according to aggrend it will be an open PTR
Then I guess I’ll have my work cut out for me!
Hehe, I was wondering how many wow players follow streamers and the “influence” they have over the herd.
I’m a weirdo and don’t watch any wow content at all so clueless to that side of things.
The only wow videos I have ever watched are a couple music videos
Here with out you - the undead love story music video - old classic
(Yes I’m that young)
Maybe - there’s a lot of goodies up for grabs if you put the time in, a few mounts I would like to have.
at minimum they could of allowed us to level up to 55 and allowed more content to be utilised.
I was hoping for a Scholomance raid or something like that, something new. Just like we had with BFD, Gnomeregan and ST.
Onyxia, Molten Core, BWL, Zul’Gurub… sad, sounds like it’s just normal Classic from here on with a few runes.
Guess my SoD run ends here. P1 and P2 have been lots of fun, really good job. P3 was absolutely bad and P4 sounds boring as well.
500 Mana 30 yd range
Channeled (10 sec cast)
Requires Druid
Requires level 62
Inflicts 760 to 840 Arcane damage to enemies in a selected area every 2 sec. for 10 sec.
To be fair they haven’t given us any info about what phase 4 contains yet. We don’t know whether or not there is a new raid. Even in the PTR we won’t actually have access to the “new content” (apart from new runes maybe) because they wanna keep a tight lid on it.
No worries, I’ve abandoned P3 for Pandaria, it’s full of players whilst P3 is like a ghost town now.
hook, line and sinker.
what a shame.
enjoy pandaland.
remember that boosts are 60% off this week.
800% value my guy!!!
get it before we sell out!..
they already said before there are gonna be new raids at lvl 60, mutliple times to be exact.
All we needed was classic 2019 with runes and maybe scale the bosses up a little, thats how simple it could have been, all these changes with the level caps and new gear on steroids created so much more work for yourselves, the game doesnt feel good with level cap phases, it doesnt work, should have added new stuff at lvl 60 and saved yourself money and time.
enjoy pandaland.
remember that boosts are 60% off this week.
Already enjoyed Pandaland, this will be a return trip with purpose.
As for boosts, I still have the three original free boosts that I have never felt any need to use.
100% this. Berny could not have said it better.
Oh, they did? That’s disappointing, hopefully they’ll update the existing ones with some cool new stuff and mechanics.
Already enjoyed Pandaland, this will be a return trip with purpose.
Which is?
classic 2019 with runes and maybe scale the bosses up a little
Agreed, this was my expectation and understanding.
Given the contrast between Era and P1 combat I feel like SoD is pretty much a MoPR prototype. Class fixes and lowering mana tension was welcome on my end.
I personally agree with the phases simply because original Classic is brutal long, and offering it as a single chunk would limit its target audience massively. 120 hours at 2 hours a day means 2 months minimum to level 1-60. (120 is Joana benchmark, some are faster, most slower, but there is also rested)
God, so many whiners. stop crying. let me finish leveling in peace. and prepare for raids. Yes, you yourself prepare and stock up on flasks. “I don’t like it. It’s easy.” Understand that we are generally outsiders. The times of the Classics have already passed twice. If you want an original experience, play on old Vanila servers. if it’s easy for you. play hardcore. It’s a miracle that after AB was sold to Microsoft, it still turns out that there’s something new about the Classics.
how much more time do you need bro? its been 2 months man, if you aren’t ready to raid by now you never will be.
“slow phase” really? go outside for a walk. summer has come. relax. Just because you can nerd out every day doesn’t mean all WoW fans have to be the same. You can wait 2 months. I wanted to know why you are so selective in your childhood? putting together a raid of 20 or even more so 40 people is hard for you, but you ask for a new phase as soon as possible.
Vanilla reboot already took place 5 years ago. What are you trying to prove by rushing? and in general there is Hardcore. All raids there are already open. there is no need to change anything. Have you thought that a lot of work remains to be done to optimize raids for the new gameplay? change items, add new ones?
Phases length shouldn’t be dictated by speedrunners nor should it be dictated by people who play 30 minutes on weekends.