and they enjoy it, but since guilds are crumbling they don’t know what to do now, and this is not 2006 where players could wait two months before a new phase drops.
This communications also telling players they are hard at work on Cata or enjoying Pandapokémon is adding more salt on the injury, like we are a side project, we pay the same subscription as retail or cata but we are not a priority.

this is a complete shi*show.


which will die even faster xD

Should have had a PTR for phase 2 and 3 and a lot of the problems we’ve dealt with and are still dealing with would never have been an issue. It’s better late than never I suppose but the game experience of phase 2 and 3 have been outright tainted for a lot of players because of your inability to recognize how problematic doing “surprise game design” was going to be, even after your playerbase repeatedly demanded for PTR’s to make sure the mistakes weren’t repeated.

As to the change in classes, doing a massive overhaul to them is just going to bring new problems. You, Blizz, though that a rune like Serpent Spread was good, so good that you despite constant criticism of it never updated it in a meaningful way. So let’s say that with the “massive overhaul” it gets altered and it is still weak and a dead weight rune, how long are we going to have to wait for it to be overhauled again? What if it gets overtuned and becomes THE new rune to use and another rune like Sniper Training becomes the new dead weight?

A massive overhaul at this point is needed but you fix one leak another one could pop up. We should never have had to wait until phase 4 for these issues to be dealt with in the first place.

Basically what I’m saying is this, Blizz, whatever you’ve changed it is probably not going to be enough and you are going to have to be way more hands on with altering runes based on feedback like you always should have been from the get go. Don’t think that “we got this all figured out” because you didn’t for phase 1 2 or 3 so why would you think that one massive overhaul will be enough?

And for the playerbase… Just temper your expectations, all right? They’re gonna screw something up, they always do. Don’t fool yourselves into thinking that somehow THIS time around they got it right.

I haven’t updated my thread in a while but I doubt much of my criticism has been addressed so it still stands: Hunters need entire Rune Rework, not just buffs

I wonder who will be given access to the PTR, those actually critical or the hypebeasts.


Why is this thread pinned on the US forums but not pinned in the EU forums? :thinking:


Wait, so are raids gonna be a mix of 20 and 40 man or is it only 20 man? Are there any 10 man?

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